
  • 至芸.
    consummate art  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 世阿弥自身は彼の至芸には接していない。
    Zeami himself did not see Icchu's consummate play.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その至芸には恐れ入って, ただただ賛嘆するばかりだった.
    I had no comments to make on his superb performance; I just sat silent in admiration and wonder.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 澤村宗十郎(7代目)の頼兼は鷹揚で古風な芸を満喫させる至芸であった。
    Sojuro SAWAMURA (the seventh) played Yorikane excellently, in an easygoing and classic style.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 覚一は、当時貴族や武士の間に平曲を弾じて、その至芸を称された。
    Kakuichi performed Heikyoku (the music played on Heike biwa as accompaniment for the recitation of Heike monogatari) and was praised by nobles and samurai in those days for his unrivaled performance.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 以降、脇に手利きがすくなくなった歌舞伎界でその至芸は重んじられ舞台に立ちつづけた。
    Thereafter, with his unrivaled performance being highly appreciated in the Kabuki world, which has been suffering from a deficiency of excellent supporting players, he continued appearing on the stage  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 名人桂文楽が甘納豆(「明烏」)・枝豆(「馬のす」)などで見せた至芸が有名。
    As an example, the consummate performances of the master Bunraku KATSURA are well-known, such as his gesture of eating sweetened adzuki beans in the performance of Ake-garasu (A Crow Nesting at Dawn), and the gesture of eating boiled green soybeans in Umanosu (The Hair of a Horse's Tail).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 梅玉はしばしば上京しては「吉野山」の定高や「合邦庵室」の玉手御前などの至芸を見せて東京の歌舞伎ファンから高く評価されていた。
    Baigyoku often came to Tokyo and showed his unrivaled performance in role such as Sadataka in "Yoshinoyama" and Tamategozen in "Gappo Anshitsu (Gappo's country hermitage)", and was appreciated highly by Kabuki fans in Tokyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 本領を発揮した舞踊では、記録映画に残された『遅櫻手爾葉七文字』(越後獅子)のほか、『大和い手向五字』(子守)、『六歌仙容彩・喜撰』、『神楽諷雲井曲毬』(どんつく)、『傀儡師(舞踊)』、『再春菘種蒔』(舌出し三番)、『深山櫻及兼樹振』(保名)、『三つ面子守』、その他多数に至芸を見せた。
    In addition to "Osozakura Teniha no Nanamoji" ("Echigo-Jishi"), which can be seen as a documentary film, buyo dances that perfectly demonstrated his specialty included "Yamato Gana Tamuke no Itsumoji" ("Komori"), the "Kisen" dance of "Rokkasen Sugata no Irodori," "Kagurauta Kumoi no Kyokumari" ("Dontsuku"), "Kairaishi" (buyo), "Mata Kuru Haru Suzuna no Tanemaki" ("Shitadashi Sanba"), "Miyama no Hana to Dokanu Edaburi" ("Yasuna") and "Mitsumen Komori," among many other productions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
