
  • 罪業を積む
    to lead a life of sin―live in sin  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 罪業消滅の苦業をする
    to do penance for one's sins  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • すると、念々に80億劫の生死の罪業を滅除し、金の蓮華を見て往生することができる。
    Soon after, they can be granted a pardon for their 800 million atrocious crimes and go to the Pure land seeing golden lotus flowers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「般若の面(はんにゃ)」と呼ばれる女の鬼の面の中でも、もっとも罪業深く、ほとんどヘビになってしまった面を真蛇(しんじゃ)と呼ぶ。
    Among female demon masks called "Hanya [female demon] masks," the one which almost became a snake with the worst karma is called Shinja.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 西国三十三箇所の観音菩薩を巡礼参拝すると、現世で犯したあらゆる罪業が消滅し、極楽往生できるとされる。
    It is believed that all the sins committed throughout one's lifetime would be washed away and a person would go to paradise if he/she made the pilgrimage to the thirty-three holy places of Kannon in western provinces.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 我こそは汝が父の亡靈なれ。只眞夜中の若千時のみ、閻浮にさまよふ許あれども、娑婆にて犯しゝ罪業の燒き淨めらるゝそれまでは、焦熱地獄の餓鬼の苦しみ。
    I am your father's spirit, doomed for a certain time to walk the night, and during the day I am confined to burn in fires, until the evil crimes I had done in my life are burnt and purged away. - Tatoeba例文
  • 我こそは汝が父の亡靈なれ。只眞夜中の若千時のみ、閻浮にさまよふ許あれども、娑婆にて犯しゝ罪業の燒き淨めらるゝそれまでは、焦熱地獄の餓鬼の苦しみ。
    I am thy father’s spirit; doom’d for a certain term to walk the night, and, for the day, confin’d to waste in fires till the foul crimes done in my days of nature are burnt and purg’d away. - Tatoeba例文
  • 神仏習合の一段階として、日本の神も人間と同様に罪業から逃れ自らも悟りをひらくことを望んでいるという思想が生まれた。
    As a stage of syncretization of Shinto with Buddhism there came the idea that the god of Japan hoped to escape from crime and achieve enlightenment as well as human beings.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 地蔵菩薩の霊験は膨大にあり、人々の罪業を滅し成仏させるとか、苦悩する人々の身代わりになって救済するという説話が多い。
    There are many stories that the miraculous efficacy of Jizo Bosatsu is enormous enough to diminish people's sins and make them Buddha, and that he relieves people as a scapegoat for their suffering.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 人々がいつまでも苦しみの輪廻を逃れられないのは、このように我が身にとらわれて自分さえよければと欲求することが、結果的に罪業を作る結果となるからである。
    The reason why people can not escape from the transmigration of troubles is that such selfish desires lead to bad karma as a result.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このように、横難横死にあうことが過去の謗法の重い罪業を軽く受けている(転重軽受)ことになる場合があるなどと述べている。
    Stated above, suffering onan (横難) oshi (横死) sometimes leads to light punishment for bad karma of one's past hobo (slander of the Law) (this is called Tenju kyoju, practicing shobo allows one to receive one's heavy bad karma of the past world lightly, or sometimes even lets it disappear) and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 臨終の時に大乗十二部経の経題を聞いて、1000劫の極重悪業を除き、また阿弥陀の名号を唱えると50億劫の生死の罪業を滅除し、化仏の来迎を受けて浄土へ往生する。
    At the time of death, they listen to Kyodai (title of Buddhist scriptures) of Mahayana Buddhism Junibu-kyo (the Twelve Divisions of Scriptures) to expiate their 1000 heinous crimes and call upon myogo (name) of Amida to be granted pardon for their 500 million atrocious crimes, and then, meet Kebutsu (incarnation of Buddha) and go to the Pure Land.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 臨終の時に、まさに地獄に堕さんとした時、阿弥陀仏の十力威徳、光明神通、五分法身(ごぶほっしん)を聞いて、80億劫の生死の罪業を滅除される。
    At the time of death, the moment they are going to hell, they listen to jurikiitoku (dignity), koumeishintsu (light on everything, which can salvage people reciting sutra) and gobuhosshin (five steps for ascetic practice) of Amida Buddha, so, they are granted a pardon for their 800 million atrocious crimes.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 乱後、崇徳院は讃岐に流され、自身の罪業を償うために五部大乗経をしたため、朝廷に石清水八幡宮か長谷寺へと納経の許可を求める。
