
  • もはや護る者のいなくなった駕に、次々に刀が突き立てられた。
    Sworda were thrust into the palanquin one after another, which was no longer protected.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大坂の織田軍は勢いづく本願寺軍の攻勢に窮して天王寺砦に立て籠もる
    The Oda army in Osaka was stuck by a vigorous attack of the Hongan-ji Temple army and they barricaded themselves in the Tennoji Fort.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 5月には奥平信昌が立て籠もる長篠城への攻撃を開始する。
    In June or July (May in old lunar calendar), he started to attack Nagashino-jo Castle where Nobumasa OKUDAIRA barricaded himself in.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 比企氏一族は一幡と若狭局を擁して小御所に立て籠もる
    The Hiki clan took Ichiman and Wakasa no tsubone as hostage and secluded themselves in Kogosho (a building within the Imperial Palace).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元亀元年(1570年)には南近江の長光寺城に立て籠もる信長の重臣・柴田勝家と戦ったが、敗れてしまう。
    In 1570, Yoshitaka attacked Nobunaga's senior vassal Katsuie SHIBATA who was entrenched at Chokoji Castle in South Omi, but was defeated.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 7月、武田軍は再び北信濃に侵攻し、村上方の諸城を落として村上義清の立て籠もる塩田城を攻めた。
    In July, Takeda forces invaded the northern Shinano area again, took castles on the Murakami side, and attacked Shioda-jo Castle where Yoshikiyo MURAKAMI entrenched himself.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 平時は麓に住民と共に城主が住み、敵が来襲すると山上の城に立て籠もる、といった使い方がなされる。
    In peacetime, the lord of the castle would often live with other people at the foot of the mountain while they moved to the castle on the mountain to barricade themselves in it when their enemies attacked them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そして1577年、上杉謙信の能登国・加賀国侵攻に呼応して、再び謀反を起こし信貴山城に立て籠もる
    In 1577, in response to Kenshin UESUGI's invasion of Noto-no-kuni and Kaga-no-kuni, Hisahide raised a rebellion again and was shut up within Shigisan Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そのため、則村以下2千の兵が立てる白旗城を義貞は圧倒的な兵力を持ちながら攻めあぐね、50日以上釘付けにされた。
    Despite the overwhelming number of troops, Yoshisada struggled to tear apart Shirahata-jo Castle, in which Norimura and his 2,000 warriors cloistered themselves; Yoshisada was tied up for more than 50 days.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • さらに信長から離反した松永久秀の武将・森秀光が立て籠もる大和国片岡城を父やその僚友・明智光秀と共に落とし、信長直々の感状を受けた。
    Moreover, when Hisahide MATSUNAGA turned against Nobunaga and MATSNUGA's commander Hidemitsu MORI holed himself in Kataoka Castle in Yamato Province, Tadaoki together with his father and his father's ally Mitsuhide AKECHI captured MORI, for which he received a direct letter of commendation from Nobunaga.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天正元年(1573年)8月、細川幽斎に命じて、淀古城に立て籠もる三好三人衆の一人・岩成友通を討伐した(淀古城第二次淀古城の戦い)。
    In September 1573, he ordered Yusai HOSOKAWA to subjugate Tomomichi IWANARI who was one of the Miyoshi sanninshu barricaded at the Yodo kojo Castle (the Second Battle of Yodokojo).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 家康らの出陣中に五奉行の石田三成らが家康に対して挙兵すると、伏見城は前哨戦の舞台となり、元忠は1800人の兵力で立て籠もる(伏見城の戦い)。
    During Ieyasu's absence, Mitsunari ISHIDA of Gobugyo (five major magistrates) and others raised an army against Ieyasu and fought a skirmish at Fushimi-jo Castle where Mototada held in with 1,800 soldiers (the Battle of Fushimi-jo Castle).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 清盛の死後、平重盛の子平忠房を擁して湯浅城に立て籠もるが源頼朝に降伏し、文治2年(1186年)に所領を安堵される。
    After the death of Kiyomori, he held up in Yuasa-jo Castle to support TAIRA no Tadafusa, a son of TAIRA no Shigemori, but he surrendered to MINAMOTO no Yoritomo and was provided with the authorization for land ownership in 1186.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 秀家はこの騒動の首謀者を戸川達安としてその暗殺を図るが、秀家と仲が悪く対立していた坂崎直盛が達安をかばって大坂玉造の自邸に立て籠もるに至り、両者は一触即発の事態となる。
    Hideie tried to assassinate Tatsuyasu TOGAWA, who he believe to be the main cause of the troubles, but Tatsuyasu locked himself in his home, and was protected by Naomori SAKAZAKI, who had a bad relationship with Hideie, which brought about an explosive situation between the two sides.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 日光東照宮に立て籠もる大鳥圭介ら旧幕臣達を説得し、また強硬に破壊を主張する薩摩藩を説得して日光山を戦火から守った功績によるものである
    This statue commemorates Itagaki's contributions in saving the Nikko-zan Mountains from the fires of war by persuading the former retainers of the shogun, including Keisuke OTORI, who were holed up in Nikko Tosho-gu Shrine, and persuading the Satsuma Domain who had vehemently insisted on destruction.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後の合戦について貴族の日記には記録がないが、『源平盛衰記』によると、伊勢国滝野において、城に立て籠もる100騎程の信兼軍が激戦の末、討ち取られたという(三日平氏の乱(平安時代))。
    There is no record about later wars in the noble's diary, but according to "Genpei Seisuiki" (The Rise and Decline of the Minamoto and Taira clans) about 100 horsemen of Nobukane were killed after the fierce battle (Mikka Heishi no ran [Three days rebellion of the Taira clan] written during the Heian period).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは戦乱が日常化したため、地域の住民が戦乱発生時の避難施設として設けたもので、時には領主への抵抗運動や近隣集落との抗争時に立て籠もる軍事施設としても機能した。
    Local residents built them as escape facilities during war time because wars broke out frequently, and they functioned as military facilities used to carry out resistance movements or struggled with adjacent villages.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 関ヶ原合戦後、伊達政宗は徳川家康からみだりに軍勢を動かすべからずとの命を受け、心ならずも岩手山城へ引き返したが、上杉領への侵略やみがたく、家康の下知をまたずに慶長5年10月6日、本庄繁長が立て籠もる福島城へ押し寄せた。
    After the Battle of Sekigahara, Masamune DATE reluctantly returned to the Iwatesan-jo Castle because he was ordered by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA not to move his troops without permission, but he invaded the Fukushima-jo Castle held by Shigenaga HONJO on October 6, 1600 without waiting for command from Ieyasu because it was hard for him to give up the invasion to the Uesugi's territory.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
