
  • 百味箪笥
    the druggist's chest of drawers  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 百味の飲食
    all sorts of eatables and drinkables  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 奈良県桜井市多武峰談山神社嘉吉祭『百味御食』
    "Hyakumi Onjiki" in Kakissai Festival of Tanzan-jinja Shrine, Tonomine, Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸の百味講の蒔銭を、当てに小皿の一文字、百が二百と賽銭の、くすね銭せえだんだんに、
    edo no hyakumiko no makisen o, ate ni kozara no ichimonji, hyaku ga nihyaku to saisen no, kusune zeni see dandan ni (I gambled counting on offertories of hyakumiko (a gathering in which believers offer 100 kinds of food to the temple) in Edo, and the money I stole became more and more.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それが発達した物が「延喜式」神祇項目に出てくる「神饌」と思われ、春日大社の神饌や、談山神社の「百味御食」(ひゃくみのおんじき)などにその形式を残していると考えられている。
    The style of daikyo ryori which was developed seems to be 'shinsen' (food and wine offered to the gods) which appears in a section pertaining to the gods of heaven and earth in the 'Engi Shiki' (The Rule of the Engi Era), and we can still see traces of daikyo ryori in shinsen served at the Kasuga Taisha Shrine and 'hyakumi no onjiki' (food altarage) offered at Tanzan-jinja Shrine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
