
  • ちなみに、1993年(平成5年)度に指定されたのは秋市の「藤倉水源地水道施設」と群馬県の「氷峠鉄道施設」の2件であった。
    Incidentally, two cases were designated in 1993: 'Water supply installations of the Fujikura watershed' in Akita City, and 'Railway installations of the Usui Pass' in Gunma Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 愛知県豊市猿投町の猿投神社は大命を主祭神とし、西宮後方にはその墓が伝えられる。
    The Sanage Shrine, located in Sanage-Cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, has worshiped Prince Oousu as the shusaijin (main enshrined deities), and there is the tomb as his burial place in the back of the Nishinomiya, inside the Shrine property.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • が、この時の頼朝軍は氷峠を越えて佐久郡に入り、依城を落して善光寺平で義仲軍と対峙している。
    However, Yoritomo's troops at this time entered Saku County over Usui-toge Pass, took control of the Yoda-jo Castle, and faced Yoshinaka's troops at Zenkojidaira.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 永禄12年(1569年)9月、氷峠から侵攻した武信玄は小仏峠の別働隊を併せて小原城を攻撃するが、氏政は父・氏康と共に籠城して武軍を撃退している。
    In October 1569, although Shingen TAKEDA invaded Odawara-jo Castle from Usui-toge Pass along with a detached force stationed in Kobotoke-toge Pass, Ujimasa countered the attack by holding the castle with his father, Ujiyasu, and successfully repelled the Takeda army.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当初は井峠を越えてきた真・依に対して勝利し、駿豆国境方面でも布陣する豊臣方諸将に威力偵察するなど戦意は旺盛であったが、秀吉の沼津着陣後には、緒戦で山中城が落城。
    At first, the Hojo clan was highly motivated in fighting the war, beating the Sanada and Ida clans invading from Usui-toge Pass, and scouting to discover the force levels of warlords on the Toyotomi side in the Suruga-Izu border, and so so on, but after Hideyoshi arrived at Numazu, the Hojo clan lost the following battle and was forced to surrender Yamanaka-jo Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 酒呑童子の一味による被害があまりにも大きく、源頼光が鬼退治に行くこととなり、配下の頼光四天王(渡辺綱・坂金時・井貞光・卜部季武)や友人の藤原保昌ら、総勢五十数名とともに大江山に向かった。
    The damage inflicted by Shuten Doji and his gang was very severe, which prompted MINAMOTO no Yorimitsu to go on a mission to exterminate the oni; together with his main followers, the Four Great Warriors of Yorimitsu (WATANABE no Tsuna, SAKATA no Kintoki, Sadamitsu USUI, and URABE no Suetake) and other friends including FUJIWARA no Yasumasa, he set out for Mt. Oe leading a force of more than fifty warriors in total.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
