温帯区という,熱帯と極圏の間の地域 the area between Tropics and the polar circles, called the Temperate Zone
- EDR日英対訳辞書
前述のように当研究林が日本海側気候と太平洋岸気候の移行帯に位置していることから、植生区分の上でも暖温帯林と冷温帯林の移行帯に属し、植物の種類が多い。 Since, as described above, this research forest belongs to the transitional area between the climate on the Japan Sea side and that of the Pacific coast side, the flora there also belongs to the transitional area between the warm-temperate forest and the cool-temperate forest, which houses various species of plants.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス