
  • 字(あざな)は混
    His posthumous name 混聲.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 耆:yi1sheng1qi2
    Iseri: yi1 sheng1 qi2  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 旧字体では明と書く。
    It is written as 聲明 in the old form.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 淸淨句是菩薩位
    Sound to hear with our own ears is a clean mental state of Bosatsu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 山号は鈴山(れいしょうざん)。
    Its honorific mountain prefix is Mt. Reisho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 塚も動け 我泣(わがなくこえ)は 秋の風
    The grave mound should move! My crying voice is echoed in the autumn wind  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「観想の種子」(明を取り入れた作品。)
    Kanso no Shushi' (seed of contemplation) (a work that incorporates shomyo [chanting by priests at Buddhist ceremonies].)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 原文…設我得佛國中聞有能計量下至三千大千世界聞縁覺於百千劫悉共計挍知其數者不取正覺
    Original Text: If, when I become a Buddha, the number of the shravavakas in my land could be known, even if all the beings and pratyekabuddhas living in this universe of a 1000 million worlds should count them during a 1100 kalpas, may I not attain perfect enlightenment.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『千秋楽は民を撫で、萬歳楽には命を延ぶ、相生の松風、颯々のぞ楽しむ、颯々のぞ楽しむ』(トメ拍子)。
    "The music of a thousand autumns soothes the people, the music of ten thousand years extends life; the breeze of the Aioi pines, how joyous the sound of the breeze, how joyous the sound of the breeze" (tome-hyoshi [closing stamps]).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼は、その論拠として総序の末尾、先述の「配巻軸於六合…」の前に「総有一十五種類、謂譜、調、八種韻、四論、十七勢、十四例、六義、十體、八階、六志、二十九種對、文三十種病累、十種疾、論文意、論對属等、是也」と見えることを挙げる。
    As the ground of his thesis, he mentioned there was a phrase at the end of the general introduction 'the theory is classified into 115 categories, I think, as follows; seifu (tones), chosho (a leading part of sutra sentences), 8 in (八種韻, 8 rhymes), 4 seiron (四聲論, 4 tone methods), 17 sei (十七勢, 17 powers), 14 rei (十四例, 14 examples), 6 gi (六義, 6 doctrines), 10 tei (十體, 10 formats), 8 kai (八階, 8 grades), 6 shi (六志, 6 wills), and 29 tai (二十九種對, 29 replies), 30 contents of peirui (文三十種病累, 30 contents of disease related),10 shitsu (十種疾, 10 disease), meanings of articles, rontaizoku (論對属, attached articles), and so on' before the phrase of 'the volumes are titled after the universe …' mentioned above.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また箏曲家以外でも町田佳や高森高山らによって、多くの和楽器を合奏させる作品が多数作られた。
    Also, many pieces of music in which varieties of traditional Japanese instruments are played in concert were created by other persons than Soh musicians, such as Kasho MACHIDA and Takayama TAKAMORI etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 太秦発映畫株式會社(うずまさはっせいえいが-、1933年設立-1936年製作中止)は、かつて京都に存在した映画会社である。
    Uzumasa Hassei Eiga (established 1933-stopped production in 1936) is a movie company once existed in Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 岡崎雪(おかざきせっせい、嘉永7年1月29日(旧暦)(1854年2月26日)-大正10年(1921年)4月16日)は、明治から大正の鋳造師、彫金家。
    Sessei OKAZAKI (February 26, 1854 - April 16, 1921) was a founder or chaser who lived from the Meiji period to the Taisho period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • は彫金技術もさることながら、その鋳造技術が高く評価され数多くの彫刻家の作品の鋳造に関わっている。
    Not only his chasing techniques but also his casting techniques were rated highly, and Sessei was involved in casting many works of sculptors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 倭王は大夫の伊耆、掖邪狗ら八人を復遣使として魏に派遣、掖邪狗らは率善中郎将の印綬を受けた。
    The King of Wa sent eight people, including the high stewards Iseri and Yasuku, as envoys to Wei, during which Yasuku was given an official seal by the Lieutenant Colonel of the Imperial Guard.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この投書が掲載されてから、「物論(ぶつろん)漸く鎭(しづ)まりて爾来(じらい)世間に攻撃(こうげき)のを聞かず」という事になった。
    Since those postings, the barrage of criticism ceased, and the situation became quire calm.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 正始4年(244年)、女王は再び魏に使者として大夫伊耆、掖邪狗らを送り、生口と布を献上。
    In 244, the queen sent envoys, such as Commissioner Iseri and Ekiyaku, to Wei again and gave the Emperor slaves and textile product as presents.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 照明に拠り、電波・映像・画像・被写体・音・諸要、を受信、諸要を機器に電送の、受発信電気機器。
  • その次第を詳細に見れば、「譜~四論」(天巻所収)「十七勢~六志」(地巻所収)「二十九種對」(東巻所収)「文三十種病累、十種疾」(西巻所収)「論文意」(南巻所収)「論對属」(北巻所収)となる。
    In detail, the word order of the above sentence was firstly 'seifu to 4 seiron' which appeared in the volume of Heaven, secondly '17 sei to 6 shi' in the volume of Earth, '29 tai' in the volume of East, '30 contents of peirui and 10 shitsu' in the volume of West, 'meanings of articles' in the volume of South, and 'rontaizoku' in the volume of North.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 2007年、狂言大蔵流狂言方の山本泰太郎・則孝、藤田流笛方竹市学らと「三会」を結成し『望月』を披く。
    In 2007, he formed 'Sansei-kai Party' together with Yasutaro and Noritaka YAMAMOTO, who are Kyogen Okura-ryu kyogenkata (comic actors of the Okura school), and Manabu TAKEICHI, who is Fujita-ryu Fuekata (a person who plays the flute learned in the Fujita school), and played "Mochizuki" for the first time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「天皇は國民の輿論を荷はない所の内閣を信任し玉ふ道理がない故に國務大臣の責任は法理上天皇に對して之を負ふと云ふも實は議會を通じて國民に對して負ふべき」ものであるとし、「輿論とは沒交渉で議會から不信任を受けても天皇の信任ある間は進退すべきではないと公言するは民のを以て神のとし、民の心を以て朕の心とすとの玉ふ名君を貶し、萬機公論に決すと宣へる聖旨を裏切る」ものである。
    It said that 'there's no reason for the emperor to give his confidence to the cabinet that is not responsible for the public, thus the ministers of the state should be responsible for the public through the parliament, even though, in theory, it is the emperor for whom they are responsible', and 'if you say that you should not resign as long as you are trusted by the emperor, even though you have lost the confidence of the parliament, and have never consulted with the general public, it means that you injure the great emperor, who takes the voice from the people as the one from the god, identifying himself with the public, and betray the divine tenor that had stated the broad-based assemblies should be held and all critical issues settled by public debate.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
