
  • (タク、)
    ' (taku, split)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 刑にする
    to crucify a criminal  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 刑柱
    the cross  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 刑になる
    to be crucified―die on the cross  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 刑に処す
    to crucify a criminal  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 刑という刑罰
    a punishment called crucifixion  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 逆さという刑罰
    a severe punishment called inverted crucifixion  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • にされるべき人
    a person who deserves crucifixion  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 」は刑といえば「はりつけ」のことだが、「引き裂いて内臓を開く」意味もある。
    ' (taku) means 'crucifixion', but also means 'tear up and open internal organs'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同類十九人は
    The associated 19 were impaled on stakes.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 刑にされたともいわれる。
    Some say that he was crucified.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 駆け落ちをした二人はになってしまったんです。
    The two lovers who eloped were crucified. - Tatoeba例文
  • また主な者の妻23人をにかけた。
    In addition, 23 wives of the important persons were crucified.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 関所破りは重罪とされ、刑に処せられた。
    Sekisho yaburi (breaking or sneaking through a barrier checkpoint) was considered a serious crime, and was punished by crucifixion.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼は、彼自身の国でジャーナリスト的ににされている
    he is being journalistically crucified in his own country  - 日本語WordNet
  • しかし、自分の娘のあかねがにされると、ついに開城した。
    However, when his daughter Akane was crucified, he finally capitulated.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 関所を通らずに山を越えたものは、その場でに処する。
    Persons who passed through a mountain without passing checkpoint must be crucified on the scene.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • キリストが刑前夜に自分の弟子達と行った、伝統的な過越しの祝いの夕食会
    the traditional Passover supper of Jesus with his disciples on the eve of his crucifixion  - 日本語WordNet
  • ローマの兵士がキリストのの前にイエスにかぶせたイバラの枝でできている偽りの冠
    a mock crown made of thorn branches that Roman soldiers placed on Jesus before the Crucifixion  - 日本語WordNet
  • おつやの方もまた織田信長に捕らえられて逆さで処刑された。
    Otsuya no kata was also caught by Nobunaga ODA to be executed by crucifixion with her head upside down toward the ground.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、このために信長の怒りは尋常ではなく、に処される結果となった。
    However, this upset Nobunaga extraordinarily and Hideharu ended up being executed by crucifixion.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 17日には斎藤利三が堅田(大津市堅田)で生け捕りにされ六条河原で刑にされた。
    On June 17, Toshimitsu SAITO was captured at Katata (Katata, Otsu City), and crucified on Rokujogawara (Rokujo-gawa river beach).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 側(ソク、点)、勒(ロク、横画)、努(ド、縦画)、趯(テキ、はね)、策(サク、右上がりの横画)、掠(リャク、左はらい)、啄(タク、短い左はらい)、(タク、右はらい)。
    They are 側(soku, dot), 勒(roku, horizontal stoke), 努(do, vertical stroke), 趯(teki, hook), 策(saku, horizontal stroke with right upward ending), 掠(ryaku, stroke diagonally left down),啄(taku, short stroke diagonally left down), (taku, stroke diagonally right down).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大塚へと向かった三犬士は、にされ今にも処刑されようとしていた荘助をすんでの所で救う。
    In Otsuka village the three Dog Warriors narrowly saved Sosuke, who was crucified and about to be executed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 豊臣秀吉に召されとき、果心居士は秀吉がだれにも言ったことのない過去の行いを暴いたために不興を買い、捕らえられてに処された。
    When Koji was called upon Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, Koji exposed Hideyoshi's past action which had not been told to anyone, and caused resentment; Koji was captured and crucified.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸時代までたびたび盗掘の被害に遭った古墳の一で、犯人は流罪・などに処されたという。
