草刈り鎌を振ったり草刈り機で刈ったことで作られるスペース the space created by the swing of a scythe or the cut of a mowing machine
- 日本語WordNet
鎖鎌(くさりがま)とは、草刈り鎌に鎖分銅を取付けた様な形をした武器で、農耕具を武器として発展させた物である。 Kusarigama (a chain and a sickle) is a weapon that has a form like a kama (a sickle) for cutting grass attached to a chain weight and it was developed as a weapon from a farming tool.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
荘園領主のために仕丁や京上夫(京都にて奉仕する)・鎌倉夫(鎌倉にて奉仕する)、兵士役を務めたり、在地において炭焼夫や草刈夫・佃などを行った。 These duties included serving as a soldier, a jicho (manservant doing odd jobs in a nobleman's house), Kyonoborifu (serving in Kyoto) or Kamakurafu (serving in Kamakura); other duties included working in a local area as a sumiyakifu (charcoal burner), kusakarifu (mower) or working in a tsukuda (rice fields managed directly by a lord or officer of a shoen [manor]).
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
握り柄の上方部に着脱自在な草刈小鎌を構成する刃体を、均一な肉厚の鋼板材から前記小鎌の刃体形状の刃体基材を形成し、前記刃体基材に水平状の刃部を設ける。 In a blade body constituting the detachable small mowing sickle in the upper part of a gripping handle, a blade body substrate of blade body shape of the small sickle is formed of a steel plate material having uniform wall thickness and a horizontal blade part is installed in the blade body substrate. - 特許庁
従来の草刈鎌のように、腰を屈めた作業姿勢で、脚、腕、肩及び特に腰部に負担を大きく及ぼすことなく、実質的に立姿勢で、一地点で従来より大きな作業範囲をカバーすることができる草木刈取り鎌を提供する。 To provide a tree and plant reaping sickle not greatly burdening legs, arms, shoulders, especially a waist part with a load in a bent waist position as a conventional mowing sickle, capable of covering a larger operation zone at one point substantially in a standing position than a conventional sickle. - 特許庁
切れ味が悪くなったら取り外し、研ぎ器の研摩部に替刃の刃部を下方にして挿入し、2〜3回前後方向にスライドさせるだけで刃部の両側方が確実に研ぎ上げられ、新品同様の切れ味を復活させる替刃式草刈小鎌を提供する。 To provide a blade replacement type small mowing sickle in which both sides of the blade part are surely polished and same cutting quality as that of a new blade is restored by detaching a blade when a cutting quality becomes bad and inserting a replacing blade into a polishing part of a polisher while keeping the blade part below and only sliding the blade part in longitudinal direction two to three times. - 特許庁
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