
  • 泰山木という植物
    a plant called bull day - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 動かざること泰山の如し
    He is firm as a rock.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 国家を泰山の安きに置く
    to secure lasting peace for the country  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 動かざること泰山の如し
    He is as firm as a rock.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 泰山という山と北斗星
    Mt. Taishan and the Great Dipper  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 号は初め「泰山」、後に「霞堂」。
    His go title was initially 'Taizan' and later changed to 'Kado.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 泰山府君」は「閻魔王」と「泰山王」とが混同による信仰を得たものである。
    Taizanfukun' is thought to have been created by mixing 'Enma-o' and 'Taizan-o' (the seventh judge of Juo).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それによれば天子が泰山を祭るとき、諸侯もみな泰山の下に従う。
    According to the article, when the Emperor enshrined Mt.Tai, all lords went there and joined the ceremony.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義は泰山よりも重く命は鴻毛よりも軽し
    I hold my life at nothing as compared with my cause.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 義は泰山よりも重く身は鴻毛よりも軽し
    I hold my life but light, as compared with my cause.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • (義は泰山の重きに置き)身は鴻毛の軽きに置く
    I hold my life at nothing as compared with my cause.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 義は泰山よりも重く身は羽毛よりも軽し
    I hold my life at nothing as compared with my cause.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • (義は泰山よりも重く)身は鴻毛よりも軽し
    I hold my life at nothing as compared with my cause.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 泰山王(たいざんおう)→薬師如来
    Taizan-o: Yakushi Nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru, the Buddha of healing and medicine in Mahayana Buddhism)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 七七日(四十九日目) 薬師如来(泰山王)
    A memorial service on the Forty-Ninth Day Yakushi Nyorai (Taizan-o (the seventh judge of Ju-o))  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 本尊は泰山府君(赤山大明神)。
    Its honzon (principal image of Buddha) is Taizan Fukun (Sekizan Daimyojin, one of the Japanese gods).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 九夏、一声、泰山、花上宴、十方
    Kyuka (The Hot Summer), Issei (The Beautiful Sound), Taizan (the name of a big mountain in China), Hanajoen (The Garden of Flowers in Full Bloom), and Jippo (All Directions)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 篆書体…始皇七刻石泰山刻石、石鼓文など
    Tensho-tai (seal-engraving style writing): Taizankokuseki of Shiko shichikokuseki (seven inscriptions made by Shiko Emperor), Sekkobun (stone-drum Inscriptions), and others  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 墓所:京都府京丹後市峰山町吉原の安泰山常立寺。
    His graveyard: in Joryu-ji Temple on Mt. Antai in Yoshiwara, Mineyama-cho, Tango City, Kyoto Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 墓所:京都府京丹後市吉原の安泰山常立寺。
    His tomb is in Jyoryu-ji Temple on Mt. Antai located in Yoshiwara, Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 墓所:京都府京丹後市峰山町吉原の安泰山常立寺。
    Gravesite: Antaizan Joryu-ji Temple in Yoshiwara, Mineyama-cho, Tango City, Kyoto Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 中国に伝わると、道教の冥界思想と関連付けられていた泰山府君と習合した。
    After he was introduced in China, he became amalgamated with Taizanfukun (Taishanfuzhun), who were associated with the Taoist philosophy of a permanent dreamland.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、土御門神道の祭神は現在泰山府君、鎮宅霊符神、安倍晴明が主神である。
    In addition, Tsuchimikado Shinto's currently enshrined gods (saijin) include Taizanfukun, Chintakureifujin and ABE no Seimei with Seimei being the principal god.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後に京都府京丹後市峰山町吉原の安泰山常立寺に改葬。
    He was subsequently reburied at Antaizan Joryu-ji Temple in Yoshiwara, Mineyama-cho, Tango City, Kyoto Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その遺言により安慧が、赤山大明神(泰山府君)を勧請して建立したのが、赤山禅院である。
    The temple Anne made a kanjo (ceremonial transfer of a divided tutelary deity to a new location) on Sekizan Daimyojin (Taizan Fukun) based on the will of Ennin, and built the Sekizanzenin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 輔道は下向先で病気で死亡してしまったため、有国は父親のために泰山府君祭を行った所、輔道は生き返った。
    On reaching their destination, Sukemichi fell ill and died, but was resurrected when Arikuni performed Taizanfukunsai (Spirit Exchange Ritual).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 復曲や稀曲にも取り組み、『藍染川』『羅生門』『谷行』『松山鏡』『壇風』『泰山木』を行う。
