
  • 詰問する
    question closely  - 日本語WordNet
  • 辞職の理由を詰問した
    I demanded his reason for resigning.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • どうかしたのと彼女は詰問した。
    "What's the matter with you?" she demanded. - Tatoeba例文
  • どうかしたのと彼女は詰問した。
    "What's the matter with you?" she demanded.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 歩哨は私になぜそこにいるのかと詰問した.
    The sentry sharply demanded to know why I was there.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 「お前はどこに住んでいるんだ」と彼は詰問した.
    “Where do you live?" he demanded.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 警察官は彼らの住所氏名を詰問した。
    The policeman demanded their names and addresses. - Tatoeba例文
  • 警官は、彼らの住所氏名を詰問した。
    The policeman demanded their names and addresses. - Tatoeba例文
  • きびしく詰問して追求すること
    the action of pursuing information by harsh cross-examination  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 警察官は彼らの住所氏名を詰問した。
    The policeman demanded their names and addresses.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 警官は、彼らの住所氏名を詰問した。
    The policeman demanded their names and addresses.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • やつが帰ってきたら詰問してやろうと手ぐすね引いて待っていた.
    I waited impatiently for him to come back, intending to give him a piece of my mind.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 堀川御所の段 鎌倉から義経に詰問史川越太郎が到着する。
    Section of Horikawa PalaceA kitsumonshi (questioner) Taro KAWAGOE comes to see Yoshitsune from Kamakura.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このとき、磐井は毛野に対して下記を詰問したとされる。
    At that time, Iwai is said to have demanded an explanation from Omi no Kenu, as follows.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そして追求すると、詰問がきつすぎたのか、いきなり泣き出しました。
    And when I pressed her, perhaps a little harshly, she burst into tears.  - H. G. Wells『タイムマシン』
  • そんなに詰問調子で話すのはよしてくれ. 僕は何も悪いことはしていないんだ.
    Stop questioning [cross‐examining] me like that. I haven't done anything wrong.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 太宗(唐)に詰問されると、「臣(私)が辱められたために殺しました」と臆せずに答えた。
    When Taiso (Tai Zong; Emperor of Tang Dynasty) questioned him about the death, he answered without hesitation, 'I killed him because he insulted me.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 秀吉からは布令無視を詰問されたが、徳川家康らの周旋もあり窮地を脱した。
    Although Hideyoshi questioned Masamune closely about his failure to obey the edicts, Masamune had a narrow escape thanks to the mediation of Ieyasu TOKUGAWA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 怒った義平は詰問するが、景澄は「源氏の世が戻るまで機会をうかがっていたのです」と弁解し、結局、協力することになる。
    The angry Yoshihira grilled him; Kagesumi apologetically explained that he was 'waiting for a chance until the Minamoto clan takes over power;' Kagesumi ended up cooperating with Yoshihira.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 頼朝は激怒して牧宗親を詰問し、自らの手で宗親の髻(もとどり)を切り落とす恥辱を与えた。
    Yoritomo was enraged and after questioning Munechika MAKI, disgraced him by ordering him to cut off his top-knot with his own hands.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 純義は下士の出身でありながら藩主島津忠義の面前で藩主の弟の島津久治を詰問し、結局久治は憂死している。
    In spite of the fact that Sumiyoshi was originally a kashi (lower class samurai), he cross-examined Hisaharu SHIMAZU in front of his brother, who was the lord of the domain, Tadayoshi SHIMAZU, and finally Hisaharu died in depression.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 奮戦するが捕らえられ、六波羅で平宗盛に詰問され屈するところなく、以仁王の行方をもらそうとしなかった。
    Despite hard fighting, he got caught, but he never gave in to the close questioning by TAIRA no Munemori in Rokuhara, betraying no word about the hiding place of the prince.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 弁明のために後醍醐天皇から鎌倉に派遣された万里小路宣房を長崎円喜と共に詰問し、
    He and Enki NAGASAKI closely questioned Nobufusa MADENOKOJI who was sent to Kamakura by the Emperor Godaigo to explain the plan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼は全身ずぶ濡れのうえ、脱いだ衣類を小脇に抱えていた為、警察官は無賃乗車もしくは窃盗犯とみて詰問していた。
    He was soaking wet and had his own clothes in his arms; therefore, the policeman interrogated him thinking that he had caught a train without paying or committed robbery.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 萩藩の代官・井上宇兵衛は事件の顛末を萩藩に報告し、徳山藩に詰問状を発した。
    Uhei INOUE, the daikan (the bakufu-representing officer at a clan) of the Hagi clan, reported the Hagi clan about the details of the incident, and sent an inquiry letter to the Tokuyama clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ついには山岡が、もし立場を入れ替えて西郷が島津忠義を他藩に預けろと言われたら承知するかと詰問する。
