
  • 「命を承けて敵に赴くは臣の分なれども、官闕に入るは臣の知る処にあらず」とって行かなかった。
    In the end, he did not set out for the front, saying '[a]lthough proceeding for the enemy on the lord's order is my duty as a retainer, entering under the command of an imperial regent is not my duty.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 徳川名君名臣行録では、「吾、幼年なりといえども、先業を承け継ぎ、大位に居れり」とある。
    There is a passage in the 'Memoirs of Tokugawa rulers and retainers' stating, 'Although I am young, I have succeeded to the achievements of my predecessors and have acquired this grand position.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 昭和51年、真宗醍醐派総本山醍醐寺では、醍醐山開創一千百年を迎えたが、伊藤真乗は、真宗醍醐派総本山醍醐寺の命を承けて大導師を勤め、醍醐山開創一千百年真如苑慶讃法要を執行している。
    In 1976, when Sohonzan Daigo-ji Temple was part of the Daigo school, the Shingon sect had its 1100th anniversary after opening the Daigo mountain; Shinjo ITO acted as 大導師 due to the order from Sohonzan Daigo-ji Temple of Daigo school, Shingon sect, and also conducted the Buddhist memorial service of 真如苑慶讃法要 to commemorate the anniversary.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
