
  • 策略家
    a schemer - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 策略家
    a tactician  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 策略家
    a man of resources  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 策略家
    a designing woman - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 策略家
    a person who uses artifice  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • トムは策略家だ。
    Tom is a schemer. - Tatoeba例文
  • 用意周到な策略で自軍を勝利へ導く稀代の策略家として名高い。
    He is renowned as an outstanding strategist who brought victory to his army using deliberate tactics.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 電話は彼をから出すための策略だった。
    The phone call was a trick to get him out of the house. - Tatoeba例文
  • 電話は彼をから出すための策略だった。
    The phone call was a trick to get him out of the house.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 全て道兼兄弟の父親である兼策略だったと伝えられている。
    It was passed down that all actions were based on tricks by Kaneie, who was the father of Michikane and his brothers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし先陣を務めた能の次男宇喜多四郎が、村国の策略にあって討死となった。
    However Yoshiie's second son Shiro UKITA who was in the advance force was killed in battle when he fell for a ruse by 村国.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 合戦、策略、暗殺、買収、婚姻など、勝利のためにあらゆる手段を用いた戦国時代最高の謀略である。
    He was one of the greatest strategists in the Sengoku period, using every means, including warfare, tactical manouvering, assassination, bribery and marriage politics, to gain victory.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また元春や隆景の養子縁組など、高度に政治的な策略も多く、政治としても一流と言える。
    He was also a first-rate politician, using political stratagems such as adopting out his sons, Motoharu and Takakage.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 拉致被害者の族は,北朝鮮への不信感を表し,「日本政府には北朝鮮の策略にだまされないようお願いしたい。」と語った。
    The families of the abductees expressed a distrust of North Korea and said, "We would like to ask the Japanese government not to fall for North Korea's tricks."  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 寛和二年(986年)、花山天皇がこの寺で藤原兼、藤原道兼父子の策略により出させられ、兼の外孫である懐仁親王(一条天皇)が帝位についた。
    In 986, Emperor Kazan was tricked into abdicating and entering the priesthood by FUJIWARA no Kaneie and his son FUJIWARA no Michikane, and Imperial Prince Kanehito (Emperor Ichijo), Kaneie's grandchild from a daughter who married into another family, acceded to the Imperial throne.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは満純の死後、岩松を継いだ従弟(満純の弟・満春の子)の岩松持国が鎌倉公方派であったため、純を幕府派として擁立しようという義教の策略だったといわれる。
    This was said to have been Yoshinori's plot to back Iezumi as a member of the Bakufu group in opposition to his cousin, Mochikuni IWAMATSU(a child of Mitsuz umi's younger brother Mitsuharu) of the Kamakura Kubo group, who had succeeded the IWAMATSU family after Mitsuzumi's death.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鎌倉三代将軍源実朝のころ、逆臣の藤沢入道・四郎父子の策略で、有力御人の北条義時と和田常盛との軋轢が強まっている。
    Around the time of Sanetomo MINAMOTO, Third Shogun of the Kamakura period, deceived with a tactic of a gyakushin (rebellious subject), Nyudo FUJISAWA and his son, Shiro, friction between Yoshitoki HOJO and Tsunemori WADA who are both the Shogun's senior vassals is increasing.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『源氏物語』の第一読者であり、紫式部の局にやってきてはいつも原稿の催促をしていたといわれている(自分をモデルとした策略家の貴族が登場していることからそれを楽しみにしていたとも言われる)。
    He was the first reader of "The Tale of Genji," and it is said that every time he visited Murasakishikibu's room he asked for her manuscript (it is also said that he was looking forward to reading about an aristocrat that appears in the story who is a tactician modeled after him).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元就は長男の毛利隆元(53代)に督を譲った後も戦国大名として陣頭指揮を続け、尼子氏に対しては策略を以ってその軍事の柱石である新宮党を主の尼子晴久に誅殺させた(しかし近年では新宮党粛清は元就の策謀ではなく、あくまで晴久の意志で実行されたとの見解が有力である)。
    Even after Motonari handed over his family estate to his first son, Takamoto MORI (the 53th), he continued to take command as a Sengoku daimyo (Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku period); also, in order to destroy the Amago clan, he made Haruhisa AMAGO execute the Shingu-to group who were the pillar of their military affairs, as criminals (However, a more prominent opinion in recent years is that the purge of the Shingu-to was not conducted by the conspiracy of Motonari, but by the will of Haruhisa.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1849年、松代藩士にて蘭学者の佐久間象山は藩費、場合によっては禄を返上し費用に充てる覚悟で『ドゥーフ・ハルマ』を出版する計画を立て、藩主に「攘夷の策略に関する藩主宛答申書」を上奏して外国に対抗するために語学と技術習得を広める重要性を説いた。
    In 1849 Shozan SAKUMA, a feudal retainer of the Matsushiro clan and Dutch scholar, planned to publish "Doeff Halma" at the expense of the clan or from his own expense for which he would give up his karoku (hereditary stipend) under certain circumstances; he presented the lord of the clan with the report regarding strategy for expulsion of foreigners addressed to the lord of the clan, and emphasized the importance of disseminating the learning of language and technology for the purpose of opposing foreign countries.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『百器徒然袋』の解説文に「保元の夜軍に鎌田政清、手がらをなせしも我ゆへなれば、いかなる恩もたぶべきに、手がたをつけんと前輪のあたりつけらるれば、気も魂もきえぎえとなりしとおしみて唄ふ声、いとおもしろく夢のうちにおもいぬ」とあることから、策略によって主君共々殺害された源氏の臣・鎌田政清が使用していた馬の鞍が変化して生まれた妖怪とされる。
    According to the commentary of "Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro" containing the description of '保元の夜軍に鎌田政清、手がらをなせしも我ゆへなれば、いかなる恩もたぶべきに、手がたをつけんと前輪のあたりつけらるれば、気も魂もきえぎえとなりしとおしみて唄ふ声、いとおもしろく夢のうちにおもいぬ,' it is regarded that the specter was transmuted from the saddle of Masakiyo KAMATA's horse; Masakiyo, a vassal of the Minamoto clan, was plotted to be killed with his lord.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
