
  • 夜間の盗伐を防ぐ為に持ち回りで里山の夜番をしていた村もあったほどである。
    There were villages which kept a night watch rotation to prevent the robbing of Satoyama during the evening,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 最初の危機は明治維新前後で、旧体制の瓦解とともに木材の盗伐・乱伐が横行し、里山の森林が急激に失われた。
    The first crisis took place in the pre- and post-Meiji Restoration periods, when the forest of Satoyama had been rapidly lost due to widespread timber piracy and destructive logging, which broke out with the collapse of the old system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 村掟を破った者への制裁も予め決められており、多くは米や銀による科料の支払い+盗伐分の返還が科されていた。
    The penalty for people that violated the Muraokite were also determined, and in many of the cases, the violator was obliged to pay fines in silver plus the value corresponding to the volume he stole.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • またこれらの他に労働奉仕も科される例や、盗伐者が科料を払えない場合の五人組による連帯責任による科料支払いが決められている例もある。
    There were also other cases, in which the violator was obliged to render a service, or if the violator was not able to pay the fines, the Gonin-gumi system (a collective responsibility system based on a neighborhood group composed of 5 persons), to which he belonged, had to assume the collective responsibility to pay the fines.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それだけ厳重な管理をしても里山の盗伐は頻発し、また村々入会の里山では、里山を巡っての村と村の間での対立も続出した(山論と呼ばれる)。
    Even under such strict controls, illegal logging in Satoyama frequently occurred, and when the form of Satoyama was Muramura iriai (common land of plural villages), it was jointly used by the residents of more than one village as a piece of common land, however, these villages often had confrontations over Satoyama (the dispute was called sanron (mountain dispute)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
