
  • 飛行機や鳥などが舞い降りる
    of a flying animal or object, to alight  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 予期せぬ事が舞い降りる
    of an unexpected thing, to happen  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • ひらひらと舞い降りる雪が少女の長くて金色の髪を覆いました。
    The flakes of snow covered her long fair hair,  - Hans Christian Andersen『マッチ売りの少女』
  • また「堅田の落雁(舞い降りる雁)」は近江八景の一つとして名高い。
    Katata no Rakugan (Sweeping-down Geese in Katata)' is also famous as one of the 'Omi Hakkei' (Eight Views of Omi).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ひとの声に似た不気味な鳴き声、漆黒の羽、死肉を啄む姿などから、鴉は不幸に舞い降りる不吉な鳥として世界に知られています。
    A creepy cry that sounds like a human voice, velvet black wings, the image of tearing into dead flesh; crows are known across the world as an ill-omened bird that flies down with ill-luck. - Tatoeba例文
  • ひとの声に似た不気味な鳴き声、漆黒の羽、死肉を啄む姿などから、鴉は不幸に舞い降りる不吉な鳥として世界に知られています。
    A creepy cry that sounds like a human voice, velvet black wings, the image of tearing into dead flesh; crows are known across the world as a ill-omened bird that flies down with ill-luck.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 古代日本において、祭祀を司る巫女自身の上に神が舞い降りるという神がかりの儀式のために行われた舞がもととなり、それが様式化して祈祷や奉納の舞となった。
    The dances performed by shrine maidens in ancient Japan, through which gods were believed to alight upon and possess the maidens who were performing the rituals for the gods, were later formalized and took the current form of dances for solemn prayer and dedication to the gods.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鉄隕石入り印鑑の交換セレモニーとして、最初に、宇宙の彼方から流れ星が誕生し、銀河系を旅して太陽系に入り、地球に到達して、隕石となって地上に舞い降りるという一連の過程をDVD録画した動画映像をスクリーンに流し、その後に新郎新婦の間でお互いの鉄隕石入り印鑑を交換し合うセレモニーを行う。
    As the exchanging ceremony of seals containing ion meteorites, a moving video obtained by DVD-recording a series of processes where a shooting star is born far in the distance of the universe, and the shooting star travels in the galaxy, enters the solar system, reaches the earth, and flies down on the ground as a meteorite, is projected on a screen, and a newlywed couple exchange their own seals containing iron meteorite. - 特許庁
