
  • 2000年NHKドラマ『蒼天の夢』で、高杉晋作役
    In 2000 appeared as Shinsaku TAKASUGI in the NHK drama "Soten no Yume" (Dream of a Blue Sky).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「昔ヨリ今ニ至ルマデ、天ヲ経トシ地ヲ緯トスルノ君、業ヲ纂ギ基ヲ承クルノ王、此レ尤モ蒼天ノ与フル所ナリ。」
    From the olden days up to now, both the monarch who ruled the world and the Emperor who inherited the foundation and work from his ancestors have received all these from heaven.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それによれば藤原為時は「苦学寒夜、江涙霑襟、除目後朝,蒼天在眼」の句を女房(女官)を通して奏上し、一条天皇はこれを見て食事も喉を通らず、寝所に入って泣いたと。
    According to that, FUJIWARA no Tametoki delivered a poem to the emperor via a nyobo (a court lady) as follows, 'I worked my way through cold nights, wetting my collar with my bitter tears and at the next morning after the day of the announcement of my personnel transfer, my eyes hurt from the blueness of the sky,' then Emperor Ichijo read it and cried in his bedroom without even taking a meal.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
