
  • 尾張の素封家に生まれる。
    He was born to a wealthy family in Owari Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 久原は、網元や廻船問屋を営む素封家
    The Kuhara famiy was a wealthy family; they were a master of fishermen and Kaisen donya (wholesaler in port).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 帰国後、神戸の素封家・鹿島の婿養子となる。
    After returning to Japan, he became an adopted son-in-law of the Kashima, a wealthy family in Kobe.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 造り酒屋は元々素封家が多く、地域の名士的存在である。
    Many sake brewers were originally wealthy and well-known personalities in a given region.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 公立では地元の素封家が県に莫大な寄付をして設立した富山県立富山高等学校(旧制)がある。
    For public schools, there is Toyama Kenritsu Toyama Koto Gakko (Toyama Prefectural Toyama High School) (under the old system) which was established by a wealthy local family who donated an enormous amount of money to the prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後も長浜をはじめ京都・金沢市の素封家の食客として転々と生活することで食器と美食に対する見識を深めていった。
    After that, he moved around as a guest of wealthy families, starting in Nagahama, then Kyoto and Kanazawa city, and this life style enriched his knowledge of gourmet food and dinnerware.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大観のタッチは独特ながら一見、模倣しやすいと考えられ、戦前の一時期、横山大観を騙り地方の素封家の食客となって渡り歩く無名画が多数あらわれた。
    Since Taikan's touch was considered at a glance to be easy to imitate despite its uniqueness, many nameless painters appeared during a certain period of time before the war, falsely representing themselves as Taikan YOKOYAMA and going from one local wealthy person to another as freeloading guests.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 嵯峨本は、別名角倉本、光悦本ともいい、京の三長者に数えられる嵯峨の素封家角倉素庵が開版し、多くは本阿弥光悦の書体になる文字摺りの国文学の出版であった。
    The Saga-bon was also called Kadokura-bon (a Kadokura book) or Koetsu-bon (a Koetsu book), and began to be published by Soan SUMINOKURA, a wealthy person in Saga who was said to be one of the three richest men in Kyoto, mainly in the area of Japanese literature printed in the handwriting style of Koetsu HONAMI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 帰国後の1910年(明治43年)に長浜市の素封家・河路豊吉に食客として招かれ、書や篆刻の制作に打ち込む環境を提供された。
    In 1910, after returning to Japan, he was invited to stay as a guest of the wealthy Toyokichi KAWAJI in Nagahama-city, providing him with an environment in which he could concentrate on calligraphy and Tenkoku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この制度に助けられた人物に、明治・大正期の陸軍軍人秋山好古や昭和期の軍人・大韓民国大統領朴正煕(どちらも教師を経て陸軍士官学校(日本)入学)、実業五島慶太(東急グループ初代総帥、長野県上田高等学校卒業後、小学校の代用教員を経て東京高等師範学校→英語教師→東京大学)らがいる(なお作菊池寛は庭の経済的事情で東京高等師範学校に進むことを余儀なくされたものの、素行が原因で退学処分を受け、素封家からの援助を取り付けて第一高等学校(旧制)に入学し直した)。
    People who received benefit from this system were as follows; Yoshifuru AKIYAMA, a military serviceman in the Meiji and the Taisho periods, Chung-hee PARK, a military serviceman and President of the Republic of Korea in the Showa period, (both of them entered Army War College (Japan) after a teaching career), Keita GOTO, a businessman (the first leader of the Tokyu Group; he graduated from Ueda Senior High School in Nagano Prefecture, worked as an elementary school assistant teacher, entered Tokyo Higher Normal School, working as an English teacher, and went on to The University of Tokyo), etc. (Kan KIKUCHI, a writer, was forced to enter Tokyo Higher Normal School for an economic reason, but expelled because of his bad behavior and reentered Daiichi Senior High School with financial support from a rich person).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