    It is said that this tumulus was robbed several times by the Edo period and the culprits were exiled or crucified.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後、秀治は弟の秀尚と共に安土城に送られたが、信長の命令で6月2日に安土の浄巌院慈恩寺でに処された。
    Later on, Hideharu was sent to the Azuchi Castle with his brother Hidenao but on Nobunaga's order, he was executed by crucifixion in Jion-ji Temple of Jogo-in in Azuchi on July 5.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし信長は秀治兄弟を許さずに処刑したため、激怒した城兵が光秀の生母をに処した。
    Yet, because Nobunaga did not forgive and executed Hideharu and his brother, the enraged johei (castle garrison) killed Mitsuhide's mother by crucifixion.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後、織田信孝を補佐する重臣となり、豊臣秀吉に信孝の母娘と一緒に宗憲の母がにされる憂き目にあった。
    Then, Munenori became a senior vassal to assist Nobutaka ODA, and had a hard time of that Munenori's mother was crucified together with Nobutaka's mother and daughter by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、日本に住む外国人の多くは数年前まで行われていた刑や打ち首を実際に目撃していた。
    However, many of those living in Japan had actually witnessed crucifixion and decapitation, which had been practiced until a few years ago.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天正6年(1578年)12月13日、尼ヶ崎近くの七松で荒木村重の一族郎党の婦女子122人をにし、鉄砲で次々と撃ち、槍・長刀で刺し殺した。
    On January 20, 1579, he crucified 122 women and children of the family and retainers of Murashige ARAKI at Nanamatsu near Amagasaki, and had them shot by gunfire one after another and also killed them by spears and long swords.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 秀吉は人質を助命する代わりに開城を迫ったが、豊国が応じなかったため、見せしめとして家臣の家族達をにし、一人一人処刑していった。
    Hideyoshi forced the capitulation in exchange for sparing the hostages' lives, however, Toyokuni didn't accept Hideyoshi's requirement, therefore, Hideyoshi crucified the famies of vassals then started to execute one by one as a warning.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 秀吉に人質に取られていた娘(次女ともされるが庶子だった為か、9歳という幼年の為か詳細は不明)と、その乳母が京都京の七口で刑にされたという。
    The daughter held hostage by Hideyoshi (although she was said to be his second daughter, details are unknown, maybe because she was an infant of nine years old.) and her foster mother were killed in the way of crucifixion in Kyo no Nanakuchi (seven entrances of Kyoto).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 状況を打開するため、島津義弘は配下の長束正家に伏見城内にいた甲賀衆の妻子一族を捕縛させ、内通しなければ家族をにすると脅迫することを命じた。
    To bring an end to this situation, Yoshihiro SHIMAZU had his subordinate, Masaie NAGATSUKA, round up the wives and children of the Koga group in the castle and ordered him to threaten the Koga group by saying that they would crucify the wives and children unless they surrendered the castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 地中海沿岸からヨーロッパ各地に諸聖人の遺骨(聖遺物または不朽体)またはキリストの刑、ノアの箱舟の跡などの遺物を祭ったとされる教会、聖堂などが多数あり、そのような地への巡礼が行われた。
    Pilgrims traveled to numerous churches and cathedrals throughout the Mediterranean region and Europe that venerate the remains of saints (sacred relics or immortal body) or relics of the crucifixion of Christ or remains of Noah's Ark.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 長州藩においては死罪相当の罪を犯した際に切腹が許されず、にされると定められており、犯罪行為の処罰についても武士とは区別されていた。
    In the Choshu Domain, ashigaru who committed capital crimes were not permitted to commit seppuku (ritual suicide by disembowelment) but were ordained to be crucified, so they were even differentiated from samurai with regard to criminal punishment.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、当初は幕閣の中にも「夜中に秘かに吉良を襲撃するは夜盗と変わる事なし」と唱え、獄門を主張した者もいたといわれている(『柳沢家秘蔵実記』)。
    It is said that there were people from the Cabinet who claimed that 'the fact they secretly made the raid into Kira's in the middle of the night is no different than thieves stealing things during the night,' and thus they deserved decapitation and exposure of their heads at the prison gates ("Yanagisawake Hizo Jikki" (Yanagisawa's treasured record)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • けとなった神というその奇妙な物語が信じられず、彼にとってはまったく信じられないような根拠にもっぱら依拠していると称する体系が修復の作用力になるとは予見できませんでした。
