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  • 平安時代も前半はまだ直刀の時代で、この時期に最高位の刀剣外装である飾剣様式が完成し、束帯姿で儀式に参列する時などに佩用されたが、上級の公卿にしか使用はされないものであった。
    The first half of the Heian period was an era of straight swords, during which the ornamental sword style which is the form of highest-rank sword mountings was established and adopted when attending ceremonies wearing sokutai (traditional ceremonial court dress), but such style was only allowed to the highest-ranked Kugyo (the top court officials).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 故に頼朝はそうした東国武士に対する求心力と、朝廷から受けた寿永二年十月宣旨、文治の勅、将軍宣下など朝廷から与えられた特権を背景に、他の源氏一門と差別化し、頼朝の系統を嫡流とすることに成功することができたといえる。
    Therefore, it can be said that Yoritomo succeeded in distinguishing himself from the other Minamoto families and making his own family lineage the direct descendant by using, as a background, this unifying power over the warriors of the eastern provinces as well as the privileges granted by the Imperial Court, such as Juei-ninen Jugatsu no Senji (the imperial decree issued to Minamoto no Yoritomo), Bunji Imperial Sanction and appointment to shogun by the Imperial Court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このようなどぶろく作りでは、地域振興の関係から、2002年の行政構造改革によって、構造改革特別区域が設けられ、同特別区内でのどぶろく製造と、飲食店や民宿等で、その場で消費される場合に限り、販売も可されている(通称「どぶろく特区」と呼ばれる)。た。
    For regional development, designated structural reform districts were established by the government's structural reform in 2002, and the production of Doburoku and its sale is allowed only for consumption on the spot, such as restaurants and minsyuku (private home that runs inn providing room and board), within the districts (commonly called the special zone of Doburoku).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この河東節は、市川團十郎(7代目)が成田屋市川團十郎の専売特扱いにしてしまったため、以来他家が『助六』を上演するときは成田屋に遠慮して、「出端の唄」は長唄・常磐津・清元などに代えて行うことが決まり事になっている。
    As Danjuro ICHIKAWA VII made the Naritaya Danjuro ICHIKAWA family the proprietor of Katobushi, it has become the rule that when other families put "Sukeroku" on stage, they substitute Nagauta, Tokiwazu, or Kiyomoto for Katobushi for 'the Deha no Uta' out of consideration for the Naritaya family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし「この世の望みかなわず死んだ後は、梵天帝釈のしを得て雷となって自分を陥れた朝臣を蹴殺そうと思う。その折、師の僧正はきっと朝廷に召されるであろうが決して参りたまうな」と道真は頼む。
    However, Michizane asks Hossho-bo saying 'After I died without fulfilling my dreams during my life, I think I will obtain the permission from Bonten-taishaku (the highest-rank gods), become thunder, and brutally kill Ason who entrapped me. At that time, you, priest, my teacher will be ordered to come to the Imperial Court, but, please never come.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「仔細ありてこもりし居の身も、今日免のときを得て、御教書到来武将へ謁する都入り。少しもこの身に凶事あれば、その身は重罪。かなわぬ事だ。自滅したのはうぬが仕合せ。もがくな。もがくな。はてよい様な。」と大学之助は嘲笑い悠々と立ち去る。
    Daigakunosuke laughs mockingly and says, 'I have been confined to my home for some reason, but now, having received an official message to forgive me, I am going to Kyoto to see my lord. If anything happens to me, you will be severely punished. You cannot do that. It is better for you to perish. Don't struggle, don't struggle. You look miserable.' and he leaves there relaxed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 伊豆国へ流罪となり飛騨国の寺に移された父から引継ぎ陰陽諸道に通じた学僧となり法名「隆観」を名乗っていたが、大宝2年の飛騨国司の神馬献上にあたり、その祥瑞を得たとの理由で罪を減免され入京をされた(続日本紀)。
    Taking over from his father who was banished to Izu Province and then moved to a temple in Hida Province, he became a monk scholar familiar with the various arts of Onmyo referring to himself using the Buddhist name of 'Ryukan' receiving a reduction of punishment for predicting an auspicious sign on the occasion that kokushi (provincial bureaucrat) of Hida Province presented shinme (horses presented to shrines or horses used for ceremonies held at shrines in Japan) in 702 and was allowed to go to the capital city (Shoku nihongi).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同年11月、源義経・源行家の追討を目的として、頼朝の義父である北条時政が上京し、後白河側と交渉した結果、行家・義経追討のため、諸国に惣追捕使(そうついぶし)・国地頭(くにじとう)を設置することが勅された。
