
  • 精強な伊勢貞興隊は兵数に勝る中川清秀隊を直押しに押した。
    Sadaoki ISE's powerful forces steadily pushed back Kiyohide NAKAGAWA's numerically superior forces.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 軍事氏族の物部氏の兵は精強で稲城を築き頑強に抵抗し、守屋は朴の枝に登って雨のように矢を射かけた。
    The soldiers of the Mononobe Clan, which comes from a line of a military clan, were ferocious and they tenaciously resisted the attack by building an inagi (a defensive post made out of rice straw); Moriya let loose a rain of arrows by climbing on the branch of Magnolia.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 台湾出兵時に西郷従道が装備したガトリング砲も九州へ送られるなど、徴兵で構成された政府軍は精強な薩摩士族相手に戦うために、相当な意気込みを見せたが、一番肝心な歩兵銃の弾薬調達でトラブルが発生していた。
    The government army, which consisted of conscripts, was so enthusiastic about fighting against the powerful band of warrior class in Satsuma that it even sent the Gatling gun that had been equipped by Tsugumichi SAIGO for the Taiwan expedition to Kyushu but had a trouble in the essential matter of supplying ammunition for infantry rifle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
