
  • 検断・肝煎(仙台市など)
    Kendan (policing and adjudication authority) and Kimoiri (Sendai City and other region)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その会議は国連の肝煎りで開催された.
    The conference was held under the auspices of the United Nations.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 江戸時代において,肝煎り役という役職の人
    during Japan's Edo period, a person in the post of village head  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 接待指南役は高家肝煎・吉良義央であった。
    The conductor of entertainment was Yoshinaka KIRA of the Koke-kimoiri (performing good offices for nobles).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、東北地方・北陸地方では肝煎と呼ぶ。
    Additionally, in the regions of Tohoku and Hokuriku, the term Kimoiri (sponsorship) was the commonly used name.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 慶応3年(1867年)、京都見廻組御雇七人扶持を皮切りに肝煎介・肝煎と昇進。
    In 1867 he was continuously promoted to Kimoiri-suke (an assistant manager) and Kimoiri (manager) of Kyoto mimawarigumi, starting from Oyatoi Shichinin-buchi (御雇七人扶持) (name of rank).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 刃傷事件があった元禄14年(1701年)、吉良は高家肝煎の地位にあったが、当時高家肝煎は吉良を含めて9人いた。
    In 1701, when the swordfight occurred, Kira was in the position of Koke-kimoiri, and at the time there were nine people in such a position.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 吉良・畠山・大友の三人が高家肝煎職だが、なかでも吉良は高家肝煎職の最古参であり、且つ唯一の左少将であった。
    Kira, Hatakeyama, and Otomo were Koke-kimoiri, and Kira was the oldest and the only Sashosho (Minor Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 市長の肝煎りで新しい体育館が学校に隣接して建設された.
    Through the good offices of the mayor, a new gymnasium was built adjoining [next to] the school.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • この家系は幕末まで代々養生所肝煎を務めた。
    This family continued to provide support fo the Koishikawa Hospital for successive generations until the end of Edo era.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 両名の指南役は高家の肝煎・吉良義央であった。
    Their instructor was koke's (the position in charge of rituals and ceremonies) sponsor Yoshinaka KIRA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 浪士組六番隊、新徴組での役職は、剣術教授方(代稽古)、組頭、肝煎等。
    He was in the sixth squad of the Roshigumi (masterless warriors group), and his posts in the Shinchogumi were Teacher of swordsmanship (substituted teaching), kumigashira (head of the group), sponsorship, etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 高家肝煎は、10万石級の大名と同じ官位が与えられることもあったが、石高は最高でも5,000石未満であった。
    Governmental posts that should be given to a 100,000-koku class daimyo were sometimes given to koke-kimoiri (dominant families of the koke families), but their earnings were always less than 5,000 koku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 渡辺篤(わたなべあつし、天保14年(1843年)-大正4年(1915年))は、京都生まれの剣客、京都見廻組肝煎
    Atsushi Watanabe (1843-1915) was an expert swordsman who was born in Kyoto and in charge of Kimoiri (director) of Kyoto mimawarigumi (a group that guarded Kyoto of the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 高家肝煎に復帰できる見込みもなく、世論に押された幕府から処罰が下る前に先手を打ったものとも見られ、即座に受理された。
    Apparently there was no hope of making a comeback to koke-kimoiri, so he took the initiative before he was punished by the bakufu, which was supported by popular opinion, and his request was immediately accepted.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお地域によって呼称は多様であり、大名主・割元・大肝煎・十村・郷頭などとも呼ばれた。
    Besides 'O-joya,' this position's name varied by region under the names of: "Onanushi," "Warimoto (a village official)," "Kimoiri (a sponsor, middleman, and also a village official)," "To-mura (a manger or an official to control villages, ten villages or more as a group)", and "Gougashira."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 寛政2(1790年)年に寄合より非役職の寄合肝煎が選出され、寄合より役職・出役への推薦・斡旋を行うようになる。
    Yoriai-kimoiri without official appointment was selected from yoriai in 1790, and they recommended and made intercessions in appointing posts and assigning additional posts from yoriai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 幕府の様々な朝廷政治工作にかかわっていたであろう高家肝煎の吉良義央を東山天皇や基熈も内心では嫌っていた証拠でもある。
    This was evidence that Emperor Higashiyama and Motohiro disliked Yoshinaka KIRA, who supposedly manipulated imperial court politics in many ways as one member of the bakufu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当時、父の実家である下川崎村の宮永家は家運が衰退していたため、やむなく母八重子の生家である福光村肝煎役石崎喜兵衛方に母子ともに引き取られ、そこで養育された。
    At the time, his father's family, the Miyanaga family in Shimokawasaki-mura, was upon bad times, so he and his mother were taken in and cared for by her relative Kihei ISHISAKI, the Kimoiri-yaku (the headman of a village) in Fukumitsu-mura village, and he was raised there.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • こうした地侍たちは、安土桃山期の兵農分離(刀狩など)によって郷士や再度、百姓身分に戻り、庄屋・名主・肝煎・番頭など村の指導者としての地位に就くことが多かった。
