
  • 義実は定包の妻玉梓の助命を一度は考えるが、金碗八郎に諌められてその言葉を翻し、玉梓は呪詛の言葉を残して斬首された。
    Yoshizane considered sparing Tamazusa, Sadakane's wife, but went back on his word after being reproached by Hachiro KANAMARI, and so Tamazusa was decapitated with curses.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 八房に取り憑いた玉梓の浄霊とともに文字は元に戻る。
    They changed into the original kanji again as soon as Tamazusa's curse on Yatsufusa was removed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 親兵衛は素藤の乱を討ち、妙椿は退治されて本体(玉梓の怨念の宿った狸)をあらわす。
    Shinbe suppressed Motofuji's rebellion, and Myochin, having been beaten, revealed her basic essence, a raccoon dog possessed by Tamazusa's curse.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 翌年、伏姫に懐妊のしるしがあらわれ、山中で出会った仙童から八房が玉梓の呪詛を負っていたこと、読経の功徳によりその怨念は解消されたものの、八房の気を受けて種子を宿したことが告げられる。
    The next year Princess Fuse showed signs of pregnancy, and a child hermit whom she encountered in the mountain told her that Yatsufusa had been cursed by Tamazusa, that Tamazusa's curse had been cleared up by the merit of the sutras but that Princess got pregnant with Yatsufusa's ki (essence, phenomenon).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
