
  • かなりの恐妻家で女性問題で嫉妬にった夫人に長刀で斬りつけられて逃げ出したこともあると言う話も残っている。
    He was known to be a henpecked husband, and there is an anecdote that he escaped from his wife who was threatening him with a long sword out of jealousy for his affairs with other women.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1994年、従弟の茂山茂、弟の茂山平とともに「花形言少年隊」を結成し、若い世代向けに活動する。
    In 1994, he formed 'hanagata kyogen shonen tai' (the Young Star Kyogen Performers Boys Team) along with his cousin Shigeru SHIGEYAMA and his younger brother Ippei SHIGEYAMA, and they do activities toward young people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 2000年からは、「心・技・体、教育的古典言推進準備研修練磨の会(TOPPA!)」を茂山千三郎、茂山正邦、平、茂、茂山童司と共に主催。
    Since 2000, he has been co-hosting 'Kyogen for physical, mental and technical training (TOPPA!)' (kyogen study group formed by six young members of the Shigeyama acting family) along with Senzaburo SHIGEYAMA, Masakuni SHIGEYAMA, Ippei, Shigeru and Doji SHIGEYAMA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼らの子、孫の世代も活躍しており、七五三の子の正義(13世千五郎)・眞吾(2世七五三)・千三郎や千之丞の子のあきら、正義の子の正邦・茂、眞吾の子の宗彦(もとひこ)・平、あきらの子の童司がそれぞれ言師となって千五郎家を支えている。
    Their children and grandchildren are also very active and Masayoshi (the 13th Sengoro), Shingo (the 2nd Shime), and Senzaburo, sons of Shime, Akira, son of Sennojo, Masakuni and Shigeru, sons of Masayoshi, Motohiko and Ippei, sons of Shingo, and Doji, son of Akira are all supporting the Sengoro family as Kyogen performers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
