
  • 蔭涼軒真とも。
    He was also called Shinzui INRYOKEN.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 植物の器官としての雄と雌
    both the pistil and the stamen of a plant  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 一個の花に雄だけか,又は雌だけあるもの
    a single flower that has either a pistil or a stamen  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 二強雄という,雄しべの形態
    a form of stamen, called didynamous  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 萼と花冠、雄、雌葉からなる、花の外側の部分の総称
    collective term for the outer parts of a flower consisting of the calyx and corolla and enclosing the stamens and pistils  - 日本語WordNet
  • 他株の花の雌に花粉が付く受粉
    a type of pollination in which the pistil of a flower is pollinated by the pollen of a flower having different roots  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 四長雄という,植物の雄しべの形態
    of a flower, tetradynamous stamens  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 集葯雄という,植物の雄しべの形態
    a sorus made up of sporangia variously united or cohered into a compound structure, called synangium  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 仮雄という,本来の働きを失ったおしべ
    a sterile stamen, called a staminodium  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 『蔭凉軒日録』 季瓊真、亀泉集証著
    "Inryoken Nichiroku" by Shinzui KIKEI and Shusho KISEN  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同一株内の別の花の雌に花粉が付く受粉
    a type of pollination in which the pistil of a flower is pollinated by the pollen of another flower that shares the same root  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 建仁寺や南禅寺の講席、蔭涼軒季瓊真にも師事する。
    He also attended lectures given at Kennin-ji Temple and Nanzen-ji Temple and studied under Shinzui KIKEI of Inryoken Household.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 7月1日、季瓊真が坂本城を訪れ、義教の首の返還を求めた。
    On July 27th, Shinzui KIKEI visited Sakamoto-jo Castle and required Mitsusuke to give back Yoshinori's head.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 禅僧の季瓊真らとともに政務に消極的な義政に代わって実権を持つ。
    In place of passive Yoshimasa, Sadachika and a zen monk, Shinzui KIKEI, held power over the bakufu government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • が京へ首を持ち帰り、6日に等持院で義教の葬儀が行われた。
    Shinzui brought the head back to Kyoto and the funeral ceremony for Yoshinori was held at Toji-in Temple on the 6th.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 魅力的なドーム形あるいは平たい梢を持つアジア産の高木で、二回羽状の葉と絹のような長い雄がある花を持つ
    attractive domed or flat-topped Asiatic tree having bipinnate leaves and flowers with long silky stamens  - 日本語WordNet
  • 広く分布する草本で掌状の葉を持ち、クリーム色またはピンクから赤紫色の花は長さの不揃いな多くの雄を持つ
    widely distributed herbs having palmate leaves and creamy white to or pink to magenta flowers with many stamens of unequal length  - 日本語WordNet
  • 季瓊真(きけいしんずい、1401年(応永8年)-1469年9月16日(文明(日本)元年8月11日(旧暦)))は、室町時代の臨済宗の僧、鹿苑院蔭涼軒主。
    Shinzui KIKEI (1401 - September 25, 1469) was a priest of the Rinzai Sect of Buddhism and also master of Inryoken Household in Rokuonin Temple in the Muromachi period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1466年には勝元と共謀して、政所執事の伊勢貞親や季瓊真らを失脚させる文正の政変を行う。
    In 1466, he conspired with Katsumoto to remove Sadachika ISE, the head of the Mandokoro, and Shinzui Kikei, in an incident called the Bunsho Coup.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義政は、側近の伊勢貞親、季瓊真らの進言を受け容れ、寛正4年(1463年)12月、上洛した義敏と対面して赦免する。
    Having accepted suggestions from his close associates, Sadachika ISE and Shinzui KIKEI, Yoshimasa pardoned Yoshitoshi when he came to Kyoto to see him in January 1464.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 9月には貞親や真、赤松政則らが失脚する応仁の乱文正の政変に発展し、義敏も越前へ下る。
    In October 1466, the internal conflicts developed into the Bunsho Coup, in which Sadachika, Shinzui and Masanori AKAMATSU lost their positions and Yoshitoshi went back to Echizen province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 糸花は、横目扇でなく白地の扇ながら幼い皇太子の檜扇に松の飾りがあるという承久2年(1220年)の記録(玉)があり、鎌倉時代中期頃より文献で蜷飾りが確認できる(装束式目抄)。
    There is a record in 1220 (Gyokuzui (Michiie KUJO's diary)) that thread flower of pine was found on the hiogi of young crown prince, although it was a plain-wood fan instead of cross-grained fan, and nina decoration can be found in the documents in the mid-Kamakura period (Shozoku Shikimokusho).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義視が勝元を頼ると讒訴の罪を問われて近江国(滋賀県)へ逃れ、真や赤松政則ら貞親派が失脚する文正の政変に至る。
