
  • むくむくと蠢くさま
    being wriggling  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 瞬く光と蠢く影。
    and the swift flashings and shadow-movings  - JACK LONDON『影と光』
  • 当時の高野山には、僧侶は食べる手段と割り切った信心の薄い下僧と、権力に眼を眩ませる上僧が蠢く有り様であった。
    In Koya-san Mountain at that time, there were many lower rank priests who were not very religious and thought that being a priest was a tool to live and higher rank priests who were blinded with power.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 秀吉は、奥州の田舎、奥州の太守(政宗)を蠢く虫と評し、政宗は恐れ入ったという。
    It is said that Hideyoshi described Oshu as a countryside and Taishu (Masamune) of Oshu as a wriggling insect and that Masamune marveled at Hideyoshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ボールを皮膚に蠢くように密着させて、一度に複数のつぼを同時に効率良く、且つ効果的に刺激でき、また使い勝手が良くなるようにする。
    To simultaneously, efficiently, and effectively stimulate a plurality of acupuncture points at a time by allowing balls to adhere on skin by wriggling, and to raise convenience. - 特許庁
  • 川島が監督した『洲崎パラダイス・赤信号』で、彼らは「戦後の好景気から疎外された社会の底辺」に蠢く庶民のヴァイタリティーを基本に据えた作風を確立する。
    It was in Kawashima's "Suzaki paradaisu, aka shingo" that the three established their directorial style, which centered on the vitality of ordinary people, the "rock-bottom of society, who did not see any benefits from the postwar economic boom."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