    Finally, Yamaoka questioned Saigo, "As if we could switch our points of view, then please consider that you would be ordered to place Tadayoshi SHIMAZU (the lord of the Satsuma Domain) into the custody of another domain. Would you accept that?"  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼女が夕食の席にいて、彼が話す間彼を批判的な詰問するような目で見上げることを考えると彼は怖気づいた。
    It unnerved him to think that she would be at the supper-table, looking up at him while he spoke with her critical quizzing eyes.  - James Joyce『死者たち』
  • 慶喜は斉昭、福井藩主・松平慶永らと共に不時登城し直弼を詰問するが、逆に不時登城の罪を問われ、翌・安政6年(1859年)に隠居謹慎処分となる(安政の大獄)。
    Yoshinobu, along with Nariaki and the Chief of Fukui-han Clan, Yoshinaga MATSUDAIRA, made an unexpected visit to the [Edo-jo] castle and closely interrogated Naosuke, but in tern, he was questioned on his offense of making an unexpected visit to the castle; he was ordered to retire and was given a disciplinary confinement in the following year (1859) (Ansei Purge).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義村謀叛の噂が広まり騒然とするが、政子は義村の邸を訪ねて泰時が後継者となるべき理を説き、義村が政村擁立の陰謀に加わっているか詰問した。
    As rumor of Yoshimura's plot spread, causing uproar, Masako visited Yoshimura's residence to convince him that Yasutoki should be the successor and to ascertain if he had been part of the conspiracy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、「本能寺を攻撃した明智光秀軍が前久邸から本能寺を銃撃した」と讒言に遭い、織田信孝や豊臣秀吉からも詰問される。
    However, he was grilled by Nobutaka ODA and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI due to the false charge that 'the army of Mitsuhide AKECHI fired shots at Honno-ji Temple from the residence of Sakihisa.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 帰郷してこの事を父如水に話すと、「その時左手は何をしていた」(即ちなぜその時左手に短刀を持って家康を刺さなかったかと言う意味)と詰問された話がある。
    When he told this to his father Josui, he received the serious inquiry, 'What was your left hand doing at that time?' (which is to say, 'Why didn't you grab a short sword with your left hand and stab Ieyasu at that time?').  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 都落ちした義経を匿った事で鎌倉へ召還された興福寺の僧・聖弘は、義経を庇護した事を詰問する頼朝に対し、次のように悪びれず直言した。
    Yoritomo summoned Kiyohiro, a monk of Kofuku-ji Temple, to Kamakura to cross-examine him because he sheltered Yoshitsune who fled from capital, but Kiyohiro spoke frankly to Yoritomo with good grace.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 島津忠恒とはきわめて不仲であり、家久から「家臣を大事にしない当主は上に立つ資格がない」という内容の詰問状を送られているが、家久自身が家臣の粛清をたびたび行っており、説得力はなかったようである。
    He was on extremely bad terms with Tadatsune SHIMAZU, and received a letter from Iehisa questioning his actions saying 'family heads that do not treat their vassals with consideration lack the credentials to lead,' but it lacked persuasion because Iehisa himself frequently purged his vassals.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 浪士が自宅に踏み込んできたとき賀川は二階へと逃げ込み隠れていたが、運悪く帰宅した幼い子どもが浪士たちに捕われ厳しい詰問を受けるのを見て自ら階下へ降りたところを斬首された。
    When the roshi made a raid and stepped into his house, KAGAWA went upstairs and hid himself; but on seeing his young children who unfortunately came home and were cruelly questioned by the roshi that had captivated them, he went downstairs on his own will, and was beheaded.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 気配を感じた頼朝は、結城朝光らに当麻を捕らえさせ、明朝に詰問を行うと当麻は「起請文の後に沙汰が無く、しきりに嘆き悲しむ参州(範頼)の為に、形勢を伺うべく参った。
    Yoritomo noticed this and let Tomomitsu YUKI arrest Toma and examined him closely, so Toma said "Sanshu (Noriyori) is in deep lamentation because he didn't get an answer after he submitted a kishomon so I came here to survey the current situation."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 11月になって、それを知った義盛は御所で広元と会い「貴殿は関東の爪牙耳目として、長年働いてきた。景時の権威を恐れて諸将の欝憤を隠し立てするのは、法に違えるのではないか」と激しく詰問した。
    In December, when Yoshimori found out about this, he met Hiromoto at the Imperial Palace and accused him by saying, 'You have been working to support us in Kanto for a long time. Being scared of Kagetoki's authority and hiding our anger seems to be against the rule.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これに対し岩倉、大原らははじめ押されていたが、山内が「そもそも今日の事は一体何であるか。二、三の公家が幼沖なる天子を擁して陰謀を企てたものではないか」と詰問する。