    In November of that year, with the aim of hunting down MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune and MINAMOTO no Yukiie, Yoritomo's father-in-law, Tokimasa HOJO, went to the capital and negotiated with Emperor Goshirakawa, as a result of which imperial approval was given for the installation of Sotsuibushi (government post in charge of police and military roles) and kuni-jito (the appointment of provincial jito to each province) in each province for the purpose of capturing Yukiie and Yoshitsune.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 南北朝時代(日本)、室町幕府を開いた足利尊氏は、朝廷より公方号をされたことが、室町幕府政所執事伊勢氏の末裔にて江戸時代の旗本の伊勢貞丈の『貞丈雑記』に記されている。
    Accoding to "Teijo-zakki" (Teijo's memorandums) written by Sadatake (Teijo) ISE who was Hatamoto (a direct retainer of the shogunate) in the Edo period as well as a descendant of the Ise clan which served as Mandokoro shitusji (chief of Mandokoro, the Adiministrative Board) of the Muromachi bakufu, Takauji ASHIKAGA, who established the Muromachi bakufu in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), was allowed to hold the title of Kubo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 屋形号は室町幕府でも守護以上の身分で遇される足利一門や、代々有力守護であって幕府の重職につく家や特に功績ある家柄、また、国人領主ながら、室町幕府の建設に功労ある家柄にされた。
    Also under the reign of Muromachi bakufu, the yakata-go titles were conferred to such families as of the Ashikaga clan who were treated with higher status than shugo (provincial constables,) and also to the prominent shugo families who had successively been engaged in important posts of the bakufu government or who were credited with some great achievements, as well to kokujin-ryoshu (local samurai lords) credited with their contribution to the establishment of Muromachi bakufu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 倉奉行は幕府に直接納付をされた特定の業者からの納税(直進)や幕府の特別会計(内裏造営経費である「造内裏棟別」など)及び小口の出納のみを扱う限定的な職務に縮小されることとなった。
    As a result, the kurabugyo was scaled down to deal with only restricted duties such as collecting taxes from specific traders who were approved to pay taxes directly to the bakufu, managing special accounts including 'Zodairitobetsu' (building expenses for the Imperial Palace) and dealing with a small amount of revenue and expenditure.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これ以後、五位蔵人が四位に、六位蔵人が五位に昇進した場合が、新しい位階のまま蔵人に留まることはされず、位階と蔵人の職が不可分のものとなり、五位蔵人及び六位蔵人は官職名とみなされるようになった。
    From that point on, when a person holding the post of Goi no Kurodo was promoted to the Fourth Rank, or when a person holding the post of Rokui no Kurodo (Chamberlain of Sixth Rank) was promoted to the Fifth Rank, rather than being allowed to remain as Kurodo with a new rank, their court rank and Kurodo posts became inseparable and the posts of Goi no Kurodo and Rokui no Kurodo were regarded as the names of official posts.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、この原則は、次第に崩れていき、町奉行所の与力組頭(筆頭与力)のように、一代抱席でありながら、馬上がされ、230石以上の俸禄を受け、惣領に家督を相続させて身分と俸禄を伝えることが常態化していたポストもあった。
    However, this rule of thumb waned over time and there were some posts (eg. a town magistrate's police chief) who were granted single generation kakaeseki status, but were also permitted to ride on horseback, received stipends of over 230-koku and were allowed to pass on their status to successors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それ以上の、名跡にふさわしいか否かについての判断のために、しばしば襲名にあたっては、当該襲名者の師匠のし、歌舞伎であれば松竹、落語ならば席亭や師匠の判断、さらに場合によっては同姓同亭号の大立者の協賛などが必要になってくる。
