
  • 玉繭から取った節の多い糸
    a knotty thread taken from a cocoon  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 玉繭からとった太くて節の多い糸
    a large and usually uneven double silk thread, called douppioni  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 玉繭は二匹で作るから二本の糸でできとる
    But because the tamamayu is made by two pupae, it's made of two threads. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
  • 玉繭の形をした菓子で最近見られなくなった養蚕の姿を玉繭の菓子によって見直すものである。
    To obtain a cocoon-shaped cake capable of making a person think better of the figure of sericulture, which is not found recently, by the cocoon- shaped cake. - 特許庁
  • 本繭よりも劣るとされる太くて節の多い玉繭から紡いだ手撚りの玉糸(節糸とも言う)やくず繭と呼ばれる変型した繭から紡いだ紬糸が使われる。
    Tsumugi yarn, supposedly inferior to the silk yarn from hon mayu, also referred to as tama yarn (spun from tama mayu, which means round cocoons) or irregular-shaped kuzu mayu (rubbish cocoons) is thicker and uneven.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 外皮を落雁で造り、芯に銀杏を配してその周りにチョコレートを入れたもので全体の形を玉繭の形にしたもので大きさは4cm位とする。
    This cocoon-shaped cake is obtained by making a covering composed of a rice-flour cake, arranging ginkgo nuts as cores, inserting chocolate into a space between the cores and the coveting and forming the whole shape into a double cocoon shape and has abut 4 cm size. - 特許庁
