
  • 祈祷文句を含む本
    a book containing prayers  - 日本語WordNet
  • 祈祷句を書いた書物
    a book of prayers  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • シメオンの祈祷文句(ルカによる福音書、2章29-32節)
    the prayer of Simeon (Luke 2:29-32)  - 日本語WordNet
  • 贖いの日の前夜の始めの祈祷文
    the opening prayer on the eve of Yom Kippur  - 日本語WordNet
  • 東巌和尚蒙古降伏祈祷文1幅1巻
    Prayer for the surrender of Mongolia written by Priest Togen  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 聖母マリアへの挨拶、現在では彼女に対する祈祷文句で使われる
    a salutation to the Virgin Mary now used in prayers to her  - 日本語WordNet
  • このことに恨みを募らせた頼豪は、自分の祈祷で誕生した皇子・敦親王を、今度は祈祷で魔道に落とそうと、断食に入った。
    Building animosity on this matter, Raigo started fasting to pray for dropping into the path of evil Imperial Prince Atsufumi who had been born as a result of his prayer.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 日本における「神道」は中国道教の「真道」「聖道」といった進化に対して保守的であり、「鬼」が蔑称字とされても「祈祷」の字を代用するなど、他の宗教の原理主義に近い状態を維持している。
    Shinto' in Japan is more conservative than Chinese Taoism with the advanced phases of '真道' and '聖道,' and remains in the situation close to fundamentalism of other religions by substituting '祈祷' for '鬼' even if '鬼' was considered a derogatory term.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 聖護院執事の静心により1268年(永5年)京都一条今出川に正伝寺を開き、元寇に際しては祈祷を行っている。
    He opened Shoden-ji Temple in Ichijo Imadegawa, Kyoto in 1268 with the support of Joshin (静心) of Shogoin Temple's steward and underwent a prayer in the event of Mongol invasion attempts against Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1322年(元亨2年)、観は後醍醐天皇の中宮・禧子が懐妊したのに際して、安産祈願の祈祷を行った。
    In 1322 Monkan offered a prayer for safe delivery when Kishi, chugu (the second consort of an emperor) of Emperor Godaigo, became pregnant.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 白河天皇は頼豪の呪詛を恐れて祈祷にすがったが効果はなく、敦親王はわずか4歳にしてこの世を去ったという。
    Emperor Shirakawa was afraid of Raigo's curse and relied on prayer but without success, and it is said that Imperial Prince Atsufumi passed away at the age of only four.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 治3年(1187年)4月、鎌倉ではまだ義経の行方を占う祈祷が行われている頃、頼朝は朝廷を通して三事について秀衡に要請してくる。
    In May 1187, while prayers were offered in Kamakura to find whereabouts of Yoshitsune, Yoritomo required Hidehira three matters through the Imperial Court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天皇はその後も密かに倒幕を志し、醍醐寺の観や法勝寺の円観などの僧を近習に近づけ、元徳2年(1329年)には中宮の御産祈祷と称して密かに関東調伏の祈祷を行い、興福寺や延暦寺など南都の寺社に赴いて寺社勢力と接近する。
    Even after this frustrating incident, the Emperor, who formed a plot to overthrow the Shogunate, closely associated with monks such as Monkan of Godai-ji Temple and Enkan of Hossho-ji Temple. In 1329 he offered a prayer in private wishing for control over the Kanto district, with the excuse that the prayer was for his wife's easy delivery. With this excuse he made use of visits to temples in the northern part of Kyoto, such as Kofuku-ji Temple and Enryaku-ji Temple, to make contact with influential religious persons.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 観・忠円らとともに後醍醐天皇の倒幕計画に参画し、延暦寺・東大寺・興福寺など大寺の僧兵を募って北条氏を調伏するための祈祷を行った。
    Along with others including Monkan and Chuen, he participated in Emperor Godaigo's plot to overthrow of the shogunate; recruiting warrior monks from temples such as Enryaku-ji Temple, Todai-ji Temple and Kofuku-ji Temple, and praying for the spiritual safety of the Hojo clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 埋葬式は、輔祭もしくは司祭が、永眠者の霊(たましい)の安息を祈願する祈祷文を朗誦した後、詠隊(聖歌隊)が「永遠の記憶」という詞を三回繰り返し歌う事で終結する。
    In the burial rites, after the deacon or the priest recites a prayer loudly for repose of the soul of the person in eternal sleep, Eitai (Seikatai) sing a poem named 'Eternal memory' three times repeatedly and the rites finish.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、宿曜勘などや星供・祭供などの祈祷の奉仕を通じて権力者と結びついて、法隆寺や西大寺(奈良市)などの別当に任命される者もいた。
    In addition, tied with an influential person through the works of Sukuyo kanmon or prayers such as Hoshiku (Buddhist service for celebrating the star of a person's born year) and Saigu (festivals with altarage), some Sukuyoshi were assigned to betto (the superior of a temple) of the Horyu-ji Temple, the Saidai-ji Temple (Nara City) and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 祈祷の律師から夕霧が宮の元で一夜を明かし朝帰りしたと聞き驚いた御息所は、真情を確かめるべく病をおして夕霧にを送る。
