
  • それぞれ無節(節なしと読む)、止め節(節が切り止め部分にある)、中節(節が茶杓の中間に位置するものや、それより上にあるもの、下にくるものがある)と節の位置が変わる。
    The location of fushi varies with the three styles: fushi-nashi, which does not have any knots, for the Shin style; tome-bushi, which has a knot at the bottommost part, for the Gyo style; and naka-bushi, which has a knot at the middle point of Chashaku or sometimes at an upper or lower location than the middle point, for the So style.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元本より迹を垂るる、処処に開引し中間に相ひ値て数数成熟し、今世には五味に節節に調伏し、収羅結撮して法華に帰会す。
    Buddha's entire thought, which gradually grew from its origin and was preached to the world on various occasions in various different ways, is revealed in this sutra in the most comprehensive form.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