    In addition to the master's permission for Mysoeki name title inheritance to proceed, to ascertain whether or not a candidate for Myoseki name/title inheritance is appropriate, it is a common requirement that decisions must be made by Shochiku Co., Ltd., (when involving kabuki), or a theater's owner/master (when rakugo related), and even sometimes in further addition, support is required of the principle figure who goes by the same family name/same teigo (school name).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • たとえば左京大夫は大名中でも四職家にしかされない官であったが、戦国期には地方の小大名ですら任じられるようになり、時には複数の大名が同時期に任じられることもあった。
    For example, the post called Sakyo no daibu (Master of the Eastern Capital Offices) used to be a one which was only given to the four specific families called Shishiki-ke (four administrators' family: Yamana, Isshiki, Akamatsu, Kyogoku) among all the daimyo, however, during the Sengoku period even a low rank daimyo in a rural area was awarded the post and sometimes multiple daimyos were awarded at the same time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 水戸徳川家は同じ御三家である尾張徳川家や紀州徳川家のように、将軍家断絶の際の嗣子を輩出することはされず、官位も権中納言と低く石高も両家に比べ表高で20万石ほど小さかった。
    Unlike other Tokugawa gosanke (three privileged branches of Tokugawa family), the Owari-Tokugawa family and the Kishu-Tokugawa family, the Mito-Tokugawa family was not allowed to produce an heir at the time of extinction of the shogunate family, and official court rank was low status, Gon Chunagon (a provisional vice-councilor of state), and kokudaka (crop yield) was two hundred thousands Goku crop yields smaller than others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 前者はその家に代々伝えられてきた所領・所職として子孫への継承がされた土地であり、後者は奉仕の代償として本家・本所から与えられた所領・所職でその付与・剥奪は本家・本所側にあった。
    The former, soden, was a piece of land for which hereditary succession as the shoryo (territory) and shoshiki (the right of a shoen governor) by the descendents of an owner family was allowed, whereas the latter, onryo, was the shoryo and shoshiki which had been granted by the honke (the head family) and the honjo (the principal institution and a chief tenant) as the reward in return for service, and the right to grant or deprive of the fief was held by the honke and honjo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鎌倉時代では地頭の存在が知られるが、本来は地頭とは荘官の名称のひとつであり、文治の勅の際にも、源行家・源義経追討を名目として荘園・公領から兵糧米を徴収する権限が与えられたにすぎず、土地の支配権を得たわけではなかった。
    The existence of jito (manager and lord of manor) is well-known from the Kamakura period; however, jito was originally one of the names of shokan and was only given the authority to collect rice provisions for the army from manors and public lands under the pretext of hunting down and killing MINAMOTO no Yukiie and MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune during the Bunji imperial sanction, not the authority to control lands. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 道鏡が実際に皇位を望んでいたのかどうか、事件の真相には不明な部分もあるが、翌宝亀元年(770年)には、称徳天皇が死去し、天皇の信望厚かった道鏡は左遷され、入れ代わるように清麻呂と広虫はされて都に戻ってきた。
    The truth of whether or not Dokyo aspired to the Imperial throne is unclear but after Empress Shotoku died in 770, Dokyo was demoted and Kiyomaro and Hiromushi were forgiven and returned to the capital.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それに対して貴船明神が返したと伝えられる歌「奥山にたぎりておつる滝つ瀬のたまちる(ばかり)物な思ひそ」(奥山にたぎり落ちる滝の水玉が飛び散るように、(魂が飛び散ってしまうほど)思い悩んではいけない)も後拾遺和歌集に収録されている。
    Also included in Goshui Wakashu is the poem with which Kifune Myojin kami is said to have replied to her:'Okuyama nitagirite otsurutakitsu se notama chiru bakarimono na omohiso'(Deep in the mountains,in the shallows of the waterfall,rushing down,the spirit-waterdrops shatter and splash,do not be so lost in thought).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • かつては伝法灌頂という密教の儀式を受けた者にのみ黄不動像の拝観がされていたが、昭和時代以降、在家の一般信者も参加できる「結縁灌頂」という儀式が何度か実施され、その際に黄不動像拝観の機会が与えられた。
