
  • 『商店經三十年』-新宿への百貨店進出に対する策をまとめた本
    "30 years of store management" – A book organizing the countermeasures against the advance of department stores in Shinjuku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『十三夜』-霜滿軍秋氣淸 数行過雁月三更 越山併得能州景 遮莫家郷憶遠征
    "The Thirteenth Night" - The military camp is covered with frost on clear fall days; Geese are flying in rows in the evening; Now we've brought the mountains in Echigo and Ecchu together with Noto, and the view is wonderful; However, people in our hometown must be worrying about this expedition now.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これに対して黒岩重吾は『日本書紀』継体天皇廿五年での『百済本記』引用「百濟本記爲文其文云大歳辛亥三月軍進至于安羅乞乇城是月高麗弑其王安又聞日本天皇及太子皇子倶崩薨由此而言辛亥之歳當廿五年矣」天皇および太子、皇子が同時に死んだという記述等を根拠にそれぞれ実際には即位していない安閑・宣化は暗殺・軟禁されたとした。
    Based on the statement in "Original records of Paekche" in section of "25 years of Emperor Keitai" in "Chronicles of Japan", saying "百濟本記爲文 其文云 大歳辛亥三月 軍進至于安羅 營乞?城 是月 高麗弑其王安 又聞 日本天皇及太子皇子 倶崩薨 由此而言 辛亥之歳 當廿五年矣"(Emperor in Japan and the prince passed away at the same time), Jugo KUROIWA believed that Ankan and Senka did not succeed to the throne and they were actually assassinated or under custody.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また『日本書紀』では、『百済本記』(「百濟本記爲文其文云大歳辛亥三月軍進至于安羅乞乇城是月高麗弑其王安又聞日本天皇及太子皇子倶崩薨由此而言辛亥之歳當廿五年矣」)を引用して、天皇及び太子、皇子が同時に死んだとの説を紹介しており、何らかの政変によって継体自身が殺害された可能性もある(「辛亥の変」説)。
    "Nihonshoki" quotes the lines from "Original records of Paekche" ('the article in the Original records of Paekche says that King Anjang of Goguryeo encountered rebellion from his subjects and was murdered in 531. Around the same time, Japanese Emperor, Crown Prince and Prince were killed altogether by their subjects.') to introduce a theory that the Emperor, Crown Prince and Prince died at the same time, which hints the possibility that Keitai was actually killed in a political turmoil ('Xinhai Incident' theory).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、『日本書紀』に引く「百済本記」(「百濟本記爲文其文云大歳辛亥三月軍進至于安羅乞乇城是月高麗弑其王安又聞日本天皇及太子皇子倶崩薨由此而言辛亥之歳當廿五年矣」)によれば、531年頃に天皇と太子・皇子が共に薨去したという所伝があるといい、継体天皇の死後、安閑天皇・宣化天皇の朝廷と欽明天皇の朝廷が並立していたとか、2朝間に内乱があったと見る説もある(「辛亥の変」説)。
    According to the 'Kudarahonki' (Original records of Paekche) quoted by "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), a legend has it that Emperor Keitai and Prince died together around 531, and another theory has it that after the death of Emperor Keitai, two Imperial Courts existed at the same time, one was reigned by Emperor Ankan and Emperor Senka, the other was reigned by Emperor Kinmei, and they had a domestic conflict ('Shingai Coup' theory).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
