
  • しかし韓国併合により朝鮮は日本の植民地となり、旧皇帝家は『』家となり、その跡継ぎは世子となった(前韓國皇帝ヲ册シテト爲シ皇太子及來ノ世嗣、太皇帝及各其儷匹ノ稱呼ヲ定メ竝ニ禮遇ノ件)。
    However, Korea became a colony of Japan by the annexation of Korea, the former emperor family became a "king" family, and his successor became 王世子 (crown prince) (act of making the former Emperor of Korea a king, defining the titles of crown prince, future successors, and their empresses, and treating them with courteous reception).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 韓国併合ニ関スル条約(1910年)韓国皇帝及び韓国皇族に相当な尊称、威厳及び名誉を享有させること等が約され、s前韓國皇帝ヲ册シテト爲シ皇太子及來ノ世嗣、太皇帝及各其儷匹ノ稱呼ヲ定メ竝ニ禮遇ノ件により、前韓国皇帝に対して「」の身分が与えられる等した(公族制度)。
    The Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty (1910): The Emperor of Korea and the imperial family were entitled to suitable honorific titles, authority and honor, and in accordance with the Act, which acknowledges the former Emperor of Korea as King, establishes titles for each prince, future successor, and the empress, and treats them with courteous reception, the status of 'king' was granted to the former emperor of Korea, a system known in Japanese as Okozoku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