    Although only those who had gone through the ceremony of Esoteric Buddhism named denpo-kanjo were allowed to have the honor of seeing Kifudo painting, the ceremony 'kechien-kanjo,' in which ordinary believers were able to participate, was held several times, and those believers were able to see the Kifudo painting on those occasions from the Showa period,.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは兼通の権勢もあるが、兼家が当時兄の冷泉上皇には娘・藤原超子を納れていたにも関わらず、天皇である自分のには娘を納れていなかったために天皇も兼家に含むところがあり娘・遵子を納れていた頼忠の方に好意を抱いていたとする見方もある。
    This was partly due to Kanemichi's power; one theory asserts that Emperor Enyu preferred Yoritada, who had sent his daughter Junshi to him, but on the other hand Kaneie did not send any of his daughters to Emperor Enyu, although he did so for the Retired Emperor Reizei, so the Emperor did not have complete trust in Kaneie.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸幕府は朝廷の行動の統制を目的として慶長18年6月16日(1613年8月2日)には、「公家衆法度」「勅紫衣(しえ)法度」を制定し、次いで慶長20年7月17日(1615年9月9日)には「禁中並公家諸法度」を公布した。
    The Edo government issued Kuge shu hatto (the laws for court nobles) and Shie hatto (the laws prohibiting purple robes for high-ranking priests that had been granted by the Emperor) on August 2, 1613, to rule as an act of the Imperial Palace, followed by the issuance of Kinchu narabi ni kugesho hatto the (laws for the court in the Edo period) on September 9, 1615.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 書院は土佐光起親子が書いた障壁画で有名であるが、これらの絵画は江戸幕府や後水尾上皇らの可無しでは、外出や他人との面会もままならない一生を過ごした明正天皇を慰めるために畿内の名所を書いた物と伝わる。
    The Study was famous for paintings on the walls or fusuma of the building by Mitsuoki TOSA and his child, it is said these pictures of well known places of Provinces around Kyoto were painted to comfort Empress Meisho, who spent all her life not being able to go out or to see people without the approval of the Edo bakufu and Emperor Gomizunoo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 親王は貞子・董子どちらの妃との間にも王子女に恵まれなかったため、慣例に従うなら別の宮家を創設するか臣籍降下するはずであった異母弟の有栖川宮威仁親王を、自身の後継者にすることが生前に明治天皇からされていた。
    The Prince did not have any children either with Sadako nor Tadako, it was approved by Emperor Meiji before he died, to have his half younger brother, Arisunogawa no Miya Imperial Prince Takehito as his successor, who was supposed to have established a new Miyake or have been demoted from nobility to subject according to custom.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 老中板倉勝静らも多事多難の折柄、一橋慶喜をこそ将軍に立てるべきと斡旋し、慶喜の後継に亀之助をと和宮に伺ったところ、和宮は「御遺命さへ反故とならずば異存なし、中納言(慶喜)の後をば必ず亀之助に継がしむべし」と可したという。
    Senior councilor Katsukiyo ITAKURA strongly recommended Yoshinobu HITOTSUBASHI during his busy days having one difficulty after another, he then asked Kazunomiya to have Kamenosuke as Yoshinobu's successor, she approved saying, 'As long as the will was kept, there is no problem, please make sure Kamenosuke succeeds to Chunagon (Yoshinobu's) position. '  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 和宮及びそのお付き女中は宮中風の生活習慣を守り(一例を挙げると天皇のしがないため冬期でも足袋をはかず裸足であった)、一方、大奥になじまない和宮一行を大奥側も不遇な待遇をしていじめるなどし、当初は険悪な空気であったという。
    Kazunomiya and her maids kept the same customs like the Imperial style, (for example they spent winter time bear foot without wearing socks since the Emperor did not allow them to do so), on the other hand, people in Ooku gave the hard time to Kazunomiya and her maids as they did not get used to the new life in Ooku, it is said there was a bad atmosphere inside the Ooku in those days.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一度臣籍に下った者が皇位につくのは、日本の皇位継承史の中でも極めて異例であるが天皇の子の身分の決定は天皇の専権事項である(臣籍に降ろした実子を皇族に戻す事もされる)として押し切ったのである。
    It was an unusual example of Japanese Imperial succession for an Imperial member who had been demoted from nobility to subject, to come back and succeed the throne, it was forced to decision because the Emperor had the absolute right to chose the rank of the Emperor's children.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後一条天皇の時、皇太子敦明親王が皇太子辞退を申し出ると、親王の男子(三条天皇の孫)に特に親王の称号をして以後厳密な規定がされなくなり、孫以下の皇親でも天皇の養子縁組・猶子となって親王の待遇を受ける事が可能となった。