    Subsequent to the disturbance, Sutoku-in was exiled to Sanuki, and copied the Five Volumes of Mahayana Sutras in order to atone for his sins, asking the Imperial Court to dedicate a copy to Iwashimizu-Hachimangu Shrine or Hasedera Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし「元命朝臣は猶悪事止まずして国人に憎まれ、終わりをよくせざりしとぞ、(その郎党の)為家は罪業恐ろしくおもいて、六角二階の伽藍を営み・・・」と。
    However, folklore goes on to say, 'Motonaga Ason (second highest of the eight hereditary titles) was detested by the local people because he would not stop his wrongdoings until his death, thus (his retainer) Tameie felt horrendous about Motonaga's sins and constructed a hexagonal, two-story Buddhist temple...'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この豊竹座時代の作風は、人間の本能の激しさ、罪業の深さ、封建社会の矛盾などを緻密な構成と写実的な筆致で描き出しているため非常に暗い、といわれる。
    His works of this period at Toyotakeza Theater is said to be very depressing with elaborate framework and the realistic description: fiery instinct and sinfulness of people, and contradictions in feudal society.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 人柄は正直で人に媚びることはなかったが、春秋の逍遥遊戯に惹かれ、狩猟に耽り、栄華を好むなど罪業を積んだが、道心あって平素より法華経を読んだことから往生を得ることができたとされる(『本朝法華験記』ほか)。
    It was said that his character was honest and did not flatter people, but had bad karma for liking Shoyo games held in Spring and Fall, did hunting, favored Eiga (Flowering Fortune), but followed doctrine and read the Hoke-kyo Sutra (the Lotus Sutra) daily so he would be able to go to heaven ("Honcho Hokke Genki" (Accounts of auspicious signs of the Lotus Sutra in our country)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 作中では主である旗本中川三郎兵衛を殺害してその妾と出奔、鳥居峠(長野県)で茶屋経営の裏で強盗を働いていたが、己の罪業を感じて出家、主殺しの罪滅ぼしのために青の洞門の開削を始め、後に仇とつけ狙った三郎兵衛の息子と共に鑿ったものとされるが、主殺しなどのエピソードは菊池の創作である。
    The murder episode depicted in this novel is a fiction created by the author Kikuchi; according to the novel, the main character killed his master, a direct retainer of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Saburobei NAKAGAWA, ran away with his master's concubine, became a robber while running a rest house at Torii Pass (Nagano Prefecture), but when he felt his sin, he went into priesthood, started excavation of a tunnel in expiation for his sin, and ended up working together with a son of Saburobei, who followed him seeking revenge, to complete the excavation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 718年(養老2年)大和国の長谷寺の開基である徳道上人が62歳のとき、病のために亡くなるが冥土の入口で閻魔大王に会い、生前の罪業によって地獄へ送られる者があまりにも多いことから、三十三箇所の観音霊場をつくり巡礼によって人々を救うように託宣を受けるとともに起請文と三十三の宝印を授かり現世に戻された。
    Saint Tokudo, the founder of the Hase-dera Temple in Yamato Province, met Enma Daio (King Yama, or the King of Hell) at the entrance to the other world when he died of disease at the age of sixty-two in 718; he received from Enma Daio an oracle telling him to build thirty-three holy places of Kannon and save people by having them make the pilgrimage, then received the kishomon (written oath) to Kannon and the thirty-three hoin (temple seals), and was sent back to the world to accomplish these tasks, for too many people had been sent to hell from bad karma.