
  • 寺は、鄙びた趣きをもつ、茅葺で数奇屋りの山門と、谷崎潤一郎や河上などの著名な学者や文人の墓が数多く存在することで有名であり、哲学の道近くという立地も関係して、春秋の観光シーズンには、大勢の参拝者がある。
    The temple has a rustic charm with its thatched sukiya-zukuri style (built in the style of a tea-ceremony hut) gate. It is also famous for its many graves of noted scholars and writers such as Junichiro TANIZAKI and Hajime KAWAKAMI, and its close proximity to Philosopher's Walk draws in many visitors during the spring and autumn tourist seasons.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この「天下」概念の実例としては、1428年に大越が明から独立した際、この時代を代表する文人であるグエン・チャイが「自趙丁李陳之肇造、我国与漢唐宋元而各帝一方」(趙佗の南越国・丁部領の丁朝・李朝(ベトナム)・陳朝以来、我が国は中国の漢・唐・宋・元などの王朝と同じく帝を称して天下の一方に君臨してきた)と述べていることがあげられる。
    An example of this notion of "Tenka" was the remark made by Guen Chai, a man of literature representing this era, in 1428 when Daietsu (Đại Việt) became independent from Ming, saying "Since the era of Nanetsukoku (the kingdom of Nanyue) founded by Zhao Tuo, the Đinh dynasty founded by Đinh Bộ Lĩnh, the Lý Dynasty (Vietnam) and the Trần Dynasty, my country had reigned over part of "Tenka" as with the Hang, Tang, Sung or Yuan dynasty in China."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