    inasmuch as this strange history of a crucified God was not credible to him, and a system which purported to rest entirely upon a foundation to him so wholly unbelievable could not be foreseen by him to be that renovating agency  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • 切腹は、近世からは自死のほかに、死刑の方法としても採用されているが、この場合、自分の不始末を自力で処理するため、主君より「賜死」という考えから、誉ある死とされた(これに対して、斬首刑やは武士身分がされるべきでない不名誉な刑罰とされた。)
    Since the early modern period, seppuku has been used as a method for not only suicide but also capital punishment, and in such cases permission to die was granted by one's master so that one could atone for misconduct, leading seppuku to become viewed as an honorable way to die (in contrast to beheading and crucifixion which were considered dishonorable punishments not befitting members of the samurai class).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし居延漢簡には純粋な篆書からはじまって、隷書になりかけた初期の隷書である「古隷」、完全な波(はたく、隷書独特の大きなはらい)を持つ隷書=八分隷までこの時代考え得る移行期の書体が全て使用されており、隷変の過程が明らかになった。
    However, all the possible calligraphic styles of the transitional period in those days were used in Kyoen Kankan: from pure tensho (seal script), through 'korei' (old clerical script) which was early reisho (close to reisho) to reisho with complete hataku (horizontal lines ending in a noticeable triangular tail that were specific to reisho) which is called Happunrei; thereby the process of reihen was revealed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義平次は図に乗り、「これよく聞け、舅は親じゃぞよ、親を切ればな、一寸切れば一尺の竹鋸で引き回し、三寸切れば三尺高い木の空で、逆じゃぞよ、さあ切れ、これで切れ」と刀をつかんで挑発する。
    Gloating Giheiji held the sword and issued a challenge, 'Listen, a father-in-law is a father and if you kill a father, you'll be dragged by an Isshaku (about thirty centimeters) bamboo saw as if cutting down Issun (about three centimeters), you'll be hanging upside down from a Sanjaku (about ninety centimeters) tree if cutting down Sanzun (about nine centimeters), so, cut me down, with this'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 城兵の越後への帰還を認める条件で開城した魚津城の兵士を虐殺して上杉景勝の恨みを買う、離反した土肥政繁の13歳になる次男を籠城する土肥軍の前で刑にするなど、必要以上に敵を作る部分も認められる。
    It seems that he created emery more than required; he created animosity on Kagekatu UESUGI since he massacred soldiers in the Uozu-jo Castle opened on the condition that the return of the castle soldiers was accepted, and he killed the 13-year-old second son of Masashige DOI who seceded via crucifixion in front of the Doi army holding the castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 勝頼は、真理姫から義昌の謀反を知らされると、これに激怒し従兄弟の武田信豊_(甲斐武田氏)(信玄の弟・武田信繁の子)を先手とする木曾征伐の軍勢5000余を先発として差し向け、さらに義昌の生母と側室と子供をにして処刑。
    Upon being informed by Marihime of the betrayal of Yoshimasa, Katsuyori was infuriated and dispatched a troop of about 5,000 soldiers led by his cousin Nobutoyo TAKEDA (a member of the Takeda clan in Kai) to conquer Kiso Province; Katsuyori also crucified and executed Yoshimasa's mother, concubine and child.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 高槻城の城主であった高山右近に、キリシタン大名であることを利用し宣教師のグネッキ・ソルディ・オルガンティノを使者として「即時帰順しなけば、宣教師も領内の信者も残らずに処す。教会も焼き払う」として脅した。
    Taking advantage of the fact that Ukon TAKAYAMA, who was the castellan of the Takatsuki-jo Castle and was a Christian daimyo (Christian feudal lord), Nobunaga ODA sent Gnecchi-Soldo Organtino, who was a missionary, as an emissary and threatened Ukon TAKAYAMA that unless he would surrender immediately, all missionaries and believers in the territory would be crucified and churches would be burnt.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ついで、同年12月13日辰刻(午前九時頃)に尼崎城の近く、織田信忠が陣をはっていた七つ松に有岡城の本丸にいた人質が護送され、97本の柱を建て家臣の妻子122名に死の晴着をつけ、鉄砲で殺害されたようである。