    He performed revived and rare pieces of Noh plays such as "Aizome Gawa" (The Resurrection of a Woman at Aizome-gawa River), "Rashomon," (The Rashomon Gate), "Taniko" (The Valley Rite), "Matsuyama Kagami" (The Mirror of Pine Forest), "Danpu," and "Taizanboku" (The Magnolia).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 麟徳2年(665年)高宗(唐)が泰山で封禅を行った際には、新羅・百済・耽羅・倭4国の首領を率いて参加した。
    When Gao Zong (Tang) had Hozen (festival of heaven and earth) at Taizan in 665, he participated in it with the chieftains of four countries; Silla (Kingdom), Kudara (Paekche), Tanra, and Wa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その大使らは、唐の高宗の泰山封禅儀式の際に唐に対しての臣従を誓ったとされる。
    It is said that the team of envoy made a pledge to become vassals of the Tang Dynasty in Gao Zong (Tang territory) during the Taizan Hozen ceremony (a ceremony thanking for the peace and harmony to the heavens by the king).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同シリーズは加藤泰、山下耕作、小沢茂弘らの監督作品としても著名だが、お龍のキャラクターを確立させたのは鈴木で、シリーズのほとんどの脚本を手掛けた(合作含む)。
    The same series was well known also as a work directed by Tai KATO, Kosaku YAMASHITA, and Shigehiro OZAWA, but the one that created the character, Otatsu, was Suzuki and wrote most of the scripts of the series (including the co-written works).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 輔道が言うところによると、現世の罪を裁く閻魔大王から、(泰山府君祭による)すばらしいお供え物があったことから、現世に返してやるべきとの評定があった。
    According to Sukemichi, Enma Daio (the King of Hell), who passed judgment on worldly crimes, decided to return Sukemichi to his life on the earth because of the splendid offerings made for the Taizanfukunsai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、評定の際に陰陽道の専門家でもない者(有国)が泰山府君祭を行うことは大罪であるため、輔道の代わりに有国をあの世に呼び寄せるべきとの意見があった。
    However, during the consultation, there was an opinion that, because it was a serious offense for a person who was not an expert in Onmyodo (an occult divination system based on Yin and Yang) to perform Taizanfukunsai, Arikuni should be brought to the other world in Sukemichi's place.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「峰山郷土史」(上)には先述の年月日に没し、墓所は峰山町吉原の安泰山常立寺とあって、「三百藩藩主人名辞典」3もこの記述を引用している。
    The first volume of "Mineyama kyodoshi" (Mineyama local history) recorded the previous date of death and Antaizan Joryu-ji Temple in Yoshiwara, Mineyama-cho as the Gravesite, and the third volume of 'Sanbyakuhan hanshu jinmei jiten' (biographical dictionary of lords of three hundred domains) also recorded the same information.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 八幡高砂(能)養老老松塩釜蟻通箱崎鵜の羽盲打松風(能)百万檜垣の女薩摩の守実盛頼政清経(能)敦盛(能)高野逢坂恋の重荷佐野の船橋泰山府君是、以上、世阿弥作。
    Hachiman, Takasago, Yoro, Oimatsu, Shiogama, Aridoshi, Hakozaki, Unoha, Mekurauchi, Matsukaze, Hyakuman, Higaki no Onna, Satsuma no Kami, Sanemori, Yorimasa, Kiyotsune, Atsumori, Takano, Osaka, Koi no Omoni, Sano no Funabashi and Taizanfukun by Zeami.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 陰陽道の代表的な祭儀といえば、人の寿命を司る泰山府君を祭る泰山府君祭や天皇の即位毎に行われた天曹地府祭などを挙げる事ができるが、『文肝抄』にはこの他五帝四海神祭や北極玄宮祭、三万六千神祭、七十二星鎮祭、西嶽真人祭、大将軍祭、河臨祭、霊気道断祭、招魂祭等種々の陰陽道祭があったことが記され、幾つかは祭文が伝存している。
    With respect to the representative ceremonies of Onmyodo, one could mention Taizanfukun-sai to celebrate Taizanfukun who controls people's longevity or Tensochifusai that was performed every time a new emperor ascended to the throne, but it is recorded in Bunkansho that the other various Onmyodo ceremonies such as 五帝四海神祭, Hokkyogengusai, 三万六千神祭,七十二星鎮祭,西嶽真人祭,Taishogunsai, 河臨祭,霊気道断祭,and Shokonsai were also performed, and some saibun still remain in existence today.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 没して後、七日ごとにそれぞれ秦広王(初七日)・初江王(十四日)・宋帝王(二十一日)・五官王(二十八日)・閻魔王(三十五日)・変成王(四十二日)・泰山王(四十九日)の順番で一回ずつ審理を担当する。
    After the death, trials are held every seven days under the charge of seven individual judges; Shinko-o (first judge for trial held on the 7th day after the death), Shoko-o (second judge for trial on the 14th day), Sotei-o (third judge for trial on the 21st day), Gokan-o (fourth judge for trial on the 28th day), Enma-o (fifth judge for trial on the 35th day), Henjo-o (sixth judge for trial on the 42nd day), Taizan-o (seventh judge for trial on the 49th day).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 没して後、七日ごとにそれぞれ秦広王(初七日)・初江王(十四日)・宋帝王(二十一日)・五官王(二十八日)・閻魔王(三十五日)・変成王(四十二日)・泰山王(四十九日)の順番で一回ずつ審理を担当する。
