花魁草という植物 a plant called a garden phlox
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はぁ 伝説の花魁? The legendary courtesan? - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
里詞、花魁詞、ありんす詞とも。 Kuruwa kotoba were also called sato kotoba, oiran kotoba or arinsu kotoba.
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花魁が履く黒塗りの下駄。 Sanmaiba geta is a black-painted sandal worn by oiran.
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花魁にふさわしくないと思われたらその花魁とは付き合うことができなかった。 If considered to be unsuitable for the oiran, he couldn't court her anymore.
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下記に江戸時代の花魁について記述する。 The following is a note about oiran in the Edo period.
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これを滑り道中(後に花魁道中)と呼んだ。 This journey was called "suberi dochu" (later called "oiran dochu").
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本来は「呼出し」を花魁と呼んだと考えられる。 It is generally considered that only "yobidashi" could be truly called "oiran."
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これらより下位の遊女は花魁とはいわなかった。 Courtesans ranked lower than yobidashi were not referred to as oiran.
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花魁クラスの遊女は客よりも上位だったのである。 The oiran-class courtesans were considered to be superior to their customers.
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花魁の格式に相応した壮麗絢爛な髪型。 Datehyogo is a magnificently glamorous hairstyle which matches the prestige of oiran.
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花魁(太夫級の遊女)の髪形として有名。 It was famous as a hairstyle of oiran (highest-ranking yujo).
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他の花魁に通ったことがわかると、花魁は客を吉原大門のあたりで捕らえ、茶屋に苦情を言った。 When one oiran noticed that her customer went to another oiran, she caught the customer near the Yoshiwara O-mon Gate and complained to a tea house.
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吉原の花魁、嶋原の太夫に付く禿の履き物。 This was footwear for Kamuro (apprentices of high-class prostitutes) attending on Oiran (prostitutes) in Yoshiwara or on Tayu (geisha of the highest rank) in Shimabara.
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「おやま」は一説には女郎、花魁の古名であるともされる。 According to one theory, 'oyama' is regarded as the old name of joro or oiran (prostitute).
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花魁(おいらん)は、吉原遊廓の遊女で位の高い者のことをいう。 An oiran refers to a high-ranking courtesan in the pleasure quarter of Yoshiwara.
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今日では、広く遊女一般を指して花魁と呼ぶこともある。 Today "oiran" is sometimes used to refer generally to a courtesan or prostitute of that period.
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しかし、花魁に相当するのは、おおむね次の遊女である。 Roughly, however, the courtesans mentioned below are considered to be in the rank of oiran.
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花魁には、茶屋を通して取り次いでもらわなければならなかった。 A customer had to ask a tea house to contact an oiran.
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座敷では、花魁は上座に座り、客は常に下座に座っていた。 In the drawing room, the oiran took the seat of honor and her customer always took a less important seat.
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花魁の身の回りの雑用をする10歳前後の少女。 A Kamuro is a girl around ten years old who is in charge of odd jobs related to an oiran.
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大見世の花魁では数千両にものぼったという。 In the case of miuke of an oiran in an omise, the miuke fee was said to reach several thousand ryo (a unit used in the old Japanese currency system).
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花魁の難儀を救うが捕縛され、それが幸蔵の夢であったという趣向。 He saves an Oiran (prostitute) from difficulties, which was just a dream of Kozo.
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江戸吉原遊郭では一時期これを特に花魁(おいらん)といった。 This was especially called Oiran in the Yoshiwara yukaku (red-light district) in Edo for a while.
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歌舞伎女形の最高の役は花魁であることから、これが転用されたとも考えられる。 Since the best role of onnagata of Kabuki is oiran, it may have been diverted and used.
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花魁は、吉原の遊郭で最も格の高い遊女で張り店を行わない。 As oiran were the highest ranked courtesans, they didn't wait for their customers in a pleasure house.
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花魁を揚げるには莫大な資金が必要であり、一般庶民には手が出せないものであった。 It was extraordinarily expensive to spend time with an oiran, and ordinary people could not afford it.
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花魁の側も禿や新造を従え、自分の座敷を維持するために多額の費用を要した。 Oiran also needed a huge amount of money so that they and their protégée, kamuro and shinzo, could properly attend the banquet or party they were called to.
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花魁には馴染みの客が何人もいるため、時には指名がかち合うこともある。 As an oiran had quite a few regular customers, sometimes calls for an oiran clashed.
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花魁が禿や振袖新造などを引き連れて揚屋や引手茶屋まで練り歩くこと。 An oiran dochu is a parade of an oiran, together with her subordinates, such as kamuro or furisode shinzo, walking to an ageya or a hikitejaya.
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歌麿は、遊女、花魁、さらに茶屋の娘など無名の女性ばかりを作品の対象とした。 Utamaro portrayed only the common women like prostitutes, oiran (courtesans) and waitresses.
