海岸:若狭湾、天橋立 Seaside: Wakasa Bay, Amanohashidate
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若狭湾国定公園という国定公園 a Japanese seminational park called {Wakasa Wan Seminational Park}
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若狭湾の南西部にあり、支湾となっている。 It is located south west of Wakasa Bay, being a branch of Wakasa Bay.
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若狭湾国定公園に含まれる。 The Bakuchi Misaki Cape belongs to the Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park.
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若狭湾国定公園にも指定されている。 The Cape is also designated as Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park.
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若狭湾国定公園に含まれる。 It is part of the Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park.
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若狭湾に突出している形になっている。 Kanagamisaki Cape juts into Wakasa Bay.
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若狭湾から市内東北部に位置する大浦半島にかけては若狭湾国定公園に指定されている。 The area from Wakasa bay to the Oura peninsular located in the north-east end of the city is designated as Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park.
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若狭湾に沿って敦賀・小浜市・舞鶴の各都市を結ぶ鉄道。 The railway links Tsuruga city, Obama city and Maizuru city along Wakasa Bay.
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沓島(くつじま)とは、京都府舞鶴市の沖合いの若狭湾に浮かぶ島。 Kutsu-jima Island in the Wakasa Bay is located off the coast of Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture.
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若狭湾に浮かぶ冠島から、北東約2.5㎞に位置している。 Kutsu-jima Island is located approx. 2.5km northeast of Kanmuri-jima island in the Wakasa Bay.
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若狭湾から京都へ至る道を若狭街道といい、その通称が鯖街道であった。 The Wakasa Kaido Road, connecting Wakasa Bay to Kyoto, was commonly called the Saba Kaido Road (Mackerel Road).
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舞鶴湾は若狭湾の一部をなし、湾口が北北東の方向を向いたY字の形状をしている。 Maizuru bay comprises Wakasa Bay and its mouth is Y-shaped oriented north-northeast.
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若狭湾は日本海の大陥没湾で、リアス式海岸が発達している。 Wakasa Bay was created by the large-scale subsidence of the ground into the Sea of Japan, resulting in the formation of the ria coast.
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若狭湾には西端の丹後半島のほか、小規模な半島も多数見られる。 On the coast facing Wakasa Bay, there exist Tango Peninsula (in its west end) and many other smaller peninsulas.
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博奕岬(ばくちみさき)は、京都府舞鶴市瀬崎に属し、日本海(若狭湾西部)に面する岬。 Located in Sezaki, Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture, Bakuchi Misaki Cape overlooks the Japan Sea (the western part of Wakasa Bay).
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成生岬(なりゅうみさき)は、京都府舞鶴市に属し、日本海(若狭湾西部)に面する岬。 Naryu-misaki Cape belongs to Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture, and faces the Japan Sea (western part of Wakasa Bay).
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金ヶ岬(かながみさき)は、京都府舞鶴市に属し、日本海(若狭湾西部)に面する岬。 Kanagamisaki Cape belongs to Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture, and faces the Japan Sea (western part of Wakasa Bay).
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総面積は約19,023ヘクタールで、うち3,762ヘクタールは若狭湾国定公園から分離した部分である。 The total land space is approx. 19,023 ha, of which 3,762 ha have been separated from the Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park
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2007年8月3日若狭湾国定公園から分離した部分に、新たな地域を加えた上で新設。 August 3, 2007: This park was newly established by separating part of the Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park and by adding new areas to the separated one.
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平安京(京都)と若狭湾を結ぶ若狭街道の中継地点として栄えた。 Ohara flourished as a relay exchange point on the Wakasa Kaido Road which connected Heian-kyo (Kyoto) and Wakasa Bay.
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若狭湾国定公園(わかさわんこくていこうえん)は、福井県敦賀市の笙の川河口左岸から京都府舞鶴市の由良川河口右岸に至る、若狭湾に面した海岸線を中心に指定された国定公園。 Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park was designated as covering an area which includes the coastline around Wakasa Bay from the left bank of the mouth of the Shono-kawa River in Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture, to the right bank of the mouth of the Yura-gawa River in Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture.
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また、同様にカメの体に坊主頭の人間の頭部を持つ海坊主として入亀入道(いりかめにゅうどう)があり、若狭湾に出現するといわれる。 Also, it is said that another 'Umibozu' called 'Irikame nyudo' which has a turtle-like body and a human-like bald head appears in Wakasa Bay.