    Iwakura and Ohara were concerned at first, but Yamauchi asked, 'What are we doing here today in the first place? Aren't some of the court nobles plotting to control the juvenile Emperor?'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 別府晋介と辺見は問罪の師を起こすべしと主張したが、永山弥一郎は西郷・桐野・篠原の三将が上京して政府を詰問すべしと主張した。
    Shinsuke BEPPU and HENMI said that they should raise the army, whereas Yaichiro NAGAYAMA said that the three leaders SAIGO, KIRINO, and SHINOHARA should go to Tokyo to raise the matter with the government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼らは条約調印は止むを得ないが、「違勅調印」を不敬だとして、井伊を詰問するために不時登城(定式登城日以外の登城)した。
    They realized there was no choice but to sign the Treaty, however as signing it without Imperial sanction would be a great impropriety towards the Imperial family, they made an unscheduled visit to the castle (dates for visiting normally had to be designated) in order to consult with Ii.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 会合では、100名近くの僧侶が集まったが、問題の2寺が出席しなかったので、護法会員の中から台嶺を中心に僧侶が38人有志で西方寺と光輪寺を詰問に向かった。
    Although there were nearly 100 monks in the meeting, the controversial two temples did not attend, therefore 38 voluntary monks centering on Tairei among the members from the Mikawa Goho Association went to examine Saiho-ji Temple and Korin-ji Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このとき、義隆も隆房らの謀反を恐れて、自ら甲冑を着けて居館に立て籠もり、さらに隆房に詰問使を送るなどしたことから、義隆と隆房の仲は最悪の事態を迎えることとなった。
    At that time, Yoshitaka also barricaded himself in his residence with kacchu (armor) on by himself because of the fear of rebellion by Takafusa, and moreover sent questioners to Takafusa, that made the relationship of Yoshitaka and Takafusa worst.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天正18年(1590年)には謀反の疑いをもたれた伊達政宗に対し秀吉の代理として詰問の書状を送り、慶長2年(1597年)、蔚山城の戦いにおける小早川秀秋の失態で筑前国から越前国への懲罰的移封を決定した際にも、実務を取り仕切っている。
    In 1590, when Masamune DATE was suspected of treason, Kozosu, as Hideyoshi's representative, delivered the letter asking for an explanation and in 1597, she was in charge of managing Hideaki KOBAYAKAWA's transferal from Chikuzen Province to Echizen Province as punishment for his mistake during the Siege of Ulsan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 例えば、手がかり選択画像で選択された選択肢に基づく詰問選択画像である選択図(b)では、手がかり選択画像で表示されて選択されなかった「捜査は誰か?」の選択肢に関連する内容の選択肢S8が設定される。
    For example, in a selection diagram (b) that is a cross-examination selection image based on a choice selected by a clue selection image, a choice S8 of a content relating to a choice of "who searched" which has been displayed by the clue selection image but not selected is set. - 特許庁
  • 家康の厚い信任を受けていた忠次ではあったが、天正7年(1579年)に家康の嫡子・松平信康の件で織田信長からの詰問を受けたとき、大久保忠世とともに弁解の使者に立てられて安土城に赴いたものの、信康を十分に弁護せず信康切腹の命令を防げなかった(ただし、信康切腹事件が信長の命令によるという件は、異説も存在する)。
    Tadatsugu enjoyed great confidence of Ieyasu, and when he was inquired by Nobunaga ODA about Nobuyasu MATSUDAIRA, a legitimate child of Ieyasu, in 1579, Tadatsugu was designated as an envoy for defense and went to Azuchi Castle together with Tadayo OKUBO, but he was not able to defend Nobuyasu well enough and thus failed to prevent the order for Nobuyasu's seppuku (suicide by disembowelment) from being given (though there is a different view on the claim that the incident of Nobuyasu's seppuku was under the order of Nobunaga).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その様な中真宗大谷派の三河護法会はこの様な動きが他藩に波及することを恐れ、何度か協議を重ねた後まず宗規を破って請書を提出した西方寺と光輪寺を詰問するため、総監の碧海郡高取村専修坊星川法沢と幹事である同郡小川村(安城市)の蓮泉寺石川台嶺を中心に同年3月8日同郡矢作村暮戸に真宗僧侶の会合を開いた。
    Meanwhile, the Mikawa Goho (the defense of Buddhism) Association of Otani sect of Shinshu was afraid of spreading those movements into the other domains, therefore, the association held a meeting of Buddhist monks of Shinshu sect in Yahagi Village, Aomi County by Hotaku HOSHIKAWA, a Senju-bo (specialized monk) and a general office director, from Takatori Village, Aomi County and Tairei ISHIKAWA, a manager, from Rensen-ji Temple in Ogawa Village, Aomi County on March 8, 1871 in order to examine Saiho-ji Temple and Korin-ji Temple closely which submitted the letter of acknowledgement with the violation of the religious regulations after a series of conferences.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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  • 日本語WordNet
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    WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.License
  • Tatoeba例文
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