    Around nine o'clock in the morning on January 9, 1580, hostages in honmaru of Arioka-jo Castle were sent to Nanatsumatsu where Nobutada ODA had taken up a position and 97 crosses were erected and 122 wives and children of subordinates were made to wear festive dress and killed with guns.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼らは流刑先で数多くの拷問・私刑を加えられ続けたが、それは水責め、雪責め、氷責め、火責め、飢餓拷問、箱詰め、、親の前でその子供を拷問するなどその過酷さと陰惨さ・残虐さは旧幕時代以上であった。
    At the place of exile, they were continued to be subjected to torture and lynching over and over, such as torture by water, snow, ice, fire, and starvation, locking in a box, crucifixion, and torture of children before their parents' eyes, which was more terrible, gruesome and brutal than in the old Shogunate period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • コースの選定は、五ヶ所引廻の方が最終的に受ける刑罰が厳しいため(牢屋敷で行われる刑罰は獄門が最高刑であり、当時の極刑である火刑やは刑場で行われた)、罪状の軽重で決められていたようである。
    It appears that the decision on the route depended on the relative gravity of guiltiness as 'gokasho hikimawashi' involved a graver punishment (the severest punishment to be carried out in the prison being beheading, and the gravest type of execution in those days such as burning at the stake and crucifixion being conducted in the execution sites).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、桶狭間の合戦の際、織田方に敗れた今川方が(はりつけ)などによって処刑された地が「田楽窪」(でんがくがくぼ)と呼ばれる、かつて古典芸能の田楽が行われていたのではないかと言われる地(現在も愛知県豊明市沓掛町内に大字名として残る)で、その処刑方法が当時当地で食されていた野菜や鮎などの川魚を串に刺して食していたものと似ていたため、それを田楽と呼んだという説もある。
    Another theory is that at a place called "Dengakukubo" (in Kutsukake-cho, Toyoake City, Aichi Prefecture, and the name of the place "Dengakukubo" has survived to remain used in the address today), where one of Japanese classic popular performing arts, Dengaku, is said to have been played, the Imagawa side defeated by Oda side in the Battle of Okehazama were crucified, and the local residents around there began to call vegetables and freshwater fishes such as ayu (sweetfish, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) on skewers they used to eat "Dengaku," associating the crucification method conducted there with the cooking method.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ドラマなどでは人を殺すことを嫌う人物のように描写されることの多い秀吉であるが、実際には元亀二年に湖北一向一揆を殲滅したり(松下文書や信長公記より)、天正五年に備前・美作・播磨の国境付近で毛利氏への見せしめのために、女・子供二百人以上を子供は串刺しに、女はにして処刑する(十二月五日の羽柴秀吉書状より)等、晩年だけでなく信長の家臣時代でも、少なくとも他の武将並みの残酷な一面があったようである。
    Hideyoshi is often described as a person who did not like to kill people, but he seemed to have a cruel aspect at least as hard as other warlords not only in his last years but also when he was a vassal of Nobunaga; shown by such facts as he annihilated Kohoku Ikko Ikki (a riot by people who believe Ikko-shu) in 1571 (according to Matsushita Record and Nobunaga Kouki (Nobunaga's biography) and that he executed more than 200 women and children by impalement for children and crucifixion for women in 1577 (from Hideyoshi's letter as of December 5).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 他に「ペルシアの巫女」は頭にヴェール、「リビアの巫女」は灯りのともった蝋燭、「キンメリアの(イタリアの)巫女」はコルヌコピア、「エリュトレイア(リディア)の巫女」は「受胎告知」の預言者として百合、「サモスの巫女」は「キリストの降誕」の預言者として秣桶(まぐさおけ)か揺り籠、「クマエの巫女」も「キリストの降誕」の預言者として貝殻、「ヘレスポントスの巫女」は「キリストの刑」の預言者として釘、「アグリッパの(エジプトの)巫女」は浅黒い肌で「キリストの笞打ち」の預言者として笞、「エウロパの巫女」は「出エジプト記」の預言者として「嬰児虐殺」の剣を持つ。
    Besides the above, "the Sibyl of Persia" wears a veil over her head; "the Sibyl of Libya" carries a lit candle; "the Sibyl of Cimmeria" holds a cornucopia; "Herophile, from Eritrea," the prophet of the Annunciation, carries a lily; "the Sibyl of Samos," a prophet of the Nativity, carries a manger or a cradle; "the Sibyl of Cumae," another prophet of the Nativity, carries seashells; "the Sibyl of Helespontos," the prophet of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, carries nails; "the Sibyl of Agrippa," the prophet of the Persecution of Christ, carries moss, showing her dark skin; and "the Sibyl of Europa," the prophet of the Book of Exodus, carries a sword of "Massacre of the Innocents."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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