    In most cases, these Ji-zamurai returned to the position of farmers due to the separation policy of samurai and farmers such as the sword hunt during the Azuchi Momoyama period and took the leaders' position of the villages such as Shoya, Nanushi, Kimoiri, and Banto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし、「役金」には上記のものと違う意味合いで用いられる場合もあり、例えば肝煎名主への給金や両替屋への賦課、池などで漁猟をする者への「池魚役」などの賦課などで「役金」という言葉が使われる例があった。
    However, in some cases, the word "yakukin" was used in different meanings from the above: for example, salaries paid to village and town representatives, impositions on bankers, and impositions on pond fishers as "pond fishing charges."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、武骨な大名が一人でつとめて天皇や上皇の使者に対して無礼があったりしてもいけないので、饗応役の大名には朝廷への礼儀作法に通じた高家肝煎が指南役(口添え役とも)につくのが決まりであった。
    However, to prevent boorish daimyo, who served in the position alone, from behaving in an impolite manner toward messengers of the emperor or the retired emperor, there was a rule that Koke-kimoiri (a kind of mentor for nobles who was familiar with manners and rules of etiquette that had to be observed for members of the Imperial Court) served as an instructor (or an adviser) for Kyooyaku daimyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文久3年(1863年)または元治元年(1864年)、有無之助は京都へ行くが、攘夷とは名ばかりの暴徒が多いことに絶望、それらを懲らす志を立て江戸からの知人であった村田作郎を頼り、彼が肝煎を務める京都見廻組の寄宿人(幕臣ではない隊士)となる。
    Umunosuke went to Kyoto in either 1863 or 1864, but was devastated when he learned that there were violent groups, who excluded foreigners in name only, and became Kishukunin (the boarder) (the soldier who was not Bakushin) who took care of Kyoto Mimawarigumi in order to punish those people by asking for the help of Sakuro MURATA, who was an acquaintance of his from when they were in Edo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 3月26日、高家肝煎職の御役御免願いを提出したが、旧赤穂藩士との確執が噂され、近所の阿波国徳島藩富田藩蜂須賀氏などからも懸念されたため、8月、幕命により吉良家は松平信望(5000石の旗本)の本所(墨田区)の屋敷に移された。
    On May 3, he asked to be released from a position of Koke-kimoiri (performing good offices for nobles), but there was a rumor that he was in conflict with retainers of the old Ako domain, and his neighbor the Hachisuka clan, from the Tomida domain in Awa Province, also worried, so in September the bakufu order the Kira family to move to a residence of Nobumochi MATSUDAIRA (hatamoto with 5,000 koku) in Honjo (Sumida Ward).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この惣年寄の下に町年寄十一人(当時六つの町があり、各町二人ずつ、北町のみ一人)・町代六人・肝煎六人(いずれも各町一人ずつ)都合二十六人の町役人が、自治的に町の支配に当たった。
    Under so-doshiyori, there were a total of twenty-six machi-yakunin including eleven machi-doshiyori (two representatives per township for five of the six towns that existed in those days and one representative for the remaining Kita-cho, six cho-dai (one representative per township) and six kimoiri (one representative per township) who had autonomous control over administration of the municipality.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 以後、1904年、日露戦争献金能で「石橋(能)」連獅子、1906年、宝生九郎引退能で「安宅」延年之舞、1910年、明治天皇天覧能、1915年、大正天皇即位式能などの舞台を勤める一方で、池内肝煎の能楽会において囃子方育成事業に積極的にかかわり、吉見嘉樹、亀井俊雄らの高弟を育てた。
    While he performed Renjishi (a string of lions) called 'Shakkyo' (Stone Bridge, Noh Play) for contributing money at Japanese-Russo War in 1904, Einen no mai (dance of longevity) called 'Ataka' (the Ataka Barrier, Noh play) at retirement Noh by Kuro HOSHO in 1906, Noh play (performed) with the Emperor Meiji in attendance in 1910 and Noh play for enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Taisho in 1905, he was actively engaged in the Hayashikata (people who play hayashi, or the musical accompaniment) educating activity at the Nohgakukai of Kimoiri IKEUCHI, and nurtured his best pupils, such as Yoshiki YOSHIMI and Toshio KAMEI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、この屋敷替えに合わせるように、8月21日、大目付の庄田安利(浅野長矩は罪人であるとして庭先で切腹させた人物)・高家肝煎の大友義孝(吉良義央腹心の部下)・書院番士の東条冬重(義央の実弟)など、義央に近いと見られた人物が「勤めがよくない」として罷免されて小普請編入となっている。
    Also, on September 23, around the time of his move, those who seemed to be close friends of Yoshihisa, such as Yasutoshi SHODA, a Ometsuke, (the man who said that Naganori ASANO was a criminal and made him commit hara-kiri in the garden), and Fuyushige TOJO (Yoshihisa's younger blood brother), shoinhanshi (the shogun's bodyguard or the castle guard), were relieved of their posts because 'they were not doing well' and they were made kobushin (samurai without official appointments who received small salaries).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
