比叡山上の共同謀議伝説 The legend of the Mt. Hiei conspiracy
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その秘密組織は皇帝暗殺の謀議を凝らした. The secret organization plotted the assassination of the Emperor.
- 研究社 新和英中辞典
英米法における共同謀議という犯罪行為 an unlawful act committed by two or more people, called joint conspiracy
- EDR日英対訳辞書
その後 彼を謀議で 起訴できるようにしたことです That they could then charge him in a conspiracy for. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
2人以上が共同して犯罪の実行を謀議すること of two or more people, the action of conspiring together in the committing of an illegal act
- EDR日英対訳辞書
彼女は 殺人の共同謀議 誘拐 武器暴行で 指名手配されている She's wanted for murder, conspiracy, kidnapping, and weapons violation. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
彼女は 殺人の共同謀議 誘拐 武器暴行で 指名手配されている She's wanted for murder conspiracy, kidnapping, and weapons violations. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
「いずれにせよ、殺人未遂がだめなら共同謀議で告発してやる」 ``Anyhow, we shall have you on a charge of conspiracy, if not for attempted murder.''
- Arthur Conan Doyle『ノーウッドの建築家』
勘平はこの時点で、師直への仇討ち謀議を知っており、その仲間に加わりたがっている。 At this point, Kanpei already knows about the plot to kill Moronao and wants to take a part in it.
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勘平は、「仇討ちの謀議にぜひ加わらせてくれ、連判状に自分も加えてくれ」と頼む。 Kanpei asks SENZAKI by saying, "Let me take a part in the plot to revenge, let me seal renpanjo (a covenant with joint signatures)."
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承久の乱につながる鎌倉幕府打倒の謀議が行われたのも高陽院であった。 The venue where the conspiracy to ruin the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) that led to the Jokyu War occurred in this Kayain.
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後醍醐の朱子学(宋学)志向に影響を受け、鎌倉幕府討幕のための謀議に加わる。 He was influenced by Emperor Godaigo's Neo-confucianism (Sung-period neo-Cunfucianism), and participated in the conspiracy to attack the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shougun).
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後鳥羽上皇の近臣の一人として仕え、鎌倉幕府打倒の謀議に参加。 He worked for Retired Emperor Gotoba as one of his trusted vassals, and took part in a conspiracy to beat the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun).
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6月中旬以降、奈良麻呂派は奈良麻呂邸などで反仲麻呂派の謀議をもつようになった。 After mid-June, the group of Naramaro had meetings for conspiracy against Nakamaro at such places as the residence of Naramaro.
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捜索の末、近藤隊は池田屋で謀議中の尊攘過激派を発見した。 At the end of the search, the KONDO squad found radical nationalists who were having a meeting at Ikedaya.
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彼は絶対にその謀議に加担していなかった。反政府の悪だくみがあったのは、かれではなくて、かれの兄だった。 He has had absolutely no part in the conspiracy; it was not he, but his brother, who had an axe to grind against the government. - Tatoeba例文
彼は絶対にその謀議に加担していなかった。反政府の悪だくみがあったのは、かれではなくて、かれの兄だった。 He has had absolutely no part in the conspiracy; it was not he, but his brother, who had an axe to grind against the government.
- Tanaka Corpus
作夢軒-四畳半台目の茶室で、豊臣秀吉の死後、石田三成と宇喜多秀家が関ヶ原の戦の謀議を行った場所とされている。 Sakumu-ken tea ceremony room, a four-and-a-half-mat Japanese space, is said to be the place where Mitsunari ISHIDA and Hideie UKITA conspired to the Battle of Sekigahara after Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI died.
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秀吉没後は石田三成方に与し、家康打倒の謀議に参加、水口にて会津征伐へ向かう家康の暗殺を謀るも失敗した。 After the death of Hideyoshi, he served Mitsunari ISHIDA and participated in the plot to overthrow Ieyasu as well as in the unsuccessful assassination attempt at Minakuchi on Ieyasu, who was on his way to subjugate Aizu.
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同年藤原良継、石上宅嗣、大伴家持らと恵美押勝の暗殺を謀議し失敗したことにより解官。 He was removed from the office due to an attempt to assassinate EMI no Oshikatsu with FUJIWARA no Yoshitsugu, ISONOKAMI no Yakatsugu and OTOMO no Yakamoch in the same year.
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穴穂部皇子は守屋に遣いを出して、逆と二人の子供を殺すことを命じた(泊瀬部皇子もこの謀議に加わっていたとされる)。 Prince Anahobe sent Moriya and ordered him to kill Sakau and his two children (it is said that Prince Hatsusebe also joined this conspiracy).
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いとこの和田義直、和田義重(義盛の子)らとともに泉親衡の乱の謀議に加わり、捕縛された。 He was captured with his cousins, Yoshinao WADA and Yoshishige WADA (Yoshimori's son), by reason that they took part in the conspiracy to commit the revolt of Chikahira IZUMI.
