
  • 笑いで誤魔化すと、亜美さんはさも不機嫌そうに眉を寄せた。
    Ami frowned in a very un-amused way as I brushed her off with a laugh. - Tatoeba例文
  • 笑いで誤魔化すと、さも不機嫌そうに眉を寄せる亜美さん。
    Ami frowning in a very un-amused way as I brushed her off with a laugh.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 捕吏の目を誤魔化すために藩命で西郷三助と改名させられた。
    He had to change his name to Sansuke SAIGO to deceive the officer of prisoners for command of the domain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この言葉は江戸時代以降から見られる言葉であるが、これはただの灰であるのに、空海(弘法大師)の修法した護摩の灰と称し偽って売り歩いた輩が横行したことから、紛(まぎ)らかすと同じ接続詞である「かす」がついて「誤魔化す」となったという説である。
    This word began to be used in the Edo Period and it has been suggested that there were numerous incidents where ordinary ashes were sold as ashes from the goma fire ritual performed by Kukai (Kobo Daishi) whereby the term 'magirakasu' (to disguise) evolved to 'gomakasu' (to disguise) consisting of 'goma' and the same conjunction 'kasu' used in 'magirakasu.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、誤魔化すの語源はこの説以外にも、護摩木は火にくべるため何が書いてあったか分からないから『護摩化す』、とか、「胡麻菓子(ごまかし)」の中が空洞になっていることから、や、胡麻をかければ不味い菓子の味がごまかせるから、という説もある。
    However, there are additional explanations concerning the origin of the word 'gomakasu' where 'gomakasu' derived from the fact that there was no way of knowing what was written on the gomaki wood which was to be burned anyway, that it originated from 'gomakashi' (goma pastry) having a hollow middle with no filling inside and that one could always sprinkle some sesame seeds (goma) on pastries to disguise its unsavory taste.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
