
  • 的と滑稽の両側面を明らかにするさま
    manifesting both tragic and comic aspects  - 日本語WordNet
  • 猿楽の滑稽味を洗練させた笑
    Kyogen, with more sophisticated comical element than Sarugaku, is classified into theatrical farce.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 行道という一種のパレードと、滑稽味をおびた無言で構成される。
    It is composed of gyodo (moving pageant in which the participants wore masks covering their heads and led by a figure called Chido who cleans the road) and a series of comical pantomime performances.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • やがて民衆の間に広まり、それまでにあった古来の芸能と結びつき、物まねなどを中心とした滑稽な笑いの芸・寸に発展していった。
    However, they soon spread among the people, merging with the old public entertainment existing at that time, and developed into comic dramas or short plays that centered on mimicry etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸和事の二枚目や、上方和事のつっころばし以外の二枚目との決定的な違いは、まさしくこの滑稽味、喜味の有無にあり、さらにいえばその原因となる性格造形の違いにあるといえるだろう。
    The crucial difference between this role of Tsukkorobashi in wagoto style acting of Kamigata Kabuki and other Nimaime (the roles of a lover) including the one in wagoto style acting of Edo Kabuki, lies in this funny and comical aspect of the character, or even, in the different traditions of molding characters that produce such difference.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • やがて民衆の間に広まり、それまでにあった古来の芸能と結びつき、物まねなどを中心とした滑稽な笑いの芸・寸に発展していった。
    Later, it became popular among ordinary people and developed into a comical performance/short play centered on mimics after it combined with a previously-existing ancient art.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
