
  • 流言を放つ
    to set rumours afloat―circulate canards  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 根も葉もない流言.
    a rumor without foundation  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • それについて種々の流言が流れていた.
    All sorts of rumors were abroad [in the air] about it.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 上海ではさまざまな流言が行われている
    Various rumours are current―rumours are rife―in Shanghai.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 上海では種々な流言が行われている
    Various rumours are current―Various rumours are rife―in Shanghai.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 鎌倉では流言飛語が飛び、騒然とした。
    Some baseless, irresponsible rumors were flying around and this brought chaos to Kamakura.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • アフリカ系アメリカ人は怠け者だという昔ながらの人種差別的流言を繰り返す人々もいる。
    Some people repeat the old racist canard that African Americans are lazy.  - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • 流言飛語に惑わされるべからず、とはいうものの、言うは易く行うは難し、と思わない?
    They say you shouldn't take rumors seriously, but that's easier said than done. - Tatoeba例文
  • 流言飛語に惑わされるべからず、とはいうものの、言うは易く行うは難し、と思わない?
    They say you shouldn't take rumors seriously but that's easier said than done.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 秀吉の員昌に翻意ありという流言を信じ切ってしまった浅井氏側が湖を通した形でも佐和山城への兵糧や兵士の輸送を取りやめた。
    Believing Hideyoshi's allegation about Kazumasa's side switching, the Azai side stopped supplying army provisions and soldiers to Sawayama-jo Castle by lake.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 閏4月18日深夜より3夜連続して、鎌倉市中に甲冑をつけた武士が群集し、流言が乱れ飛ぶ事件が起きる。
    An incident occurred in which for three nights in a row from the midnight of June 10, armored samurai assembled in groups in the city of Kamakura, and rumors were circulated.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鎌倉では頼朝が殺されたとの流言があり、政子は大層心配したが鎌倉に残っていた範頼が「源氏にはわたしがおりますから御安心ください」と政子を慰めた。
    In Kamakura, rumor spread that Yoritomo had been killed, which worried Masako; and Noriyori, who was at Kamakura at the time, consoled Masako by telling her, 'Please be calm in the knowledge that I will be here to protect the Minamoto family.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同戦いにて、織田から今川に転じた山口教継、戸部新左衛門の名を語らい、両名が織田に内通していると流言飛語の策を弄し、両名が今川義元の手討ちとなり、敵方切り崩しに成功。
    During the battle, he spread a false rumor that named Noritsugu YAMAGUCHI and Shizaemon TOBE, who had switched their allegiance from the Oda to the Imagawa clan, as double agents still secretly communicating with the Oda forces; Yoshimoto IMAGAWA executed them, bringing success to Yoshinari's strategy of driving a wedge of distrust through the enemy forces.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 秀吉の流言は元々磯野氏自体が浅井氏に屈服する形で仕えるようになったことや、員昌自身が独立心の強い性格であったという背景からすると非常に巧みなものであったと言えるだろう。
    It can be said that Hideyoshi's tactic was very skillful considering that the Isono clan served under the Azai clan involuntarily and that Kazumasa himself was independent-minded.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 綱勝急死は義央による毒殺説が存在するが、これは上杉家江戸家老千坂兵部らと対立して失脚した米沢藩士福王子八弥の流言飛語で、信憑性は乏しいとされている。
    There is a view that Tsunakatsu died suddenly because Yoshihisa poisoned him, but this is considered a groundless rumor spread by Hachiya FUKUOJI, a feudal retainer of the Yonezawa domain, who lost his position in conflict with Hyobu CHISAKA, Edo-garo (one of the highest-ranking vassals of a daimyo during the Edo period) of the Uesugi family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、「刀があるとGHQが金属探知機で探しに来る」との流言も飛び交い、土中に隠匿して、その結果刀を朽ちさせ駄目にしたり、回収基準の長さ以下になるように折って小刀としたり、自主的に廃棄するなどした例は枚挙に遑がない。
    There was also a rumor that 'if you have a sword, the GHQ will come to search with a metal detector,' so some swords were hidden in the ground, which caused them to corrode and they were ruined, some were broken to make a short one which is shorter than the length of the those that were prized by collectors, and some people discarded swords on their own, and so on and so forth.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、維盛が入水したというのは頼朝の残党狩りから逃れる為の流言で、実は生き延びて各地を転々とし、最終的には紀伊国色川郷に落ち着き盛広・盛安の男子をもうけ、盛広は清水を名乗り、盛安は水口を名乗って戦国時代_(日本)の色川氏の祖となったと言うが、真実かどうかは不詳である。
    Some scholars say that rumors of Koremori's suicide were deliberately circulated to prevent a search for Taira soldiers by Yoritomo, and that Koremori, who was actually alive, traveled across the country, settled in Irokawa-go in Kii Province, and had two sons: Morihiro, who later named himself Shimizu, and Moriyiasu, who later named himself Mizuguchi, the ancestor of the Irokawa clan in the Sengoku period (Period of Warring States), although this story remains unproven.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