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また、原子力発電にも着目して、若狭湾周辺で原子力発電所の建設を積極的に行っていた。 In addition, the company turned its attention to nuclear power generation as well, and was proactively building nuclear power plants around the Wakasa bay.
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琵琶湖は、若狭湾沿岸からの年貢の輸送路としても利用されており、湖上で賊に襲撃された記録なども残されている。 The lake was used for the water transport of annual tributes from Wakasa Bay, and records show that ships were attacked by pirates on the lake.
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丹後半島北端にある経ヶ岬から、越前海岸にある越前岬をもって若狭湾を形成する。 Wakasa Bay lies between Cape Kyoga-misaki on the northern edge of the Tango Peninsula and Cape Echizen-misaki on the Echizen Coast.
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大浦半島(おおうらはんとう)は京都府北部と福井県若狭地方にまたがって、若狭湾に突き出た半島。 Extending over the northern part of Kyoto Prefecture and Wakasa area of Fukui Prefecture, Oura Peninsula projects into Wakasa Bay.
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若狭湾(わかさわん)は、福井県から京都府にかけての海岸地形を形成する、日本海に深く入り込んでできた湾。 Forming the topography of the coast from Fukui Prefecture to Kyoto Prefecture, Wakasa Bay was created by the ground subsiding deep into the Sea of Japan.
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気象庁による海洋気象の海域区分として、「山陰沖東部および若狭湾付近」というものがある。 As a division unit of the sea area set by Meteorological Office for indicating marine meteorology, there is 'the eastern part off the coast of Sanin region and the surrounding seas of Wakasa Bay.'
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経ヶ岬(きょうがみさき)は、京都府京丹後市丹後町袖志に属し、日本海(若狭湾西部)に面する岬。 Located in Sodeshi, Tango-cho, Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoga-misaki is a cape overlooking the Japan Sea (the western part of Wakasa Bay).
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若狭湾国定公園に含まれ、山頂からの展望も良いことから、住民だけではなく、多くの参拝者や登山客が訪れる。 Being included in the Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park and presenting fine views from its peaks, it is visited by many worshippers and mountaineers.
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2007年8月3日に若狭湾国定公園から丹後半島海岸地区を独立させ、他の2地区を追加指定する形で新設された。 On August 3, 2007, this park was newly established by separating the seashore area of the Tango peninsula from the Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park and by additionally designating the other two areas described above.
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2005年度調査では若狭湾、宮津湾とともに化学的酸素要求量(化学的酸素要求量)が基準未達成であった。 The fiscal year 2005 investigation showed that the value of chemical oxygen demand did not meet the requirement.
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潟湖であることから京都府下の若狭湾の窒素・燐排水基準の規制のある海域では富栄養化と有機汚濁が最も深刻である。 Since it is a lagoon, eutrophication and organic contamination are the most serious problem in the sea area of Wakasa Bay, Kyoto Prefecture where waste water standards for nitrogen and phosphorus are regulated.
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国道162号は京都市と若狭湾を繋ぐ幹線道路である為、貨物自動車などの大型車両、牽引車両の通行が多い。 As National Route 162 is a main road connecting Kyoto City and Wakasa Bay, there is heavy traffic with large vehicles including freight and trailer vehicles.
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廃藩置県後、1876年8月21日に敦賀県が分割され、嶺南が滋賀県に編入したため、若狭湾に面していた時期もあった。 After the Haihan-chiken (abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures) on August 21, 1876, Tsuruga Prefecture was devided and Reinan was incorporated into Shiga Prefecture, so at that time Shiga Prefecture faced to Wakasa Bay.
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一帯は若狭湾国定公園に指定され、沖合いの島々が望める豊かな自然が魅力的である。 Its neighborhood is designated as Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park, which is blessed with a rich natural environment and has great views of the many islands on the sea.
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また一帯は若狭湾国定公園に指定され、沖合いの島々が望める豊かな自然が魅力的である。 Its neighborhood is designated as Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park, which is blessed with a rich natural environment and has great views of the many islands on the sea.
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若狭湾は典型的なリアス式海岸で、断崖・洞門・洞窟・岩礁などの風景要素が人気である。 The sawtooth coastline facing Wakasa Bay is popular among tourists with its varied views of cliffs, rock tunnels, caves and reefs.
