
  • 町営の循環バスも走っている。
    Circulating bus services are also operated by the town.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • エイプリルは カムデンの町営住宅出身の 娼婦だった
    April was a prostitute working out of a council flat in camden. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
  • 全線、大阪輸送統括部(旧上本町営業局)の管轄である。
    The entire line is controlled by the Osaka Transportation Control Division (formerly the Kamihonmachi Operation Office).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 福知山市へ編入された旧3町が運営していた町営バスを引き継いだもの。
    This bus route was handed over to Fukuchiyama City from three towns of this area, when those towns were incorporated into Fukuchiyama City.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 温泉宿が一件と、町営の日帰り温泉施設「クアハウス岩滝」がある。
    The area has a hot-spring hotel, and a municipal hot-spring facility without accommodations, "Qua House Iwataki."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 京北町の京都市への編入合併にともない、当財団法人に町営バスの運営が引き継がれたもの。
    When Keihoku-cho was absorbed into Kyoto City, this foundation took over the municipal bus operations.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この地域には、商店が無いものの、中心部の集落に郵便局と集会所があり、そこを起点とした町営バスも運行している。
    Although this local community does not have any stores, there are a post office and a meetinghouse in the village at the middle part, from which the town government's bus service is available.  - 経済産業省
  • 町営バスの各路線とも、民間バスや旧国鉄バスの路線撤退を受けた廃止代替バスである。
    All of the former town bus services had replaced the former private bus services and the former National Railway bus service, when those bus services were discontinued by those companies.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 旧京都交通の路線を旧天田郡夜久野町が継承した夜久野町営バスに由来。
    The origin of this bus route is the former Yakuno-cho Municipal Management Bus, which was handed over from the former Kyoto Transport Co., Ltd. to Yakuno-cho (this is the town that used to belong to the former Amata District of Kyoto Prefecture.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 町営の記念館が併設されており、多胡碑の開扉願いを事前に申請すれば、堂宇に入って多胡碑を見ることができる。
    A town-managed memorial hall has been established as an annex, so if you request your visit in advance, you are allowed to enter it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 旧京都交通(亀岡)・旧国鉄バスの路線を旧加佐郡大江町(京都府)が継承した大江町営バスに由来。
    The origin of this bus route is the former Oe-cho Municipal Management Bus, which was handed over from the former Kyoto Transport Co., Ltd. Kameoka Management Office and the former National Railway Bus to Oe-cho (this is the town that used to belong to the former Kasa District of Kyoto Prefecture.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 西日本JRバス・旧京都交通・神姫バスの路線を旧天田郡三和町(京都府)が継承した三和町営バスに由来。
    The origin of this bus route is the former Miwa-cho Municipal Management Bus, which was handed over from the West JR Bus Company and the former Kyoto Transport Co., Ltd., and the Shinki Bus Co., Ltd. to Miwa-cho (this is the town that used to belong to the former Amata District of Kyoto Prefecture.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ケーブルテレビも旧三方町は三方郡で美方ケーブルネットワークを設立したのに対して、旧上中町は町営のケーブルネットワークかみなかとして小浜市のケーブルテレビ若狭小浜を中心とする若狭5市町村のCATVネットワークに参加したためそれぞれ別になっている。
    Concerning the cable television network, Old Mikata-cho belongs to Mikata Cable Network established for Mikata-gun, whereas Old Kaminaka Town's Cable Network Kaminaka belongs to a CATV network organized mainly by Cable TV Wakasa Obama and other five municipalities in Wakasa district.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 全線が大阪輸送統括部(旧上本町営業局)の管轄で、長田駅から新石切駅東方の鉄軌分界点までは軌道法による軌道、鉄軌分界点から学研奈良登美ヶ丘駅までは鉄道事業法による鉄道となっている。
    The operations of the entire line are controlled by the Osaka Transportation Control Division (formerly the operations division at Kamihoncho); the portion between Nagata Station and the railroad/street border point east to Shin-Ishikiri Station is operated based on the Tramways Act and that between the railroad/street border point and Gakken-Nara-Tomigaoka Station is based on the Railway Business Act.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
