
  • 強ち柿本人麻呂・山部赤人の余唾を舐るでもなく、固より紀貫之・藤原定家の糟粕をしやぶるでもなく、自己の本領屹然として山岳と高きを争ひ日月と光を競ふ処、実に畏るべく尊むべく、覚えず膝を屈するの思ひ有之候。
    He did not try to follow the styles of KAKINOMOTO no Hitomaro or YAMABE no Akahito or imitate the styles of KI no Tsurayuki or FUJIWARA no Teika at all, his style was established as highly as mountains and as bright as the light of the sun and moon, and it was to be really respected and I felt brought to my knees unawares.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