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その風光明媚な地形は、1955年に笙の川以西の全湾岸周辺にわたり若狭湾国定公園の大部分、1968年に東岸周辺の一部が越前加賀海岸国定公園の一部に指定されていたが、2007年8月3日に若狭湾国定公園のうち由良川以西が分離独立し、大江山などを加えて新たに丹後天橋立大江山国定公園となり、3つの国定公園を有することになった。 Due to the beautiful topography, the entire coast from Shono-kawa River and westward was designated in 1955 as a major part of Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park, and a part of the eastern coast was designated in 1968 as a part of Echizen Kaga Coast Quasi-National Park, and in August 3, 2007, the coast from Yura-gawa River and westward was separated from Wakasa Bay Quasi-national Park, and instead, the coast was combined with Oe-yama Mountain Range and became Tango-Amanohashidate-Oeyama Quasi-National Park, so there are three quasi-national parks here now.
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若狭湾で取れた鯖に塩をまぶし、夜も寝ないで京都まで運ぶと、ちょうど良い味になっていたと言われ、京の一般庶民にまで喜ばれ、その到着を待ち望まれた。 Mackerel captured in Wakasa Bay and sprinkled with salt were said to become delicious while being carried to Kyoto overnight without sleep, and they became popular among ordinary people in Kyoto, who would wait for them.
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舞鶴弁(まいづるべん)は、若狭湾岸の京都府舞鶴市から福井県嶺南の一部(高浜町)に広がる、近畿方言の系統を汲む日本語の方言。 "Maizuru-ben" is a Japanese dialect descended from Kinki dialect and extended over the area from Maizuru City of Kyoto Prefecture along Wakasa Bay to a part of the Reinan region of Fukui Prefecture (Takahama-cho).
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1955年6月1日には若狭湾国定公園の一部として国定公園に指定されていたが、2007年8月3日に丹後天橋立大江山国定公園として独立した。 Although it was designated a part of the Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park on June 1, 1955, it indepedently became Tango-Amanohashidate-Oeyama Quasi-National Park on August 3, 2007.
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琵琶湖が淀川となって大阪湾に流れる位置から、京都が首都だった時代には、若狭湾で陸揚げされた物資が、琵琶湖の湖上交通で京都や大坂に輸送されていた。 Goods unloaded at the ports in Wakasa Bay were transported via Lake Biwa to Kyoto and Osaka from the point where the river from Lake Biwa running to Osaka Bay became the Yodo-gawa River during those periods when Kyoto was the capital.
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舞鶴には第八管区海上保安本部が置かれており、兵庫県北部・京都府北部・福井県全域の沖合いを管轄しており、若狭湾沿岸の全域がこのエリアに含まれている。 The Eighth Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, located at Maizuru Port, has jurisdiction over the sea off northern Hyogo Prefecture, northern Kyoto Prefecture, and entire Fukui Prefecture, encompassing the entire area off the coast of Wakasa Bay.
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日本海に面する舞鶴港は、若狭湾西部の舞鶴湾にあり、外海に対して入り江になっているため、比較的天候に左右されにくく、天然の良港として知られている。 Maizuru Port, which faces the Japan Sea and is located in the western part of the Wakasa Bay within Maizuru Bay, is known as a suitable port, due to its formation as an inlet off the open sea and is less subject to weather conditions.
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また京都府側には竜宮浜海水浴場と野原海水浴場があり、また若狭湾国定公園に指定され風光明媚なことから、主に夏季には観光客で賑わう。 On the side of Kyoto Prefecture is the Ryuguhama Seaside Resort and Nohara Seaside Resort, with beautiful scenery designated as Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park, resulting in many tourists visiting the area mainly during the summer season.
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若狭湾に点在する港は古来より良港で、しかも京都にも近いため、鯖(サバ)などの魚介類の水揚げ地(いわゆる鯖街道)とも言われる。 Harbors dotting the coastline facing Wakasa Bay have been good ones since ancient times, and are situated near Kyoto, so they are said to be the harbors to unload fish and shellfish including mackerel; here is also the so-called "Mackerel Highway" (the highway on which fish and shellfish - especially the mackerel - are transported) between Wakasa area and Kyoto.
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日露戦争当時、日本海軍はロシア海軍が本土に上陸する地点は若狭湾であると想定し、京都への侵攻を防ぐため舞鶴に海軍基地、舞鶴から高浜町にかけての海岸沿いには砲台を設置した。 Before the Russo-Japanese War, the Imperial Japanese Navy assumed that the landing point of the Russian Navy would be Wakasa Bay, so they established a naval base in Maizuru and gun batteries along the coast from Maizuru to Takahama-cho.
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