    When Crown Prince Atsuakira requested to withdraw from the crown princeship during the reign of Emperor Goichijo, the title of imperial prince was specially granted to the crown prince's son (grandson of Emperor Sanjo), lifting the strict measures regarding entitlement and allowing Koshin two generations and beyond to be able to receive the rights granted to imperial princes by becoming the adopted child of an emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、皇位継承順位の変更は、「皇嗣精神若ハ身体ノ不治ノ重患アリ又ハ重大ノ事故アルトキ」(旧典範9条)、「精神若しくは身体の不治の重患があり、又は重大な事故があるとき」(現典範3条)のみにされている。
    The change of the order of succession to the Imperial Throne is permitted only if 'The Crown Prince has any mental or physical incurable diseases or serious hindrance' (Article 9 of Former Imperial House Act) or 'has any mental or physical incurable diseases or serious hindrance' (Article 3 of Imperial House Law).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 四隅の燈火は終夜、消えないように注意し、蔵人が非蔵人に注油(あぶらそそぎ)をもたせ、たたき戸をあけ、非蔵人を戸の下に立たせ、巽角から始め、艮角で終わるように注し、帳の東、すなわち枕を通らなかったという。
    Lamps on the four corners were kept all night through and Kurodo (Chamberlain) have Hikurodo (trainee in the Kurodo dokoro, or the Imperial Secretariat) hold Abura-sosogi (oil pot) and stand by Tataki-do (door) as he opened the door; they poured the oil from the southeast corner finishing it in the northeast corner so that they did not pass the east side of Tobari where Emperor's pillow was placed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また輦車の宣旨(牛車の通行を禁じた内裏内郭で、輦車に乗ることを可する宣旨で、皇族・女御・大臣などのうち特定の者に賜った)を得た公卿たちが参内したときも、春華門の前で下車するのが恒例だった。
    When court nobles who were granted Teguruma no senji (special permission given to specific people in Imperial family, consort and ministers from the Emperor to enter the imperial palace in a handcart where an ox-drawn carriage was banned) arrived at Imperial Palace, it was a practice to get off their cart at the Shunka-mon gate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1905年には、西園寺公望が明治2年に京都御所内の私邸に設置した「私塾立命館」の名称の継承を願い出てこれを可され、1913年「財団法人立命館」を設立すると共に、校名を「私立立命館大学」と改称した。
    In 1905 the school received approval to succeed in name from 'Shijuku Ritsumeikan,' which had been established by Kinmochi SAIONJI in his private space at the Kyoto Imperial Palace in 1869, and in 1913 established the 'Ritsumeikan Foundation' and renamed it as the 'Private Ritsumeikan University.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1880年には岸本辰雄、宮城浩蔵、矢代操らが明治法律学校を設立するのを援助したほか、1894年文部大臣に就任すると井上毅らが作った「教育勅語」に反対し、明治天皇から「教育勅語」改定の可を得て第二の教育勅語の草案作成にも取り組んでいる。
    In 1880, he supported Tatsuo KISHIMOTO, Kozo MIYAGI and Misao YASHIRO to establish Meiji Law School, and when he became the Minister of Education in 1894, he opposed the 'Imperial Rescript on Education' made by Kowashi INOUE and others, and worked on a draft of the second Imperial Rescript on Education with Emperor Meiji's permission to revise the 'Imperial Rescript on Education.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1905(明治5)年、西園寺公望から「私塾立命館」の名称の継承をされた「京都法政学校」は、1913(大正2)年に「財団法人立命館」を設置するとともに、大学名を「立命館大学」、中学校名を「立命館中学校・高等学校」と改称した。
    In 1905, 'Kyoto Hosei School,' which was allowed to inherit the name 'Shijuku Ritsumeikan' by Kinmochi SAIONJI, established 'Ritsumeikan Foundation' in 1913, and renamed the university 'Ritsumeikan University' and the junior high school 'Ritsumeikan Junior/Senior High Schools.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 10歳の女子を側室として迎えたりするなど、かなりの好色家であったと言われているただし前近代では日本のみならず世界中で女性・子供への人権保障水準が現在とは比較にならないほど低く、児童性愛も一定程度容されていた事情もある。
