
  • 海軍疑獄事件
    the navy scandal  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 造船疑獄という疑獄事件
    in Japan, a scandal called the {"shipbuilding scandal"}  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • ロッキード疑獄という疑獄事件
    a bribery scandal called the Lockheed Scandal  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 昭和電工疑獄という疑獄事件
    a graft scandal called {"Showa-Denko Bribery Scandal"}  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • これが、明治時代最大級の疑獄事件である開拓使官有物払下げ事件である。
    This was so-called 'disposal of government-owned property by the Development Commission', which was one of the major bribery scandals in the Meiji Period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1914年(大正3年)、西本願寺の疑獄事件に端を発して光瑞が門主を引退。
    In 1914, Kozui retired from the post of chief priest of Hongan-ji Temple under the influence of a bribery scandal of Nishi Hongan-ji Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 醜聞と疑獄事件は後々まで世人に記憶され、黒田の名声を傷つけた。
    The scandal and bribery case were remembered by the people for many years and tarnished Kuroda's name.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1914年、大谷家が抱えていた巨額の負債整理、および教団の疑獄事件のため門主を辞任し、大連市に隠退した。
    In 1914 he resigned the chief priest and retired in Dalian City, in order to sort out the huge amount of debt the OTANI family had and the bribery scandal of his religious organization.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 薩摩閥の重鎮とはいえ、醜聞と疑獄事件で晩年は浮いた存在となり、同郷の人々は離れていった。
    Although he was the central figure in the Satsuma domain clique, the scandal and bribery case isolated him in his later years and the people from the same domain left him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1914年、疑獄事件により門主の座を退いた兄に代わって次期門主が期待されたが、自身も事件に連座して宗政の第一線から身を退いた。
    In 1914, though he was expected to become the next chief priest in place of his elder brother, who resigned his position due to a case of suspected bribery, he was also involved with the case himself and retired from the front line of the religious world.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 日本製糖汚職事件(にほんせいとうおしょくじけん)は、台湾を舞台に日本製糖社取締役が共謀して、法律の延長を求めて複数の衆議院議員に対し金品を贈賄した明治時代に起きた疑獄事件
    Nihon Seito Oshoku Jiken refers to a bribery scandal in the Meiji Period in which the board members of Nihon Seito in Taiwan conspired to bribe members of the House of Representatives with the aim of extending an effective period of a law.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 奇語にて思ひ出せしが、日露戦争の初め、露探事件とて、大疑獄起こりたりしが、これより後、他人を悪罵するに、露探々々といふこと一時行はれたりし。
    Speaking of a strange word reminds me of the Rotan (Russian Spy) bribery case at the early Russo-Japanese War, and after this people temporarily abused others, saying rotan rotan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 日本裏面史より見れば、三多摩の村野常右衛門、森久保作蔵など「大阪事件」以降の自由党右派の壮士たちを政界に引き入れたことで、たとえ星自身が金銭的に潔白であるとしても、東京市政の疑獄の数々には彼の責も大きいと言われる。
    From the darker side of Japanese history, HOSHI, who brought into the political world rightists of the Liberal Party after the 'Osaka Incident,' including young activists called Santama Soshi such as Tsuneemon MURANO and Sakuzo MORIKUBO, is said to have been heavily to blame for the numerous scandals in Tokyo municipal government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 謀議が事実であったかどうかは当時でも疑問視する向きが多く、西光と成親が清盛の呼び出しに簡単に応じていることから、平氏側(清盛)が院近臣勢力を潰すため、もしくは山門との衝突を回避するためにでっち上げた疑獄事件の可能性もある。
    Whether there in fact were any secret plans was questioned even at that point and since Saiko and Narichika readily attended to Kiyomori's call, there is a possibility that it was a plot by the Taira clan (Kiyomori) to destroy close aides of the cloistered government or evade confrontation with the Sanmon.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 第三次大谷探検隊をはじめとする教団事業の出費がかさみ、大谷家の負債が表面化するとともに、大正3年(1914年)には本願寺に関する疑獄事件が突発するなど多くの問題を抱える中で、同年3月、二楽荘そして武庫中学も閉鎖され、大谷光瑞は西本願寺住職・本願寺派管長を辞任するにいたった。
    While there were a lot of problems that the debts of Otani family came into surface because of the large expenses of the temple's projects like the 3rd Otani Expedition and in 1914 Hongan-ji Templea had a corruption scandal suddenly, Nirakuso and Muko Middle School were closed and Kozui OTANI finally resigned as the chief priest of West Hongan-ji Temple and leader of Hongan-ji Temple school in March of the same year  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