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日本昔きもの美術館では江戸時代~明治時代の花魁道中着を多数展示している At Antique Kimono Museum Japan, many kimono which were worn in the oiran dochu processions from the Edo to the Meiji periods are displayed
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花魁には教養も必要とされ、花魁候補の女性は幼少の頃から禿として徹底的に古典や書道、茶道、和歌、箏、三味線、囲碁などの教養、芸事を仕込まれていた。 Since oiran were expected to be cultured women, kamuro (young girls that were candidates to become oiran) were given a comprehensive education in culture and arts such as classical literature, calligraphy, the tea ceremony, Japanese poetry, the Japanese harp, the shamisen (a stringed instrument), and igo (a Japanese board game like chess).
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これは「揚げ」と「巻き」で揚巻(歌舞伎『助六』に登場する花魁の名)という洒落による名称である。 This name was after a pun for a relationship between the words of 'age' and 'maki' and the word of agemaki (name of Oiran (prostitute) appearing in "Sukeroku" of Kabuki (traditional drama performed by male actors).
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上級の遊女(芸娼)は太夫(たゆう)や花魁(おいらん)などと呼ばれ、富裕な町人や、武家・公家を客とした。 The highest ranked courtesans (Geisho) were called tayu, oiran, etc. and provided service for wealthy townspeople, court nobles, samurai, etc.
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そこに助六を情夫にしている花魁の揚巻(あげまき)と、揚巻に言い寄る髭の意休(ひげのいきゅう)が登場。 Agemaki, a courtesan and the lover of Sukeroku, and magnificent beard Ikyu, who are making approaches to Agemaki, enter the stage.
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呼び出された花魁は禿や振袖新造を従えて遊女屋と揚屋・引手茶屋の間を行き来する。 A oiran who had been summoned moved back and forth between a "yujoya" (a courtesan's residence) and an "ageya" (a house of assignation) or a hikitejaya with her entourage of kamuro or furisode shinzo.
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人気の花魁は「遊女評判記」などの文学作品に採り上げられたり、浮世絵に描かれることもあった。 Popular oiran were featured in literature such as "Yujo Hyobanki" or drawn in ukiyo-e (Japanese wood-block paintings).
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浮世絵に描かれている花魁は、実際には付けるのが不可能なくらい多くのかんざしを付けて、とても豪華な姿で描かれている。 Oiran in ukiyo-e paintings are depicted very glamorously, wearing so many hair picks that in reality it would be impossible to put them in the hair.
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下位の遊女と一夜を共にするのとは異なり、花魁を揚げるには様々なしきたりが存在していた。 Unlike spending the night with a lower ranked courtesan, to be with an oiran required a lot of customs and conventions.
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初会(つまり一回目)、花魁は客とは離れたところに座り、客と口を利かず飲食もしなかった。 The first time that an oiran met a customer (called "shokai"), the oiran sat apart from her customer, not speaking to him, and not eating or drinking anything.
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花魁に限らないが、客が遊女の身代金や借金を支払って勤めを終えさせること。 Miuke means that a customer of a courtesan (not only an oiran) pays off her debts, or pays money to redeem her so that she no longer needs to work as a courtesan.
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趙淞陽という清国南京市の来舶商人が丸山(長崎市)に遊び、陶斎はこの中国人と花魁との間に生まれた。 Shoyo CHO, a Chinese merchant from Nanjin City, Qing visited a brothel in Maruyama (a redlight district in Nagasaki City) and Tosai was born between that Chinese man and a courtesan.
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正式な遊女としての花魁はなく、女郎も少なかったことから、芸者が主役であり「深川芸者」と「吉原芸者」として双璧とされ、その他の地域の芸者は、たんに「町芸者」といわれた。 In Fukagawa red-light district, geisha took center stage because there were no oiran (licensed prostitutes) and only a small number of joro (courtesans) existed, and therefore, 'Fukagawa geisha' and 'Yoshiwara geisha' were regarded as twin jewels of geisha, distinguishing themselves from 'machi geisha' in other regions.
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1754年(宝暦4年)に廃止され、江戸・吉原では以後名称は花魁(おいらん)と変わったが、京・島原では「大夫」の名称が残り、今でも数名の大夫が存在する。 This name was abolished in 1754, and was later replaced by the name, Oiran (a courtesan of the highest rank) in Yoshihara in Edo; however, the name 'Tayu' remained in Shimabara in Kyoto, where there are some still having the traditional name of Tayu.
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奇想天外な着想とリアリズムに徹した背景描写を得意とし、殺人現場で婚礼を行ったり(『東海道四谷怪談』)、花魁が長屋に来たり(『浮世柄比翼稲妻』)、公家が生活苦のため陰間になったり(『四天王楓江戸粧』)、姫君が辻君になったりする(『櫻姬東文章』)など、全く異なる世界をないまぜにする展開が特徴的。 He was good at expressing the background of the play by sticking to his fantastic idea and realism, which features the development of his plot by mixing quite different worlds such as: having a wedding ceremony at the scene of a crime ("Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan"); making a courtesan visit a row house ("Ukiyozuka Hiyoku no Inazuma"); making the court noble become professional homosexual from hardship of life ("Shitenno Momiji no Edoguma"); and making a princess become a prostitute ("Sakurahime Azumabunsho").
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