
  • 病に罹り、湯治をしていたところ、密告があり湯屋で佐渡重貞の手勢に囲まれ、真っ裸であり抵抗もできず捕えられた。
    He fell ill, and while he was convalescing at a hot spring, he was betrayed and the bath-house was soon surrounded by men sent by Shigesada SADO; caught stark naked, Tametomo gave in without a fight.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 平山を殺害、芹沢は切りつけられて起き上がるや真っ裸のまま八木家の親子が寝ていた隣室に飛び込むが、そこで刺客たちにずたずたに切り殺された。
    They killed Hirayama, and as soon as Serizawa was attacked with a sword he stood up and jumped naked into the next room, where the Yagi family members were sleeping, but he was slashed to death several times on the spot.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 驚いた芹沢は飛び起きて刀を取ろうとするが叶わず、真っ裸のまま八木家の親子が寝ていた隣室に飛び込むが、文机に転び、そこを刺客たちがよってたかってずたずたに斬りつけ、芹沢を殺すと刺客たちは立ち去った。
    SERIZAWA, astonished, jumped out of bed and tried to reach for his sword but failed, then rushed naked into the next room where YAGI family was sleeping but stumbled over a small table for reading books, at which point the assassins slashed him into pieces; the assassins left after killing SERIZAWA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
