
  • 琶布を当てる
    to poultice a sore part  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 山口で教しているとき、ザビエルたちの話を座り込んで熱心に聴く目の不自由な琵法師がいた。
    There was a blind biwa-playing minstrel who listened carefully to the words of Xavier and his party during missionary work in Yamaguchi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『徒然草』という著名な作品に琵法師の語りがあったことを記されている『平家物語』と違い、『保元物語』には流について語る史料はそれほど多くない。
    A prominent work entitled "Essays in Idleness" mentions that "Heike Monogatari" was told by Biwa-hoshi, but there aren't many records concerning the circulation of "Hogen Monogatari."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 近畿式は、近畿一帯を中心として、東は遠江、西は四国東半、北は山陰地域に、三遠式は、東は信濃・遠江、西は濃尾平野を一応の限界とし、例外的に伊勢湾東部・琵湖東岸・京都府北部の日本海岸にそれぞれ分する。
    The Kinki type dotaku have been found mainly in the whole Kinki region, from Totomi Province in the east to the eastern half of Shikoku in the west and to Sanin region in the north, and the Sanen type ones are located mainly in the area from Shinano and Totomi Province in the east and the Nobi Plain in the west, and exceptionally in the eastern coast of Ise Bay, the eastern shore of Lake Biwa, and the coast of the Japan Sea in the northern part of Kyoto Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 平安時代の長保3年(1003年)に唐に留学した比叡山の僧・寂照法師は、五台山(中国)に滞在中、五台山の僧から、「昔インドの阿育王が仏教隆盛を願って三千世界に撒した8万4千基の仏舎利塔のうち、2基が日本に飛来しており、1基は琵湖の湖中に沈み、1基は近江国渡来山(わたらいやま)の土中にある」と聞いた。
    In 1003, during the Heian period, Jakusho Hoshi, a monk from Mt. Hiei-zan who studied abroad in Tang, heard the following story from a monk in Mt. Wutai Shan while he stayed in Mt. Wutai Shan (China); a long time ago, Ashoka the Great of India prayed for the prosperity of Buddhism and distributed 84,000 stupa to the whole world, and two of them are in Japan, but one is under the Lake Biwa while the other is under the ground of Mt. Watarai-yama in Omi Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