    Miyasudokoro, who hears from risshi (Buddhist priest) that Yugiri stayed over night at Ochiba no miya's villa and went home in the morning, forces herself in spite of her illness, to send a letter to Yugiri in order to make certain of the truth.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 女子では美・雅といった字を虚空蔵菩薩に供えご祈祷を受けて帰りにはお守り・お供物を頂いて帰り親に感謝を述べる。
    In case of girls for example, they present letters like "美 (Beauty)" or "雅 (Elegance)" to Kokuzo Bosatsu to be blessed, then they receive amulets and offerings when they return, and they say words of thanks to their parents at home.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後、一旦辞退したが1271年(永8年)再び護持僧に任じられ、元寇の危機感が高まる中で異国降伏の祈祷を行っている。
    Afterward, he resigned from the post, but was again appointed as Gojiso in 1271, and conducted an invocation for Ikoku Kobuku (to protect and suppress a foreign country using the power of God or Buddha) in the middle of increasingly intense crisis of the Mongolian Expeditions against Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • すなわち、『吾妻鏡』には、治5年8月10日、奥州追討の祈祷のために、御台所御所中の女房数輩に鶴ヶ岡に百度参りをさせ、また、仁治2年7月6日、北条氏が鶴ヶ岡に百度願をした、とある。
    That is, according to the "Azuma kagami," on September 28, 1189, several groups of ladies-in-waiting to the shogun's wife at the palace went to Tsurugaoka in order to pray for the success of the northward search and destroy mission; or again, on August 21, 1241, the Hojo clan is described as having gone to Tsurugaoka and made a hundred-fold prayer.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明が進んで、山道などが整備されると、信心深い女性が逆に修験者を頼って登山してくるようになり、困った修験者たちが結界石を置いてタブーの範囲を決め、その外側に女人堂を置いて祈祷や説法を行なったのだとする。
    Once the mountain path had come to be maintained well in accordance with civilization, religious women began to climb the mountains, relying on the mountaineering ascetic; this confounded the mountaineering ascetics, who then determined the borderlines of taboo by putting barrier stones and built women's halls for prayer and preaching.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 直ちに諸社諸寺に調伏の祈祷が命じられ、翌天慶3年(940年)1月9日には源経基が以前の密告が現実になったことが賞されて従五位下に叙され、1月19日には参議藤原忠が征東大将軍に任じられ、討伐軍が出立した。
    Temples and shrines were immediately ordered to pray for the quelling of the rebellions, and on February 24 of the following year (940), MINAMOTO no Tsunemoto was given the court rank of Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) in recognition of the fact that his previous secret report became true; on March 5, a punitive force headed by Sangi FUJIWARA no Tadafumi as Seito taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the eastern barbarians") set out from Kyoto to the eastern provinces.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、1471年(明(日本)3年)に作成された「総社家社僧中神前御祈念之事等注」によれば、巫女にも宮神子から選抜される一神子と一般の宮神子、村方の神子に分類され、一神子のみが本社で神楽を無言で舞うことが許され(託宣などの禁止)、宮神子は祈祷のみを許され、占い・託宣・湯立は脇殿で宮神子以外の者が行うことなどが定められて、神事に携わるものと託宣などを行うものが分離されるようになった。
    On the other hand, according to the 'Soshake Shaso chu Shinzen Gokinen no koto nado Chumon' (literally, 'the regulations on prayers to be performed in front of gods by Buddhist monks who belong to all successive shrine priest families') written in 1471, shrine maidens were separated into miko responsible for divine affairs and those engaged in other affairs including oracles, by classifying them into Miya miko (literally, shrine maidens belonging to shrine families) and Murakata no miko (literally, shrine maidens belonging to village people), and further classifying Miya miko as either Ichi no miko (literally, the first rank miko) or other general Miya miko, with only the first rank shrine maidens being allowed to dance Kagura silently (but prohibited to make oracles and other performances) and Miya miko generally permitted to offer prayers only but not allowed to engage in fortune-telling, oracles and yutate (a ceremony to boil fresh pure water and perform ablution by splashing it on themselves in front of gods), which were conducted at wakiden (a hall standing nearby main hall) by shrine maidens other than Miya miko.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
