病人看護の理論と実践 theory and practice in nursing the sick - Eゲイト英和辞典
看護問題解決能力を育成するための看護実践事例学習用eラーニング教材を提供するとともに、学内教育および看護教育特有の体験型学習機会である臨地実習において、看護学生が、いつでも、どこでも、簡単にeラーニングで自己学習できるユビキタス・オン・デマンド学習支援環境を構築する。 To provide an e-learning material for nursing practice instance learning for raising nursing problem solving capability and to provide ubiquitous on-demand learning assistance environment in which a nursing student easily performs self-learning with e-learning any time and anywhere, in school education and practical training which is experience type opportunity specific to nursing education. - 特許庁