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大伴古麻呂や小野東人は参加していたものの,全成が一連の謀議に参加していたかどうかは定かではない。 OTOMO no Komaro and Ono no Azumahito attended these meetings, but it is not known whether Matanari did too.
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しかし、この謀議は6月28日、山背王が孝謙天皇に「奈良麻呂が兵をもって仲麻呂邸を囲む」旨を密告し露見することとなった。 However, the conspiracy was disclosed on June 28, when Yamashiro no Okimi informed Empress Koken on that "Naramaro will surround the residence of Nakamaro with his troops."
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当時寺田屋は薩摩藩の定宿であり、このような謀議に関しての集結場所としては格好の場所だったようである。 At that time, the Teradaya was an inn for sailors which was owned by the Satsuma domain and suited for gathering to plan such a conspiracy.
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京都、東山鹿ヶ谷(現在の京都市左京区)の静賢法印(藤原通憲の子)の山荘で謀議が行われたとされ、このように呼ばれる。 It is called "Shishigatani Conspiracy" because secret talks were carried out at Joken Hoin (a child of FUJIWARA no Michinori)'s mountain retreat in Higashiyama Shishigatani, Kyoto (presently, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City).
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出撃直前の6月1日、清盛の西八条邸を多田行綱が訪れて平氏打倒の謀議を密告した。 Just before the attack, Yukitsuna TADA visited Kiyomori's house at Nishi-Hachijo and informed him about the plan to destroy the Taira clan on July 5.
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協力して捜査している 彼女は 自分が共同謀議の中心人物だとは 認めなかったが 様々な情報が She hasn't admitted to being at the center of any criminal conspiracies, but she has admitted that, uh, various pieces of information have made it to her. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
翌1178年に船が鬼界ヶ島にやって来るが成経と康頼のみが赦されており、俊寛は謀議の張本者という理由から赦されず島に一人とり残された。 Although a ship arrived at the Kikaiga-shima Island in the following year, 1178, only Naritsune and Yasuyori had been granted a pardon, with Shunkan left alone on the island for the reason that he was the main plotter of the meeting.
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さらに進んで1990年代には、高坂王は事前に大海人皇子と謀議を結んでおり、駅鈴を求めるというのは連絡の口実か、書紀編者の創作にすぎないとする説も現れた。 In 1990's, a new theory saying that Takasaka no Okimi agreed to the plot with Prince Oama preliminary and demanding ekirei was just excuse for contact or this was a creation of "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan) editor appeared.
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朝廷又は公家関与説は、足利義昭謀略説、「愛宕百韻」の連歌師里村紹巴との共同謀議説と揃って論証されることが多く、それだけに当時の歴史的資料も根拠として出されている。 The idea of a connection with the Emperor or the imperial family is often argued along with the idea of a plot by Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA and a plot involving Atago Hyakuin poet Jo-SATOMURA, using contemporary historical materials as proof.
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『百錬抄』が「成親卿已下密謀有るの由」、『愚管抄』が「成親、西光、俊寛ナド聚(あつま)リテヤウヤウノ議ヲシケルト云事ノ聞エケル」と記しており、平氏打倒の謀議があったことは事実と思われる。 In the "Hyakurensho" and "Gukansho" are statements that support the theory that Narichika conspired to subdue the Taira clan.
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この3日前には坂本龍馬が暗殺されているが、新選組はこの日の伊東派粛清の謀議のために坂本暗殺には関わる余裕が無かった、と証言している。 It is claimed that Ryoma SAKAMOTO was assassinated three days before, but since Shinsengumi was busy scheming to purge the ITO party, it is said that they did not have time to be involved in the assassination of SAKAMOTO.
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信西打倒のための武力蜂起計画が進行する過程で、伏見の自領を信頼の武芸の訓練のために提供するなど、深く謀議に関与している。 In the course of development of a plan for armed uprising to overthrow Shinzei, he was deeply involved in the plot as seen by the fact that he offered his fief in Fushimi to Nobuyori in exchange for being trained in martial arts.
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また、良蔵の母方の叔父にあたる人物で、豊前国本願寺末院を預かる僧玉暎が上京して勤王運動に携わっているのを聞き、その謀議に加わった。 Furthermore, he joined the conspiracy when he heard that Buddhist monk Gyokuei, an uncle on Ryozo's mother's side and a monk in charge of a subsidiary temple of Hongan-ji Temple in Buzen Province, was in Kyoto and was involved in the movement to revere the Emperor.
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天平宝字7年(763年)今毛人は藤原良継、石上宅嗣、大伴家持らと、当時、太師(太政大臣)となり専横を極めていた恵美押勝(藤原仲麻呂)の暗殺を謀議するが、密告により露見。 In 763, Imaemishi discussed the plan with FUJIWARA no Yoshitsugu, ISONOKAMI no Yakatsugu and OTOMO no Yakamochi to assassinate the tyrant Taishi (Grand Minister), EMI no Oshikatsu (FUJIWARA no Nakamaro); however, it did not succeed due to betrayal.