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 三 この法律、会社法若しくは一般社団法人及び一般財団法人に関する法律(平成十八年法律第四十八号)の規定に違反し、又は金融商品取引法第百九十七条(有価証券届出書虚偽記載等の罪)、第百九十七条の二第一号から第十号まで若しくは第十三号(有価証券の無届募集等の罪)、第百九十八条第八号(裁判所の禁止又は停止命令違反の罪)、第百九十九条(報告拒絶等の罪)、第二百条第一号から第十二号まで、第二十号若しくは第二十一号(訂正届出書の不提出等の罪)、第二百三条第三項(金融商品取引業者等の役職員に対する贈賄罪)若しくは第二百五条第一号から第六号まで、第十九号若しくは第二十号(特定募集等の通知書の不提出等の罪)の罪、金融機関等の更生手続の特例等に関する法律(平成八年法律第九十五号)第五百四十九条(詐欺更生罪)、第五百五十条(特定の債権者等に対する担保の供与等の罪)、第五百五十二条から第五百五十五条まで(報告及び検査の拒絶等の罪、業務及び財産の状況に関する物件の隠滅等の罪、管財人等に対する職務妨害の罪)若しくは第五百五十七条(贈賄罪)の罪、民事再生法(平成十一年法律第二百二十五号)第二百五十五条(詐欺再生罪)、第二百五十六条(特定の債権者に対する担保の供与等の罪)、第二百五十八条から第二百六十条まで(報告及び検査の拒絶等の罪、業務及び財産の状況に関する物件の隠滅等の罪、監督委員等に対する職務妨害の罪)若しくは第二百六十二条(贈賄罪)の罪、外国倒産処理手続の承認援助に関する法律(平成十二年法律第百二十九号)第六十五条(報告及び検査の拒絶等の罪)、第六十六条(承認管財人等に対する職務妨害の罪)、第六十八条(贈賄罪)若しくは第六十九条(財産の無許可処分及び国外への持出しの罪)の罪若しくは破産法(平成十六年法律第七十五号)第二百六十五条(詐欺破産罪)、第二百六十六条(特定の債権者に対する担保の供与等の罪)、第二百六十八条から第二百七十二条まで(説明及び検査の拒絶等の罪、重要財産開示拒絶等の罪、業務及び財産の状況に関する物件の隠滅等の罪、審尋における説明拒絶等の罪、破産管財人等に対する職務妨害の罪)若しくは第二百七十四条(贈賄罪)の罪を犯し、刑に処せられ、その執行を終わり、又はその執行を受けることがなくなった日から二年を経過しない者
    (iii) A person who has been sentenced to a penalty for having violated the provisions of this Act, the Companies Act or the Act on General Incorporated Association and General Incorporated Foundation (Act No. 48 of 2006), or for having committed: a crime under Article 197 (Crime of False Statement in Securities Registration Report, etc.), Article 197-2, items (i) to (x) inclusive or (xiii) (Crime of Solicitation of Securities by Unregistered Agents. etc.), Article 198, item (viii) (Crime of Violating Prohibition Order or Order for Suspension by Court), Article 199 (Crime of Refusal of Reporting, etc.), Article 200, items (i) to (xii) inclusive or item (xxi) (Crime of Non-Submission of Correction Report, etc.), Article 203, paragraph (3) (Bribery of Officer or Staff of Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc.) or Article 205, items (i) to (vi) inclusive, item (xvi) or (xx) (Crime of Non-Submission of Written Notice, etc. on Specified Solicitation, etc.) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; a crime under Article 549 (Crime of Fraudulent Reorganization), Article 550 (Crime of Giving Security, etc. to Specific Creditor, etc.), Article 552 to 555 inclusive (Crime of Refusal to Report or Undergo Investigation, etc., Crime of Destruction of Materials Regarding Conditions of Business and Property, etc., Crime of Obstruction of Duties Against Trustee in Bankruptcy, etc.) or Article 557 (Bribery) of the Act on Special Measures, etc. concerning Reorganization Proceedings for Financial Institutions, etc. (Act No. 95 of 1996); a crime under Article 255 (Crime of Fraudulent Rehabilitation), Article 256 (Crime of Giving Security to Specific Creditor, etc.), Article 258 to 260 inclusive (Crime of Refusal to Report or Undergo Investigation, etc., Crime of Destruction of Materials Regarding Conditions of Business and Property, etc., Crime of Obstruction of Duties Against Supervising Commissioner, etc.) or Article 262 (Bribery) of the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999); a crime under Article 65 (Crime of Refusal of Reporting or Investigation, etc.), Article 66 (Crime of Obstruction of Duties Against Recognition Trustee, etc.), Article 68 (Bribery) or Article 69 (Crime of Disposition or Export of Property without Permission) of the Act on Recognition and Assistance for Foreign Insolvency Procedures (Act No. 129 of 2000); a crime under Article 265 (Crime of Fraudulent Bankruptcy), Article 266 (Crime of Giving Security to Specific Creditor, etc.), Article 268 to 272 inclusive (Crime of Refusal of Explanation or Investigation, etc., Crime of Refusing to Disclose Important Property, etc., Crime of Destruction of Materials Regarding Conditions of Business and Property, etc., Crime of Refusal of Explanation in Hearing, etc., Crime of Obstruction of Duties Against Bankruptcy Trustee, etc.), or Article 274 (Bribery) of the Bankruptcy Act (Act No. 75 of 2004), for whom two years have not elapsed since the day on which the execution of the sentence was completed or the sentence ceased to be applied; or  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
