
  • 曲亭馬琴らによる江戸時代の奇談集『兎園会』では窮鬼(きゅうき)と題し、以下のような話がある。
    In "Toenkai," a collection of strange stories from the Edo period by Bakin KYOKUTEI, etc., there is a story described below titled Kyuki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 数の上で五分の一以下の戦力であった伊達軍は重臣・庭良直を討たれ地に立つものの辛くも持ち堪え、反伊達連合軍の撤退により政宗は勝利をおさめた(人取橋の戦い)。
    The DATE troop had less than one-fifth of soldiers compared to the allied forces, and the troops faced difficulties when a senior retainer Yoshinao ONINIWA was killed in the battle; however, they narrowly withstood against the enemy attacks and made the allied forces withdraw, and consequently Masamune won a victory (the Battle of Hitotoribashi).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
