
  • 問屋
    a rice-merchant - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 問屋
    a rice-factor  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 米問屋
    a rice-factor  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • の売買をする米問屋
    a wholesale rice dealer that deals in rice for a spot price  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 米問屋という職業
    an occupational post as a wholesale rice dealer  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 米問屋という職業の人
    a person who is a wholesale rice dealer  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 価の場合は札差・米問屋が対象となる)。
    (In the case of the rice price, fudasashi [a trader who received or sold rice preserved in a depository by the Edo Shogunate and domains on behalf of the government] and rice warehouse merchants were eligible for Haishakukin.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 伊勢屋は呉服屋説と米問屋説があるが不明である。
    Some said that Iseya was a kimono fabric shop while others said that it was a rice warehouse merchant, but the actual fact is unknown.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 播磨国高砂市の人で、実家は富裕な蔵元(米問屋)。
    He was from Takasago City, Harima Province, and his parents' home was a wealthy Kuramoto (rice wholesaler).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そのような中、富山県で発生した米問屋と住民の騒動は瞬く間に全国に広がり(騒動)米問屋の打ち壊しや焼き討ちなど2ヶ月間に渡り頻発した。
    Amid this development, the clash between rice dealers and citizens that broke out in Toyama Prefecture spread quickly throughout the country, with rice riots involving destruction and burning of stores occurring frequently for two months.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同じく京都では柳原において騒動が始まり、米問屋を打ちこわすなどして1升30銭での販売を強要した。
    At the same time, a riot started in Yanagihara, Kyoto City, which destroyed rice warehouse merchants and forced a sale of rice for 30 sen per 1 sho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 騒動は次第に米問屋から炭坑へと場所を移し、9月12日の三井三池炭鉱の騒動終了まで、50日間を数えた。
    The riots gradually moved from rice warehouse merchants to coal mines and it took 50 days until the riot in Mitsui Miike coal mine ended on September 12.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 沖の山炭坑の騒動は付近住民を加えた数千人規模の騒動に発展し、米問屋、屋敷の打ちこわしや遊廓への放火などが起こった。
    While the riot in Okinoyama coal mine developed into a riot of several thousand people including local residents, Uchikowashi of rice warehouse merchants and residences and arsons to brothels took place.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 従来の藩が租税として集めたをまとめて江戸や大坂の蔵屋敷を経由して同地の米問屋に売却するというこれまでのの流通システムが崩壊して、個々の農民が地元の商人などに直接を換金してその代金を納め、地元の商人が全国市場にを売却するようになるなど、商業や流通に対する影響も大きかった。
    The land-tax reform also had a large effect on Japanese commerce and distribution system; that is, prior to the reform rice collected as tax from various clans were sold and distributed by wholesale dealers in Edo or Osaka through storehouses of various clans in Edo or Osaka; the reform allowed farmers to change their rice to cash directly at local rice merchants, who sold rice to the market across the country; thus the previous distribution system collapsed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この時は巡回中の警官によって解散させられたが、住民らは集会をはじめるなど、の販売を要望する人数はさらに増加していき、翌月8月3日には中新川郡水橋町で200名弱の町民が集結し、米問屋や資産家に対しの移出を停止し、販売するよう嘆願した。
    They had been broken up by patrolling officers at that time, but people started to have meetings and the number of people who demanded to sell rice increased further, and moreover, nearly 200 residents gathered in Mizuhashi-machi town, Nakaniikawa County on August 3 to ask rice marketers and wealthy people to stop transporting rice and sell it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 原料となる不足、酒造所の廃業による清酒の生産量低下、そのため造り酒屋>問屋>小売店>消費者と流通過程で次々と加水された。
    The decrease of production volume of sake due to the deficit of rice, its material, and closing of sake breweries caused water-adding happened in sequence during the course of distribution; sake breweries, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 労働者の労働基本権日本における労働基本権すらなかったこの時代、厳しい抑圧と、苦しい生活に喘ぐ一般庶民の怒りの矛先は、次第に高所得者、とくに米問屋や商人に向けられるようになっていった。
    In times like that when there were not even basic labor rights in Japan, the common people who struggled against hard suppression and living directed their anger to high-income people, especially rice marketers and merchants gradually.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸浅草の米問屋あるいは魚問屋の大店に大捌助六(おおわけすけろく)あるいは戸澤助六(とざわすけろく)という若旦那がいたという説、京都・大坂でその男気をもって名を馳せた助六という侠客だとする説、そして江戸・蔵前の札差で、粋で気前のいい文化人として知られた大口屋暁雨(おおぐちやぎょうう)だとする説である。
    An opinion has it that there was a young master of a large merchant house of a rice wholesaler or fish wholesaler in Asakusa, Edo named Sukeroku OWAKE or Sukeroku TOZAWA and he might have been the model for Sukeroku; another opinion has it that a street knight in Kyoto and Osaka who was renowned for his chivalrous spirit might have been the model for Sukeroku; and another opinion has it that a rice broker in Kuramae, Edo who was renowned as a chic, stylish, generous man of culture named Gyouu OGUCHIYA might have been the model for Sukeroku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