    Yoshimi sought the help of Katsumoto, which resulted in Sadachika being accused of zanso (bringing false charges) and driven out to Omi Province (Shiga Prefecture), an incident leading to the Bunsho Political Incident in which Shizui and Masanori AKAMATSU, who had sided with Sadachika, were ousted.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、一条兼良も自ら越前国に下って孝景と直談判して家領の足羽御厨の回復を求めたが失敗に終わり、『桃華葉』の中で「言語道断也」と記している。
    Additionally, Kanera ICHIJO, who went to Echizen Province in person for a direct negotiations with Takakage to request the return of his territory 'Asuwa no mikuriya' and failed, wrote 'It was outrageous' in "Tokazuiyo" (a book on knowledge of court rules, ceremony, decorum and records of the past of the Ichijo family).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文正元年(1466年)、細川勝元らにより第8代将軍・足利義政の近臣であった伊勢貞親や禅僧の季瓊真らが政界を追われる文正の政変が起こると、政則も失脚した。
    When the Bunsho Coup that the 8th shogun Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA's trusted vassals such as Sadachika ISE and a Zen monk Shinzui KIKEI were ousted from the political world by Katsumoto HOSOKAWA broke out in 1466, Masanori also lost his position.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、寛正2年(1461年)9月、朝倉孝景(7代当主)らの工作により義政から廃嫡を命ぜられ、相国寺の季瓊真に稚児として預けられる。
    However, in September 1461, Yoshihiro SHIBA was disinherited and left to Kikeishinzui of Shokoku-ji Temple as chigo (temple acolytes) by Yoshimasa according to the 7th family head Takakage ASAKURA's scheme.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義政は、母日野重子や愛妾今参局らに囲まれ、家宰の伊勢貞親や季瓊真等の側近の強い影響を受けて育ち気まぐれな文化人に成長した。
    Surrounded by mother Shigeko HINO and beloved concubine Imamari no tsubone and strongly influenced by close aides including Kasai vassal leader Sadachika ISE and Shinzui KIKEI, Yoshimasa grew into a capricious man of culture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1466年(文正元年)7月、突然、義政は側近の伊勢貞親・季瓊真らの進言で斯波武衛家の家督を斯波義廉から取り上げ斯波義敏に与えた。
    In July 1466, at the recommendation of his aides including Sadachika ISE and Shinzui KIKEI, Yoshimasa suddenly deprived Yoshikado SHIBA of the Shiba Buei family headship and bestowed it on Yoshitoshi SHIBA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 金糸刷(Lethariella cladonioides(Nyl.)Krog)および松石(Cladonia fallax Abbayes)のようなLethariella属植物およびCladonia属植物よりなる群から選ばれた一種または二種以上の植物またはその抽出物を有効成分として含有させる。
    This protease inhibitor is obtained by including, as the active ingredient, at least one kind of plant selected from the group consisting of those belonging to the genera Lethariella and Cladonia such as Lethariella cladonioides(Nyl.)Krog and Cladonia fallax Abbayes, or an extract therefrom. - 特許庁
  • 義廉と縁戚関係にあった宗全は、一色義直や土岐成頼らとともに義廉を支持し、さらに貞親が謀反の噂を流して義視の追放を図ったことから、義視の後見人である勝元は宗全と協力して貞親を近江に追放、このとき、政変に巻き込まれた季瓊真、斯波義敏、赤松政則らも一時失脚して都を追われた。
    Sozen, who was a relative of Yoshikado, supported Yoshikado in alliance with Yoshinao ISSHIKI and Shigeyori TOKI among others and as Sadachika circulated a rumor of planned rebellion in an attempt to expel Yoshimi; in response, Katsumoto who was the guardian of Yoshimi cooperated with Sozen to expel Sadachika to Omi, and Shinzui KIKEI, Yoshitoshi SHIBA and Masanori AKAMATSU among others, involved in the coup, were also expelled from the capital in a temporary deposition.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これに対して一条房経は、九条家の家祖が長子だからといって、その流派の嫡流であるとは限らない、一条実経が九条道家から家督を譲られたからこそ、九条流摂関家の政治的権威を裏付ける文書類である桃華堂文庫(後二条帥通記、玉葉、玉)が一条家に伝わっているのだと反論し、これに対して九条経教は、実経への継承は九条忠家が幼少であったがゆえの措置であり、九条教実が長命であればこのような事は起こりえなかった。
    Fusatsune ICHIJO argued against Tsunenori, stating that just because an ancestor of the Kujo Family was the firstborn child it did not mean the Kujo Family was the legitimate blood of Kujo-ryu, and that because Michiie KUJO gave the family estate to Sanetsune ICHIJO, the Tokado-bunko (Gonnjo-moromichi-ki) (Gonijo-moromichi record), Gyokuyo (Kanezane KUJO's diary) and Gyokuzui (Michiie KUJO's diary)) and the document endorsing the political authority of Kujo-ryu Sekkan-ke, a regent family, were inherited by the ICHIJO Family; whereas Tsunenori KUJO asserted that measures to give inheritance to Sanetsune were taken just because Tadaie KUJO was in infancy, and that if Norizane KUJO had lived longer it would not have happened.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