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吹負は別の留守司坂上熊毛と謀議して、吹負が高市皇子と偽って敵の本営に近づき、同時に熊毛と一部の倭漢直(倭漢氏)が内応するという計画を立てた。 Fukei cooperated with another Rusutsukasa of Yamato City, SAKANOUE no Kumage, and planned to go into the enemy's major camp pretending to be Takechi no Miko (Prince Takechi) by the leading of Kumage and some members of Yamatonoaya no Atai (the Yamatonoaya clan).
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延暦寺攻撃直前の6月1日、多田行綱が京都郊外の鹿ヶ谷で成親、西光、俊寛ら院近臣が集まり平氏打倒の謀議をしていたと密告した。 Immediately before the attack on the Enryaku-ji Temple in June 1, Yukitsuna TADA informed on cloistered government aides, Narichika, Saiko, and Shunkan, claiming that they had gathered in Shishigatani in suburban Kyoto to discuss toppling the Taira clan.
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また、君主や家長に対する忠義の遵守すること、集団で謀議を計ることや、許された宗教以外(邪宗門、はっきり言えばキリシタン)の禁止など、江戸幕府の政策を継承する内容となっている。 It also inherited the policy of Edo bakufu, including the observance of the loyality to the lord and patriarch and the prohibition of the conspiracy or unrecognized religions (sects, to be specific, Christianity).
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当時の公卿の日記にも同時期に起きた二つの乱について「謀を合わせ心を通じて」と記されており、当時、両者の共同謀議説はかなり疑われていたようである。 The diaries of the Kugyo (High Court nobles) at the time refer to the two rebellions of Masakado and Sumitomo as a consipiracy, so it seems that the conspiracy theory was widely believed in those days.
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実際には、両者の共同謀議の痕跡はなく、むしろ自らの地位向上を目指しているうちに武装蜂起に追い込まれてしまった色合いが強い。 In fact, there is no real evidence of such a conspiracy, but there is a strong probability that Masakado and Sumitomo were pushed to military action while trying to improve their social status.
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重盛にとって義兄の成親が平氏打倒の首謀者だったことは衝撃だったが、頼盛も謀議に加わっていた法勝寺執行・俊寛が妻・大納言局の兄弟だったことから、厳しい視線にさらされたものと見られる。 It came as a great shock to Shigemori that his brother in law, Narichika, was the leader of the plot to topple the Taira clan, and it seems that Yorimori also was subjected to close scrutiny due to the fact that Shunkan, Hossho-ji Temple executive, who was a brother of his wife, Dainagon no tsubone, was a party to the plot.
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謀議が事実であったかどうかは当時でも疑問視する向きが多く、西光と成親が清盛の呼び出しに簡単に応じていることから、平氏側(清盛)が院近臣勢力を潰すため、もしくは山門との衝突を回避するためにでっち上げた疑獄事件の可能性もある。 Whether there in fact were any secret plans was questioned even at that point and since Saiko and Narichika readily attended to Kiyomori's call, there is a possibility that it was a plot by the Taira clan (Kiyomori) to destroy close aides of the cloistered government or evade confrontation with the Sanmon.
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東京に入った愛宕主従は古賀・中村に誘われた秋田・久留米藩士や前述の堀内誠之進らと謀議を重ね、秋田藩内の同志に呼びかけて日光を占領し、更に東京に火を放って天皇を京都に連れ出す作戦を練った。 Otagi and his men arrived in Tokyo, and repeatedly plotted together with Seinoshin HORIUCHI and retainers of the Akita and Kurume clans, who were called by Koga and Nakamura, to occupy Nikko with help from the members from the Akita clan, setting fire to Tokiyo and taking the emperor to Kyoto.
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平氏政権下となると、行綱が鹿ケ谷の陰謀に加わりその謀議を密告したことで知られるが、この陰謀で行綱が藤原成親によって反平家の大将に据えられたのも多田荘の武力を背景とした行綱の力量を見込んでのことであった。 During the reign of the Taira clan, Yukitsuna who joined the Shishigatani Conspiracy and informed the conspiracy secretly to TAIRA no Kiyomori had been chosen as a leader of the army against the Taira clan by FUJIWARA no Narichika because Yukitsuna had military power in Tada Manors.
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なお、勧修寺晴豊の「日々記」では、天正十年夏記において、 六月十七日 天晴。早天ニ済藤蔵助ト申者明智者也。武者なる者也。かれなと信長打談合衆也。いけとられ車にて京中わたり申候。と光秀と朝廷側の人間が「信長ヲ打ツ」謀議(談合)を持っていたことと伺わせる記述がある。 In 'Nichinichiki' of Harutoyo KAJUJI, there is a description which hints that there was a plot (discussion) 'to overthrow Nobunaga' between Mitsuhide and persons form the Imperial Court as follows:June 17 (old calendar) FineIn early morning, Kuranosuke SAITO, who belonged to the Akechi clan and discussed about overthrowing Nobunaga, was caught and paraded through Kyoto.
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