行政庁への届出 Notification to an Administrative Agency
- 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
行政庁の訴訟参加 Intervention by Administrative Agency
- 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
行政管理庁という行政機関 an administrative organization called Administrative Management Agency
- EDR日英対訳辞書
行政庁が行政処分の実行を停止すること suspension of execution of an administrative punishment by a government office
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地方行政官庁という行政機関 a local administrative organ
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行政事務を司る官庁 a government office that takes charge of administrative business
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環境庁という行政機関 in Japan, an administrative organization, called the Environment Agency
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宮内庁という行政機関 an administrative body in the Japanese government, called Imperial Household Agency
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警察庁という行政機関 an administrative organ in Japan called the {National Police Agency}
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検察庁という行政機関 an administrative system called the Public Prosecutor's Office
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合議制官庁という行政機関 an administrative agency called 'gogisei-kancho'
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消防庁という行政機関 a Japanese administrative organ named the Fire Defense Agency
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ある行政事務を管轄する官庁 a government administrative office
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食糧庁という行政機関 a Japanese administrative agency named Food Agency
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総務庁という行政機関 in Japan, the governmental agency called the Management and Coordination Agency
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北海道庁という行政機関 a government office called "The Hokkaido Government Office"
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文化庁という行政機関 an administrative organization called {"Agency for Cultural Affairs"}
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防衛庁という行政機関 an administrative organization called {Defense Agency}
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林野庁という行政機関 an administrative agency called the Forestry Agency
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国税庁という行政機関 a government administrative organization called {the National Tax Administration Agency}
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行政官庁は行政不服審査請求の受理を拒むことはできない。 Government offices cannot reject requests for administrative grievance hearings. - Weblio英語基本例文集
行政庁が自由裁量によらずそのまま行う行政処分 of law, the action called vigor proceeding
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行政官庁が自由裁量によって行う行政処分 a discretional order which is determined freely by an administrative office within set guidelines
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なお、神社本庁は「庁」と称しているが、行政機関ではなく宗教法人の一つである。 Although the name Jinja-Honcho (神社本庁) includes 'cho (庁)', it is not an administrative organ but a religious corporation.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
海上保安庁という行政機関 an administrative institution named the Maritime Safety Agency
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海難審判庁という行政機関 an administrative organization named the Marine Accidents lnquiry Agency
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行政官庁の許可が必要な職種 the business under license of the government administrative office
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行政官庁の許可が必要な漁業 the fishery under the license of the government administrative office
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行政庁という,国の事務を行う機関 a collective body of administrators that make up an administrative agency
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経済企画庁という行政機関 an administrative body in Japan, called the {Economic Planning Agency}
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警視庁という,東京都の行政機関 a government administrative body, called Metropolitan Police Department
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高等検察庁という行政機関 a governmental department called the high public prosecutor's office
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最高検察庁という行政機関 an administrative agency called the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office
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行政官庁が裁量処分を行える権限 role of an administrative government office to decide and manage
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資源エネルギー庁という行政機関 a Japanese administrative organization named Agency of Natural Resources and Energy
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行政法上,官庁の意思を執行する機関 in administrative law, an organ that executes government intentions
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執行罰という,行政官庁が科する罰 a penalty that a government office imposes on a person named executive penalty
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地方検察庁という行政機関 an administrative body called the District Public Prosecutors Office
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中央官庁という行政機関 an administrative organization called a central body of a government
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中小企業庁という行政機関 an administrative body in Japan called the Small and Medium Enterprises Agency
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権限が特殊の事項に限定された行政官庁 a government agency whose authority is limited to specific matters - EDR日英対訳辞書
官庁の意思決定を補助する行政機関 an administrative office that assists in the decision made by the main office
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防衛施設庁という行政機関 an administrative organization called {Defense Facilities Administration Agency}
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郡衙という,律令時代の地方行政庁 a local administration department of the law and etiquette period of Japan called {'gunga'}
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総務庁統計局という行政機構 an administrative organ of the government called, Statistics Bureau of General Affairs Agency
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教皇庁という,カトリック教会の行政機関 the central administration governing the Roman Catholic Church, called curia
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特許庁という,特許を管理する行政機関 a government agency that administers patents and trademarks, called patent office
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ロンドン警視庁という,イギリスの行政機関 the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police in the United Kingdom, called Scotland Yard
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