    After his or her death, a dead person has a trial every seven days: The first is done by Shinko-o (on Shonanoka, a memorial service on the sixth day after his or her death), the second by Shoko-o (on the 13th day), the third by Sotei-o (on the 20th day), the fourth by Gokan-o (on the 27th day), the fifth by Enma-o (on the 34th day), the sixth by Henjo-o (on the 41st day) and the seventh by Taizan-o (on Shijukunichi, the 48th day after the date of his or her death).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 例えば、9世紀後半以降に陰陽道の施術において多く見られるようになった方違え・物忌などの呪術や泰山府君祭などの祭祀は道教に由来するものであり、散米・祝詞・禹歩などは古神道に由来するものである。
    For example, magic such as katatagae (fortune telling based upon directions) and monoimi (abstaining from contact with the unpure) that became common in the Onmyodo practice in the latter half of the 9th century and ceremonies such as Taizanfukun-sai originating from Taoism, whereas, sanmai (throwing rice), norito (shinto prayer) and uho (a method of incantation) derived from Koshindo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 若狭にとどまって泰山府祭などの諸祭祀を行ったため、困惑した朝廷はやむなく賀茂氏傍流の勘解由小路在富を召しだして諸々の勘申を行わせるなど、陰陽寮の運用は極めて不自然なものとなっていった。
    While staying in Wakasa, ABE no Arinobu performed various religious services such as Taizan fukunsai (a religious service to pray for a long life) which forced the perplexed Imperial Court to summon Aritomi KADENOKOJI who was a member of a branch family of the Kamo clan, to have him perform various kanjin (勘申) and the performance of Onmyoryo started to become extremely artificial.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 日本の陰陽道は、陰陽道と同時に伝わってきた道教の方術に由来する方違え、物忌、反閇などの呪術や、泰山府君祭などの道教的な神に対する祭礼、さらに土地の吉凶に関する風水説や、医術の一種であった呪禁道なども取り入れ、日本の神道と相互に影響を受けあいながら独自の発展を遂げた。
    Japanese Ommyodo developed in a unique way under the reciprocal influence of Shinto while adopting the various arts and skills from Taoism, introduced into Japan together with Ommyodo; they include Katatagae (practice of reaching a destination taking a different direction than going directly from one's house by putting up somewhere the night before), Monoimi (fasting, abstinence, and confinement to one's house on an unlucky day), Henbai (special footsteps in the art of Japanese public entertainment, believed to have magical powers), Taizanfukunnsai (a spirit exchange ritual), Fusuisetu, and Jukondo (an art of medicine).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 戦いに於いては「義は山嶽より重く死は鴻毛より軽しと心得よ」と、「死は或いは泰山より重く或いは鴻毛より輕し」という古諺を言換え、「普段は命を無駄にせず、けれども時には義のため、喩えば天皇のため国のために、命を捨てよ」と命じた物とされる(戦陣訓『生きて虜囚の辱を受けず』、戦陣訓降伏・投降の否定の思想を参照)が、換言の意図は不明である。
    In terms of the war, an old saying 'Life is heavier than Mount Taishan in a sense, and lighter than a feather of a stork in another sense' was put in a phrase 'Keep it in mind that justice is heavier than a mountain and life is lighter than a feather of a stork,' that was an order meaning 'Do not waste life usually, but sometimes die for justice, for example for Emperor and the state' (cf. Senjinkun military code says, "Do not live as a captive to be subjected to humiliating treatment", and the Senjinkun idea of denying surrender), though why it was rephrased is unclear.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (奈良国立博物館寄託)木造釈迦如来坐像(旧所在指図堂)木造弥勒仏坐像(旧所在法華堂)木造阿弥陀如来坐像(旧所在勧進所)木造十二神将立像(旧所在天皇殿)木造地蔵菩薩立像・快慶作(旧所在公慶堂)銅造舟形光背(二月堂本尊光背)銅造如意輪観音半跏像(菩薩半跏像)木造持国天立像木造多聞天立像木造伎楽面29面・乾漆伎楽面1面木造舞楽面9面木造獅子頭木造閻魔王坐像・木造泰山府君坐像
    (Deposited at the Nara National Museum) Wooden sitting statue of Shaka Nyorai (previously from Sashizu-do Hall), wooden sitting statue of Miroku Butsu (previously from Hokke-do Hall), wooden sitting statue of Amida Nyorai (previously from Kanjinsho Office), wooden standing statue of Jini Shinsho (previously from Tennoden [The Guatdian Kings Hall]), wooden standing statue of Jizo Bosatsu by Kaikei (previously from Kokei-do Hall), bronze boat-shaped halo (from the back of the principal image in Nigatsu-do Hall), bronze statue of Cintamari-cakra (manifestation of Avalokitesvara) in semi-lotus position (Bosatsu in semi-lotus position), wooden standing statue of Jikokuten (Dhrtarāstra), wooden standing statue of Tamonten (Deity who hears much), 29 wooden Gigaku-men masks, 1 dry-lacquer Gigaku-men mask, 9 wooden Bugaku-men masks, wooden lion head, wooden sitting statue of Enmao (the lord of death) and wooden sitting statue of Taizanfukun (Chinese deity of Mt. Taizan)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
