
  • 天皇が10月11日に帰京する裁許を仰いだ。
    When the Emperor returned to Tokyo on October 11, they asked for the permission for the plan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 更に訴訟機関の名において和与状の内容をもって裁許(判決)するとした裁許状(和与裁許状)を発給して訴訟は終了となった。
    Further, a suit was ended by issuing a Saikyojo (wayo saikyojo) that in the name of the legal institution the contents of the Wayojo were accepted as the judgment (sentence).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 祖父兼倶以来の神道説を宣揚して、積極的に全国の神社・神職に対して宗源宣旨や神道裁許状を発行する
    He actively promoted Shintoism thought founded by his grandfather Kanetomo; he issued sogen senji (decrees of foundations and origins) and Shinto saikyojo (license proof for a Shinto priest) to shrines and Shinto priests nationwide.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 勿論、訴訟機関に届け出ることなく、和与状を作成して和与を行うこと(私和与)は可能であったが、訴訟機関による公式な裁許や和与のとりまとめがあった場合には私和与は無効とされたため、訴訟機関の裁許はその和与状の内容実現を保障する役割を担った。
    Certainly, it was possible to make compromises by a Wayojo without reporting to any legal institution (private compromise), but private compromises were invalidated when judgments and compromises were sorted out by legal institutions, so their judgments guaranteed that the contents of the Wayojo would be carried out.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このため、所領を巡る争いが頻発するようになり、鎌倉時代末期より本家や治天の君の裁許を求める例が増えるようになり、嫡男への男系相続へと移行するようになる。
    This caused a frequent occurrence of the conflicts concerning shoryo (fief), which resulted in increasing calls for judgments of the head family or the Chiten no kimi (the retired emperor in power), commencing the end of the Kamakura period, and the trend thus shifted to patrilineal inheritance to the eldest son (heir).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし、逆説的にはこれは三好家が幕府権力の掣肘に伏する事に他ならず、山城一国の統治権を将軍家に返還するに留まらず、幕府に替わって発行していた長慶名の裁許状もこの年を境に途絶え、中央政権たる体裁を失うという政治的な敗北は明らかであった。
    Paradoxically, however, this simply means that the Miyoshi family would have been under the restraint of the bakufu's power; they returned the ruling power in Yamashiro Province to the Shogun family and to Saikyojo, which had been issued under the name of Yoshinaga on behalf of the bakufu and was discontinued in the same year, it became clear that the Miyoshi family suffered a political setback by losing the guise of the central government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 村役人・町役人を通じて(奥印を受けて)、所属する大名や代官に訴状を提出し、江戸幕府への訴えを要する場合には領主の添簡が必要とされ、これがなければ「差越願」・「筋違願」として違法とされた(慶長8年(1603年)「郷村掟」及び寛永10年(1633年)「公事裁許定」)。
    Petitions had to be submitted through village officers/town officers (with their seals on) to their Daimyo (Japanese feudal lord) or Daikan (local governor), and if the petitions were being sent to the Edo bakufu, the tenkan (written materials) of their feudal lord were required; without this their acts were regarded as illegal, which came under 'sashikoshi negai' (direct petition to a senior officer without following the prescribed procedures) or 'sujichigai no negai' (petition to a government office which does not have jurisdiction) ('Goson okite' [rules for autonomous villages] in 1603, 'Kojisaikyo sadame' [public law for petition] in 1633).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そのため、訴人と論人の双方が訴訟機関(鎌倉幕府では鎌倉・六波羅探題・鎮西府)に対して2通の和与状を提出し、訴訟機関の審査の結果正当な和与と認められた場合には和与状に訴訟担当奉行の証判が押され、和与状の内容を承認したことを示す裁許状・下知状が訴訟当事者双方に交付されることで法的拘束力を有することとなった。
    Given this situation, the private wayo was made legally binding, provided that both the plaintiff and defendant submitted two copies of wayo deed to legal institutions (Kamakura, Rokuhara Tandai [the office of shogunal deputy in Kyoto], and Chinzei-fu [local government office in Kyushu region] in the case of the Kamakura bakufu), a magistrate in charge of the suit placed the certifying seal on the wayo deed after wayo in question was justified as a result of the examination by the legal institutions, and saikyojo (judicial decisions) and gechijo (commands) to show that contents of the wayo deed were approved were issued to the parties to the suit.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
