
  • しかし日活は経営が立ち直り、松竹の目論みは破れて「日本映画配給」は解体、同年10月には新興キネマの配給となる。
    However, Nikkatsu regained its footing, 'Nihon Eiga Haikyu' was liquidated, breaking Shochiku's plan, and Shinko Kinema became Chiezo Productions' distribution company in October.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また交易目的だけではなく、三浦の乱や蛇梁倭変の講和のような重要な交渉時にも、有利な交渉を目論み偽の日本国王使を派遣している。
    The So clan dispatched false royal envoys for purpose of trading, and additionally, they sent such envoys in order to gain more advantages in important negotiations such as the peace negotiations of the Sanpo War and the Saryang Incident.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それには十分な正貨準備が不可欠であったが、実際には、藩札発行で得られる実通貨の納庫を目論み、これによって藩の財政難の解消を試みる場合がしばしばあった。
    Such issuance was supposed to be based on a sufficient amount of standard coins retained by the domain, but actually, in most cases, domains tried to collect as many circulating coins as possible in exchange for issued han bills for the purpose of improving their financial situation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また日親は法華経によって、当時の乱れた世の中を救うべく(同時代は正長の土一揆や後南朝勢力の反乱などの動乱が続いた)、足利将軍家の日蓮宗への改宗を目論み「立正治国論」を著し、直訴を試みたが投獄された(1440)。
    To save the chaotic society by Hoke-kyo, Nisshin wrote 'Rissho jikoku ron' (the Treatise on Establishing the True Teaching and Governing the Country) in an attempt to convert the Ashikaga shogunate family to the Nichiren Sect (during this era, restless days continued as the peasants' uprising of the Shocho era and the rebellion of the Gonancho (Second Southern Court) force occurred) and was incarcerated for the attempted direct appeal (1440).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 引き続き権力を握った仲麻呂(恵美押勝に改名)は唐で安史の乱が発生したことを機に、淳仁天皇の名において隣国新羅の討伐を目論み、国内制度も日本的なものから唐のものへ名称を変更するなどの政策を推し進めた。
    Inspired by the Anshi War in Tang Dynasty, Nakamaro, (now EMI no Oshikatsu) who continued in power, planned to attack neighboring Shiragi (ancient Korean kingdom) and forged ahead with such policies as to change the names of domestic systems from Japanese style to Chinese style.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天下統一を実現した秀吉が幕府の創立を目論み、義昭を大名にする代わりに自分を養子としてくれるようにと望んだが、名族・足利氏としての意地があったのかこれを拒絶した、という逸話が伝わるがこれは後世の作り話とされている。
    There is an anecdote which now seems fictional; Hideyoshi, who succeeded in ruling over the whole country, hoped to be Yoshiaki's adopted son instead of making Yoshiaki a feudal lord in order to build a new Shogunate, but Yoshiaki rejected this proposal because of his pride as an ASHIKAGA noble.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 全く新奇なラベルの廻り防止容器を提供することを目論み、感熱タイプの粘着剤を用いず、熱収縮性のフィルムを容器の胴部に外嵌させて熱収縮させるだけで、その胴部周りの位置ずれをうまく防止できようにする。
    To provide a completely new container whose label is prevented from turning round for which a positional displacement of the label around its body can be prevented well only by externally inserting a heat-shrinkable film on the body of the container and shrinking it by heat without using a heat-sensitive pressure-sensitive adhesive. - 特許庁
