
  • 夫婦の語らい
    a plight―plighted troth  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 夫婦の語らいをする
    to plight one's troth  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 男女のむつまじい語らい
    lovers' talk  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 不満を持つ人々のひそかな語らい
    a secret discussion held by discontented people  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • その本を読むのにはかなりの語らいが必要だ。
    You need a large vocabulary to read that book.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • キリストとの語らい方を理解することは、大切なことです。
    3. It is great skill to know how to live with Jesus,  - Thomas a Kempis『キリストにならいて』
  • この間、左門と宗右衛門は諸子百家のことなどを親しく語らい、友人の間柄となり、義兄弟のちぎりまで結んだ。
    During this time, Samon and Soemon talk about the Hundred Schools and others, becoming good friends and pledging their brotherhood.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 奈良麻呂は仲麻呂の専横に強い不満を持ち、大伴古麻呂、小野東人らと語らい仲麻呂の排除を画策した。
    Naramaro had a strong grievance against Nakamaro's tyranny and maneuvered to get rid of Nakamaro, together with OTOMO no Komaro, Ono no Azumahito and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治10年(1877年)の西南戦争では鹿児島県逆徒征討総督に就任し、維新に際して共に国事を語らい、東征に際して共に官軍を指揮した西郷隆盛と、敵将として対峙する皮肉な立場に立った。
    He became the Governor-General in charge of suppressing the opposition at Kagoshima Prefecture in the Seinan War during 1877, ironically he opposed Takamori SAIGO who he used to discuss national affairs with during the Meiji Restoration, or command the national army together at the expedition to the east.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが弟たち(『将門記』には「舎弟と語らいて」とあり平公雅や平公連とされている)の手助けで9月10日に再び出奔し将門の元に戻ってしまった。
    However, with the help of younger brothers (expressed as 'talking to the brothers' in "Masakado Ki," and therefore it is assumed to be TAIRA no Kinmasa and TAIRA no Kintsura) they fled again on October 21 and returned to Masakado.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同戦いにて、織田から今川に転じた山口教継、戸部新左衛門の名を語らい、両名が織田に内通していると流言飛語の策を弄し、両名が今川義元の手討ちとなり、敵方切り崩しに成功。
    During the battle, he spread a false rumor that named Noritsugu YAMAGUCHI and Shizaemon TOBE, who had switched their allegiance from the Oda to the Imagawa clan, as double agents still secretly communicating with the Oda forces; Yoshimoto IMAGAWA executed them, bringing success to Yoshinari's strategy of driving a wedge of distrust through the enemy forces.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、『尊卑分脈』の義経の項目にも「鞍馬寺において、東国旅人諸陵助重頼(頼重)を相語らい、約諾せしめ」と『平治物語』とほぼ同様の記載がある。
    A story similar to "Heiji monogatari" is included in the article about Yoshitsune in "Sonpi Bunmyaku" (a text compiled in the fourteenth century that records the lineages of the aristocracy), which describes that 'Yoshitsune talked with a traveler from Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly Kanto region) named Shoryo no suke Shigeyori (Yorishige) and let him promise to accept his request at Kurama-dera Temple.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『蒹葭堂日記』からは、安永年間から享和年間まで一貫して、月に数度訪れて語らい合わないことがないほど、蒹葭堂の元へと日参していた元恭の姿が窺われる。
    "Kenkado Nikki" (Diary of Kenkado) indicates that Motoyasu often visited Kenkado, not failing to meet and talk with him several times per month, from Anei to Kyowa era throughout.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 吉村寅太郎は松本奎堂、藤本鉄石、池内蔵太ら攘夷派浪士と語らい、大和行幸の先鋒となるべく大和国へ赴くことを決議。
    Torataro YOSHIMURA talked with Joi ha group of masterless samurai such as Keido MATSUMOTO, Tesseki FUJIMOTO, Kurata IKE and resolved to go to the Yamato Province to lead the vanguard of Imperial Trip to the Yamato Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかしもう一人の養子・高国は、一族の摂津国分郡守護細川政賢や淡路国守護細川尚春、河内国守護畠山義堯と語らい、細川氏(京兆家)の後継者を澄元とすることで合意をみた。
    The other adopted son Takakuni, however, conspired with his two relatives, Masakata HOSOKAWA, the bungunshugo (a provincial constable of a specially given province in gun unit) of Settsu Province, Hisaharu HOSOKAWA, the shugo of Awaji Province and Yoshitaka HATAKEYAMA, the shugo of Kawachi Province; amongst the four of them, they agreed to make Sumimoto the successor of the Hosokawa clan (the Keicho family).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