    He was said to be passionate as he had a 10-years-old concubine; however, we consider the following circumstances; in pre-modern era not only in Japan but also all over the world, levels of rights of women and children were much lower than present time and sex with a child was permitted to some extent.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 処刑を待つ身だったが、文久2年(1862年)、住谷寅之助らによる朝廷工作が功を奏し、再度天狗党が藩の政権を奪取したことから、12月、安政の大獄に関わった政治犯の釈放を目的に大赦令が出され、出獄することをされた。
    He was awaiting execution, but in 1862, Toranosuke SUMIYA and others successfully manipulated the Imperial Court and enabled the Tengu-to Party to regain political power in Mito Clan; this, in turn, resulted in Amnesty Order in December that targeted the release of political prisoners who participated in Ansei Purge, and Tsuguji was allowed to leave prison.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文久3年9月、芹沢が懸想していた吉田屋の芸妓小寅が肌をさなかったため、立腹した芹沢が吉田屋に乗り込み、店を破壊すると主人を脅して、小寅と付き添いの芸妓お鹿を呼びつけ罰として2人を断髪させる乱暴を行っている(「浪士文久報国記事」)。
    In September 1863, because Geigi Kotora of Yoshida-ya Geisha House, with whom SERIZAWA was in love, refused his advances he became angry and marched into Yoshida-ya, terrified the owner by saying that he would destroy the Geisha House; he also summoned Kotora and her attendant, Geigi Oshika, and committed the outrage of making them cut their hair ("Roshi Bunkyu Hokoku Kiji").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 結局義経は鎌倉へ入る事をされず、6月9日_(旧暦)に頼朝が義経に対し宗盛父子と平重衡を伴わせ帰洛を命じると、義経は頼朝を深く恨み、「関東に於いて怨みを成す輩は、義経に属くべき」と言い放った。
    As a result, Yoshitsune was not allowed to enter Kamakura, and on June 9 (old lunar calendar), when Yoritomo ordered to escort Munemori and his son, and TAIRA no Shigehira back to Kyoto, Yoshitsune blamed Yoritomo on this cruel treatment and boldly said, 'Those who are not satisfied serving in Kanto, come and join Yoshitsune's side.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 頼朝との対立の原因については、確かに、『吾妻鏡』元暦元年(1184年)八月十七日条には、同年8月6日_(旧暦)、兄の可を得ることなく官位を受けたことで頼朝の怒りを買い、追討使を猶予されたと書かれている。
    The cause of the conflicts with Yoritomo is described in the article of August 17, 1184 of "Azuma Kagami," and according to this, he invoked the wrath of Yoritomo for having accepted the title from the Imperial court, without getting his brother's permission, and then he was excluded from the mission of pursuit on August 6 of the same year (old lunar calendar).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • こうして田原方面から引き上げ、その後部線を保守している間に、上陸した政府背面軍に敗れた永山が御船で自焚・自刃し、4月8日には池上が安政橋口の戦いで敗れて、政府背面軍と鎮台の連絡をすと、薩軍は腹背に敵を受ける形になった。
    They withdrew from the direction of Tahara, and while protecting their flank, NAGAYAMA, who had failed his objectives with the back army of the government that had landed, was censured himself and committed suicide with his sword, and also Ikegami failed at the Battle of Anseibashi-guchi on April 8, and upon being allowed to communicate with the back army and Chindai, the Satsu-gun was like an attacked both in front and rear.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 最後の遣唐使として唐に留学するが、もともと請益僧(短期の入唐僧)であったため目指す天台山へは旅行可が下りず(短期の入唐僧の為日程的に無理と判断されたか)、空しく帰国せねばならない事態に陥った。
    He was the last of kentoshi to study in China but, since he was shoyakuso (a monk who stayed in Tang for a short period), he was not given a travel permit to Mt. Tiantai (perhaps because it was considered impossible due to his limited schedule) and he had no choice but to go back to Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当時、中国の山東半島沿岸一帯は張宝高をはじめとする多くの新羅人海商が活躍していたが、山東半島の新羅人の港町・赤山浦の在唐新羅人社会の助けを借りて唐残留に成功(不法在留者でありながら通行可証を得る等)する。
    Back then, Silla sea merchants, including Bogo JANG, prospered in the neighborhoods of the Shandong Peninsula of China and, with the help of Sillans residing in Chishanji, he was able to stay in China (although he remained as an illegal resident, he was able to obtain a travel permit).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『平家物語』には、一行が輔子が住まう日野の近くを通った時に、重衡が「せめて一目、妻と会いたい」と願ってされ、輔子が駆けつけ、涙ながらの別れの対面をし、重衡が形見にと額にかかる髪を噛み切って渡す哀話が残されている。
