
  • 百川湊合して大海と成る
    Hundreds of rivers flow together to form the sea.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 幕府の討伐軍に包囲されつつあった天狗党は、頼徳勢と流すべく那珂へ向った。
    Tenguto, which was getting surrounded by the punitive force of the bakufu, went to Nakaminato to join Yorinori and others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 安東氏は愛季の晩年に秋田氏と改姓し、秋田実季の代には湊合戦を鎮圧。
    The Ando clan changed its surname to the Akita clan when Chikasue was in his late life, and in the generation of Sanesue AKITA, the clan suppressed the battle in Minato.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 戦国時代(日本)後期に入ると上国家安東氏に後嗣がなく断絶の危機を迎えたため、詳細は不明であるが檜山下国家の安東愛季が家をも継承して安東家を統した。
    In the latter Sengoku Period (Japan), as the existence of the Minato Ando clan of Kaminokuni family was threatened by the lack of the heir, Chikasue ANDO of the Hiyama Shimonokuni family succeeded to the reign of the Minato family also, and integrated the two Ando families, although the detail is unkown.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義光は足利軍の将として川の戦いに参戦、比叡山坂本の戦において討ち死にした。
    Yoshimitsu participated in the Battle of Minatogawa as a leader of the Ashikaga army and was killled in the Battle of Hieizan Sakamoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ひたちなか市は勝田市と那珂市の併に際して重複回避に準じた命名法則を取っているが、那珂漁港と区別するため旧国名を冠した常陸那珂港(旧勝田市に所在)が名称の由来となっている。
    The naming of Hitachinaka City comes from Hitachinaka Port (located in the old Katsuta City) and the name of this port has the old provincial name Hitachi in front of Naka Port to distinguish from Nakaminato Fishing Port; in this way Hitachinaka City followed the naming method of avoiding the duplication of city name when the new city name was needed to be created at the time Katsuta City and Nakaminato City merged.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 川の戦い(みなとがわのたたかい)は、南北朝時代(日本)の1336年7月4日((建武(日本)3年)5月25日(旧暦))に、摂津国川(現・兵庫県神戸市中央区_(神戸市)・兵庫区)で、九州から東上して来た足利尊氏・足利直義兄弟らの軍と、これを迎え撃った後醍醐天皇方の新田義貞・楠木正成の軍との間で行われた戦である。
    The Battle of Minatogawa was fought on July 12, 1336 during the period of Northern and Southern Courts (Japan) in Minatogawa, Settsu Province (modern day Chuo Ward/Hyogo Ward, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture) between the forces of the brothers Takauji and Tadayoshi ASHIKAGA who had traveled east from Kyushu and Yoshisada NITTA and Masashige KUSUNOKI who were loyal to Emperor Godaigo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 国学者で第一高等学校(旧制)教授だった落は、学校生徒行軍歌「川」の第一篇に「桜井決別」として発表した。
    OCHIAI, a scholar of Japanese classical literature and a professor of Daiichi High School (the first old-education-system high school), published the lyrics with a title of 'Sakurai Ketsubetsu' (parting at Sakurai) for the first chapter of the marching song for students with a title of 'Minatogawa.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、敷地の拡張が困難なため網島駅(廃止)に起点を移設、さらにJR難波駅から奈良に路線網を持つ大阪鉄道(初代)を併し現在の関西本線を全通、町にターミナルを再度移転させた。
    Because it was hard to expand off the site, the origination was moved to Amijima Station (currently closed); Osaka Railway, which had railroad between JR Nanba Station and Nara, was merged and the current Kansai Main Line was opened, re-establishing a terminal at Minatomachi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 斜位及び輻を測定する測定装置は、瞳孔距離にせた一対の覗き穴20を備えた検査器具10と、検査器具の前方に配置される測定板60、70とから構成される。
    The measuring instrument for measuring the heterophoria and convergence consists of an examination tool 10 provided with a pair of peepholes 20 corresponding to a interpupillary distance and measurement plates 60 and 70 arranged in front of the examination tool. - 特許庁
  • 同じころ、伊勢の山田には年寄による自治制度(山田三方)があったほか、伊勢の大にも会衆による自治組織が、また博多は12人の年行司が町を治め、庄内酒田には町政を取り仕切った三十六人衆がいるなど、それぞれの都市に応じた制度で自治が行われた
    In the same period, the elders of Yamada in Ise, headed a self-government system called "Yamadasanpo," a form of self-government was also found in Egoshu in Ominato, Ise, while in Hakata, twelve Nengyoji (town officials) were administering the city, and in Shonai Sakata the Sanju-roku-nin shu with thirty-six members were in control of town administration; all these are examples of self-government that was suited to their respective cities.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これら方法論、およびこれらの本質的な機能は、以下を特徴とする: 混型パワー制御(Mixed Power Control )法−−従来のパワー制御法と関連する干渉問題を克服することを目的とする; 有向割当て(Directed Assignment )法−−無輻状態において隣接セル間の隣接チャネル衝突を低減することを目的とする;および 混型パワー制御と有向チャネル割当ての併用(Mixed Power Control with Directed Assignment)法−−隣接セル間の隣接チャネル干渉を低減することを目的とする。
    Those methodologies and the essential functions include: Mixed Power Control for overcoming interference problems associated with conventional power control methods; Directed Assignment for reducing neighbor-channel conflicts between neighboring cells in non-congestion conditions; and Mixed Power Control with Directed Assignment for reducing adjacent-channel interference between neighboring cells. - 特許庁
