
  • 、船舟師ともいう。
    Suigun is also called suishi, funashi, or shushi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 幕府の御用絵となり、雪に奥義を伝えるという。
    It is said that he was a painter patronized by the shogunate (government) and taught secrets to Sesshu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • に書の真髄を伝え、弘法大流入木道52世を授ける。
    Ittei passed on the essence of calligraphy to Tessshu who became the 52nd inheritor of the Kobo Daishi legacy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 狩野派が当時画壇を支配していたが、雪と仰ぎ、諸大名が雪の作品を求めたからであるとされる。
    It is thought to be because the Kano School that ruled painting circles at the time venerated him as a master, and feudal lords wanted to have Sesshu's artwork.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 湖のほとりに二そうのがあるのを目にしたが,漁たちはそれらのから下りて,自分たちの網を洗っていた。
    He saw two boats standing by the lake, but the fishermen had gone out of them, and were washing their nets.  - 電網聖書『ルカによる福音書 5:2』
  • 日実上人は伊豆で日蓮を救った漁守弥三郎の子と言われる。
    Nichijitsu Shonin is said to be a son of Yazaburo FUNAMORI, a fisherman who saved Nichiren in Izu  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 禅宗の祖である達磨から歴代30人の祖像で、雪の流れをくむ毛利家の御用絵・雲谷等顔(うんこくとうがん)により描かれた。
    These portraits of the 30 founders of Zen Buddhism beginning with Bodhidharma were painted by Unkoku Togan, a painter in the service of the Mori family to whom Sesshu belonged.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 諸職人(刀鍛冶や、石工、薬売り、紺屋、筆結、木樵、鎧細工、笠張り、仏など)や渡、陰陽、宿曜、山伏、禰宜、巫女、白拍子、舞々、楽人、能役者(端役)、連歌、俳諧、通事(飜訳業)、瓦版売り、高利貸(銀行員)などのように地域・時代によっては賎民とされた職業もある。
    Some occupations were defined as Senmin depending on the region/period, such as various craftsmen (swordsmiths, masons, medicine peddlers, dyers, pen makers, wood cutters, armor makers, umbrella makers, sculptors of Buddhist statues and others), boatmen, Yin yang masters, astrologers, mountain priests, shrine priests, shrine maidens, dancing girls, dancers, musicians, Noh performers (minor roles), linked-verse poets, haikai poets, interpreters (translators), news-sheet sellers, and usurers (bankers).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • はこの幻を匂宮と勘違いしたが、実際は後に横川の僧都に祓われる法の悪霊であった(「手習」)。
    Ukifune misunderstood this phantom as Nioumiya, but actually it was the evil spirit of a monk which was later exorcized by Yokawa no sozu ('Tenarai').  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 指にたりない一寸法 小さいからだに大きな望み お椀のに箸のかい 京へはるばるのぼりゆく
    Issunboshi, not even as tall as a finger, with a big hope in his little body he goes to Kyoto in a boat made out of a bowl and a paddle made out of a chopstick  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 庵号の「孤篷」は孤(こしゅう)のことで、小堀遠州が事した春屋宗園(しゅんおくそうえん)から授かった号である。
    The name Koho-an Temple is derived from 'koho,' the name received by Enshu KOBORI from his master Shunoku Soen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • と同じく周文に事した墨谿筆の達磨図で、衣服にみる力強く野太い筆線描写は墨谿画の特徴のひとつである。
    An image of Bodhidharma painted by Bokkei who, like Sesshu, also studied under Shubun which features one of his main characteristics of using powerful, bold lines used to depict clothing.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 寛文3年(1663年)に石州流茶道の祖・片桐石見守貞昌(石州)が父・片桐貞隆の菩提寺として大徳寺185世・玉和尚(大徹明應禅)を開山に迎え建立。
    In 1663, Sadamasa Iwaminokami KATAGIRI (Sekishu), the founder of tea ceremony of the Sekishu school, erected this temple as an ancestral temple of his father, Sadataka KATAGIRI, and had Priest Gyokushu (大徹明應禅師), the 185th head of Daitoku-ji Temple, as the head priest.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 内部の襖絵(重要文化財)は雪の画風を継承した毛利家・御用絵である雲谷等顔(うんこくとうがん)筆で、室中の「竹林七賢図」や檀那の間の「西湖図」など44面が残る。
    The inside of the building includes 44 sliding panel paintings (Important Cultural Properties) including 'Chikurin Shichiken-zu' in the inner room and 'Saiko-zu' in the Danna room that are the works of Togan UNKOKU who was a painter in the service of the Mori family and who had inherited the artistic style of Sesshu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 子に冷泉為則、三室戸緝光、初子(甘露寺国長室)、娘(阿野公倫室)、娘(町尻量聡室)、娘(賢室)、かめ(伏原宣武室)がいる。
    His sons were Tamenori REIZEI and Tsugumitsu MIMURODO, and his daughters were Hatsuko (the wife of Kuninaga KANROJI), Kame (the wife of Nobutake FUSEHARA) and three others (the wives of Kintsugu ANO, Kanefusa MACHIJIRI, and Morokata FUNAHASHI).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 勝海は長崎に残り、幕府がオランダに発注した「ヤパン号」(咸臨丸)と、それに同乗するヴィレム・ホイセン・ファン・カッテンディーケを団長とする36名の第二次教団を待つことになった。
    Kaishu KATSU, who remained in Nagasaki, took charge of 'yaban go,' (Kanrin Maru [the first Japanese ship ever to cross the Pacific]) which was purchased from Holland and the second troop with 36 teachers including Willem Johan Cornelis ridder Huijssen van Kattendijke as a head, who boarded 'yaban go.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸時代初期に安楽庵策伝は「醒睡笑」に、武士(もののふ)のやばせのは早くとも急がば廻れ瀬田の長橋という連歌の宗長の歌から急がば回れのことわざがうまれたと紹介している。
    In the early Edo period, Sakuden ANRAKUEN noted that the proverb "Isogaba Maware (Make haste slowly)" was derived from a renga (collaborative poetry) included in 'Seisuisho,' "Mononofu no Yabase no fune wa hayakutomo Isogaba Maware Seta no Naga-bashi," which was written by a poet Socho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • は明応4年(1495年)、76歳の時、弟子の宗淵に与えた作品『山水図』(通称「破墨山水図」)の自賛に、「自分は絵を学ぶために明に渡航したが、そこには求めるはいなかった」と記し、先輩に当たる如拙や周文の画業をたたえている。
    Sesshu wrote, 'I went to Ming in order to learn painting, but there was no teacher I sought' as Jisan (inscription on his own painting) on "Sansui-zu (landscape picture)" (commonly called 'Haboku-sansui-zu') which was given to his disciple, Soen, at the age of 76 in 1495, and he praised the achievements on the painting of his senior, Josetsu and Shubun.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 正信が壁画を描いた雲頂院の本寺である相国寺は室町幕府3代将軍足利義満創建の禅寺で、如拙、周文、雪らの画僧を輩出した室町画壇の中心的存在であり、この当時は周文の弟子にあたる画僧・宗湛(小栗宗湛、1413-1481)が御用絵として活動していた。
    Shokoku-ji Temple, as the main temple building of Unchoin, where Masanobu created the screen paintings, is a Zendera temple constructed by Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, the third Shogun of the Muromachi shogunate; it is the heart of the Muromachi art world, which produced artist-monks such as Josetsu, Shubun, Sesshu; moreover, in those days Sotan (Sotan OGURI, 1413 - 1481), an artist-monk who was a disciple of Shubun, worked as an official painter.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