    There is a tragic episode in the "Heike Monogatari": when his procession passed through the neighborhood of Hino where Sukeko lived, Shigehira requested and was permitted to see his wife a final time; she came to see him, and with tears in both their eyes, Shigehira bit off the hairs falling on his forehead and handed them to Sukeko.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 尊融法親王は日米修好通商条約の勅に反対し、将軍徳川家定の後継者問題では徳川慶喜を支持したことなどから大老井伊直弼に目を付けられ、安政6年(1859年)には安政の大獄で「隠居永蟄居」を命じられる。
    In 1859, during the Ansei Purge that resulted from the question of who should succeed Shogun Iesada TOKUGAWA, Tairo (chief minister) Naosuke II condemned Cloistered Imperial Prince Sonyu (Asahiko), who opposed the Court's sanctioning of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the United States and Japan and supported Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA, to perpetual confinement (Inkyo eichikkyo).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 家臣を大切にし、また茶湯にも興味を示して利休七哲の一人(筆頭)にまで数えられており(千利休の死後、その子息千少庵は氏郷ので蟄居している)、諸大名からの人望が厚く、風流の利発人と評される。
    He took great care of his vassals and was interested in the tea ceremony, numbering among the Rikyu shichitetsu (Rikyu's seven sages) (after SEN no Rikyu's death, he let Rikyu's son (SEN no Shoan) stay in his home), and he was very popular with a number of daimyo (feudal lords) and considered to be refined and intelligent.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 祐忠は天正年間には大幅な加増が内定していたともいう(祐忠は秀吉年間茶人として高名であり、信長時代に茶会免を受けていた=大名昇進が決定していた可能性は極めて高い)。
    It is said that Suketada was offered a substantially higher amount of compensation in the Tensho era. (Seeing as he was a well known master of the tea ceremony during the reign of Hideyoshi, and licensed to teach the tea ceremony while Nobunaga was in power, it is highly possible that he was made an offer of promotion to feudal lord.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後、復職をされたが、その後も幕府との協調路線を推進し、公武合体運動の一環である和宮降嫁を積極的に推し進めたため、一部の過激な尊皇攘夷派から糾弾されて、謹慎を命じられた。
    Though Hisatada KUJO was permitted to return to his position later on, he still continued to promote the cooperative line with the Bakufu and actively drove the marriage of Imperial Princess Kazunomiya with Shogun as a part of the movement to establish a coalition government by the Imperial Court and the Bakufu and, therefore, Hisatada was denounced by the extremists of the faction which advocated revering the Emperor and expelling the barbarians, and Hisatada was ordered to stay at home.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 正暦元年(990年)に兼家が没すると、子の藤原道隆が関白となり、次いで藤原道兼を経て、道長が左大臣となり内覧をされ、藤原伊周(道隆の嫡子)との政争の末に主導権を握り、権勢を振るうようになる。
    After the death of FUJIWARA no Kaneie in 990, his son, FUJIWARA no Michitaka, became Kanpaku, while FUJIWARA no Michinaga succeeded FUJIWARA no Michikane as Sadaijin (Minister of the Left) and was allowed to audit documents submitted to the emperor; Michinaga established his control of the Imperial government after a political struggle with FUJIWARA no Korechika (Michitaka's legitimate son) and rose to power.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、天台・真言両宗の熱心な後援者であり、僧綱の強硬な反対に遭って難航していた最澄の独立大乗戒壇設立構想が、弘仁13年6月11日、勅を得るに至ったのは、彼および藤原冬嗣、良峯安世、大伴国道らの尽力によるといわれる。
    He was a vehement supporter of both Tendai sect and Shingon sect of Buddhism, and that the Imperial sanction was given on June 11, 822 (lunar calendar date) to the project of the building of Daijo-Kaidan (Mahayana ordination center), which was tangling because Sogo (Office of Monastic Affairs) strongly opposed, is said to be due to the efforts of FUJIWARA no Fuyutsugu, YOSHIMINE no Yasuyo, OTOMO no Kunimichi and him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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